Critical Reasoning Practice Test 1
Question 1
Happiness comes through the progressive realization of a worthy objective.
Which of the following is the best criticism of the above statement?
Happiness comes through excellence.
Happiness comes from within.
Success in any matter is not enough for happiness.
Happiness comes through the realization of any objective, worthy or otherwise.
Happiness does not mean the same for everyone.
Correct Answer : E
The speaker gives a definite view about happiness. He does not use terms to suggest that happiness could mean this for some. He does not consider that people differ from each other in their viewpoints. He makes a general statement which is not applicable for everyone. Also it is not necessary that each person has an objective to realize, however important or unimportant. Thus we can say that E is the best answer option.
Question 2
A financial genius is someone who manages to earn more than his family can spend.
Which of the following is closest in meaning to the above sentence?
People tend to spend more than they can afford to.
One should earn as much as one needs to spend.
A financial genius is one who can manage his own personal finances well.
Only the earning members of a family are bothered about expenses.
A financial genius is one who can save a little of his earnings.
Correct Answer : E
The sentence concentrates on who a financial genius is. It is a sort of definition of a financial genius. Thus we consider only C and E and reject the rest. Out of C and E, we can say that E is the best answer option. The sentence explains that a financial genius is one who can earn more than his family can spend. In other words he can save a little bit of money. This is explained in E. In C managing personal finances is mentioned. This does not refer to how he manages. Also the word 'personal' could imply only the person concerned and not his family members. Thus we can not consider that it conveys the same meaning as the above sentence does.
Question 3
Coming late for class, to a party, a movie or anything else is not just fashionable, but has become a habit these days.
Which of the following statements does the above give maximum support to?
People come late for every important meeting now-a-days.
People come late for gaining importance.
People are not so bothered about coming late these days.
Being punctual is out of fashion.
Being punctual is no more given credit to.
Correct Answer : C
The above mentioned examples are not those related with important meetings and hence we reject A.
The author mentions that being late is a habit; hence we can not say that people came late to gain importance. Hence we reject B.
Out of the remaining three options C is the best answer option. The author does not discuss being unpunctual as a fashion and hence we can not say that being punctual is not a fashion anymore. Also, there is no support in the sentence for saying that being punctual is not credited. Only being late is discussed here and no comment can be made on how important being punctual is. Thus C is the best answer option.
Question 4
I could no longer see the corruption going on in the company and finally I decided to speak up against it, though I knew it would be risky.
Which of the following about the speaker is shown from the sentence?
Correct Answer : D
Clearly E is not the correct answer option and hence we reject it.
Also C is not a suitable answer option.
Out of the remaining three we select D as the best answer option. The speaker could be truthful and honest in his own work and still be contended. What lead him to speaking up against the corruption in the company was that he felt a sense of responsibility towards his employers and hence he wanted to tell them about the reality. Thus we can say that it was 'responsibility' that lead him to take the risky step and this aspect of the speaker is clear from the above words. Hence D is the best answer option.
Question 5
You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
What does the speaker of the above sentence mean to imply?
People will not change until you do.
If you set an example, others will follow.
For making a difference in others, make a difference in yourself first.
Every reform starts at home.
You must behave with others the way you want them to behave with you.
Correct Answer : B
The speaker is not talking about reforms. Reforms are of many types and thus we can not consider D as a suitable answer option. The speaker is also not talking about the behaviour of people towards us. He is just talking about the changes required in the world regarding any aspect and not in particular their behaviour. Hence we reject E. Out of the remaining three options we can say that the speaker means to imply B. He tells the listener that if he wishes to change the world he must set an example by changing himself and people will follow his example. B is a step ahead of C. And A is not what the speaker means to convey. Hence we consider B as the best answer option.
Question 6
“It totally depends on the situation – if it's a professional occasion or if you're meeting someone for the first time, then being late is totally unacceptable.”
What is the best suited inference one can draw from the above sentence?
The speaker is very professional.
The speaker is conscious about being punctual.
The speaker is punctual according to the occasion.
The speaker does not give much importance to being punctual when meeting friends.
The speaker dislikes those who are late for professional occasions.
Correct Answer : D
Clearly the speaker is talking about different situations. He is trying to say when being punctual is really important. And in doing so he is emphasizing on the fact that professional matters can not be taken lightly and demand punctuality. We can not conclude about the speaker's personal reactions from the above statement. What we can say is that the speaker has not given much importance to being unpunctual when one has to meet friends, since this is not talked about. Hence D is the best answer option.
Question 7
In an attempt to deliver as much information as possible about themselves, applicants sometimes answer questions at length and stray from the topic.
Why is the above behaviour unacceptable?
The applicants end up seeming nervous.
The applicants sound self-centered.
