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Police Powers Law Order and Accountability.docx

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Police Powers: Law, Order and Accountability Police Services Act MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. A civilian oversight agency’s involvement with a police service shall not extend to which of the following? a) investigative standards b) operational matters c) administrative guidelines d) investigative policies and procedures Answer: b 2. _______________________strikes a necessary balance between the need to establish accountability and to prevent any political group from controlling or interfering with the police in order to further their own self-interests. a) Civilian governance b) Societal expectations c) Constabulary independence d) Civilian oversight Answer: c 3. The ______________________________ is responsible for the overall governance of Ontario’s police services. This body advises and audits Ontario municipal police services and the OPP to ensure that adequate and effective services are provided and minimum policing standards are maintained a) Ontario Association of Police Services Boards b) Management Board of Cabinet c) Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police d) Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services Answer: d 4. The _______________________________ is an independent quasi-judicial civilian agency with a mandate to investigate matters related to the provision of policing services. a) Special Investigations Unit (SIU) b) Ontario Civilian Commission on Police Services (OCCPS) c) Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS) d) Office of the Chief Coroner (OCC) Answer: b 5. Communities having a population of 25,000 or more people are required to maintain a police services board comprising no less than __________ members. a) no less than two members b) no less than three members c) no less than five members d) no less than seven members Answer: c 6. Police officers involved in SIU criteria cases are either designated as ________________________ or ____________________________ . a) guilty or not guilty b) involved officers or uninvolved officers c) culpable or non-culpable d) subject officers or witness officers Answer: d 7. The Director of the Special Investigations Unit (SIU) is mandated to authorize criminal investigations into circumstances of incidents involving police and civilians that have resulted in ___________________, ___________________ or ___________________ to members of the public. a) physical, emotional or financial loss b) trauma, abuse or harassment c) serious injury, including sexual assault, or death d) permanent disfigurement, incapacitation or loss of limbs Answer: c 8. Where a Youth Court judge is satisfied on ex parte application that the young person is a danger to others and that publishing personal information about them is necessary to assist in apprehending the young person, they may issue a court order that authorizes the publication of the information. Such an order is only in effect for a _____________________ from the date it is made. a) 5 day period b) 7 day period c) 14 day period d) 30 day period Answer: a 9. The Chief of police may decide not to take any action regarding any complaint that he or she considers to be frivolous (not serious), vexatious (a petty annoyance), made in bad faith, or that is made more than ___________________ after the incident to which it relates. a) one month b) three months c) six months d) twelve months Answer: c 10. Non-perishable property, other than motor vehicles or bicycles, which come into the possession of a police service and which cannot be traced to an owner must be retained for a period of no less than ______________________. a) 30 days b) 60 days c) three months d) six months Answer: c TRUE / FALSE 11. Police services boards are forbidden to direct the chief of police on specific operational decisions or with respect to the day-to-day operations of the police service. a) True b) False Answer: True 12. Subject officers in SIU criteria investigations are required to complete full investigative notes regarding any incident they are involved with in accordance with their duty, and must provide copies of their notes at the request of the SIU. a) True b) False Answer: False 13. A Chief of Police may elect not to deal with a public complaint if the complainant was not directly affected by the incident that is the subject of the complaint. a) True b) False Answer: True 14. Perishable property that comes into the possession of a police service and which cannot be traced to an owner may be sold at any time. a) True b) False Answer: True 15. A police officer who is charged under a law of Canada or is suspected of misconduct may be suspended from duty without pay pending the disposition of any proceedings against them. a) True b) False Answer: False

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