The interviewer is not interested in the talks of the applicant.
The applicant does not remain precise.
The applicant seems to be bragging.
Correct Answer : B
The interviewers are not interested in the candidate alone. They want to see how he will be able to handle the duties assigned to him. Thus they will be interested in listening to him so that they can interpret more about him. Hence we reject C. The interviewers would like to probe the applicant in order to learn more about him, thus it is likely that they do not want precise answers. Thus we reject D. It is not always a sign of nervousness that this type of behaviour shows. Hence we reject A. Bragging is not as harmful as being self-centered is when the future of the company is considered. If the candidate is self-centered it is likely that he has problems in the future when he has to work as a team member or take orders from others. Thus this behaviour is not acceptable. Hence B is the best answer option.
Question 8
Ann- Your son is very intelligent.
Mary- Yes, he always gets the first position in his class.
What does Mary infer from Ann's comment?
That her son is good in studies.
That her son is an all-rounder.
That intelligence is measured according to the position in class.
That her son is better than others of his class.
That marks are a measure of intelligence.
Correct Answer : A
B is clearly wrong. Hence we reject it.
There is no comparison being drawn between the child and others in his class. Neither does Ann seem to mean that nor does Mary seem to interpret that. Hence we reject D.
Ann does not make any comment on intelligence. She is discussing Mary's son. And Mary also only talks about her son. Hence we can not say that Mary thinks either of B and E. Mary instead thinks that Ann is trying to say that her son is good in studies. She thinks Ann means that her son is intelligent and thus good in studies. Hence we can say that A is the best answer option.
Question 9
Indulge yourself, eat well; after all, you will live only once.
Which of the following statements does the above paragraph give maximum support to?
People should not bother about eating a proper diet.
People should be carefree about eating.
People bother a lot about what they eat.
People do not eat well.
That one life is not enough for eating.
Correct Answer : C
Clearly E is not correct and hence we reject it.
The speaker says that one should eat well, thus implying that one should eat a proper diet. Hence we reject A. The speaker is not discussing about what should be eaten and what should not be eaten. He is simply trying to say that one should not think so much and just indulge. Hence we can not say that D is correct. Also he does say that we should eat well, thus we can not say that we must be carefree about eating. On the other hand the speaker is trying to tell that one should not be so bothered about what he is eating and one must eat well and indulge. Thus we can say that C is the best answer option.
Question 10
Sometimes it is very difficult to see what is going on in the other person's mind. In such situations it gets difficult to communicate.
What can be inferred about the speaker of the above sentence?
The speaker is conscious about what he speaks.
The speaker does not want to hurt anyone.
The speaker prefers to keep quiet than to say something wrong.
The speaker gives importance to other people's views.
The speaker finds it difficult to communicate with strangers.
Correct Answer : C
It is clear that the speaker is sensitive towards the views or rather the state of mind of the other person. He wants to know what the other person is thinking about before saying something, while communicating. Also we know that if he is not able to judge the other person he finds it difficult to communicate. Hence we can say that he would keep quite in such a situation. Thus C is the best answer option.
Question 11
The City Social Work Club organized a bicycle rally in the city from The City Circle to the Edge Road. The participants were mostly young members of the club. The rally was aimed at promoting awareness about pollution in general and vehicular pollution in particular. The concept of the rally was to bring home the idea that the humble bicycle is not only a non-polluting means of transport but also worked wonders for one's health. The rally culminated in a street play which emphasized the causes of motor vehicular pollution and its effects on health.
Which of the following statements is the most suitable assumption of the organizers?
Actions speak louder than words.
Young people can influence the society
Consciousness about environment pollution needs to be increased
Environment pollution can be controlled
we need a pollution free environment and a healthy lifestyle
Correct Answer : E
Since the organizers also performed a street play we can say that they did not only set an example but they planned to influence the public in a more definite way. Hence we can not say that they only set an example by actions. Thus they do not assume that actions are louder than words. Hence, we reject A. The participants were young people but this did not aim at anything in particular. The paragraph does not hint at how the participation of young people made an impact. Hence we can not say that B is a correct assumption and reject it. C, D and E seem to be the likely answers and we need to choose the best answer. It is clear form the paragraph that the organizers intended to spread awareness not only about cycle being eco-friendly but also about the health benefits of cycling. Thus we can say that E is the most suitable answer option.
Question 12
Parents are now a days very liberal about giving pocket money to their children. Unlike before every school and college going child is now given pocket money, irrespective of the economic background. With an increase in the concept of style among youngsters there is an increase in their needs. Moreover they do not want to give answers to the queries of their parents when they have to buy something for themselves. Parents too are giving in to the demands of their children without much resistance. This was not the case some ten years back when parents were against giving pocket money to children.
Which of the following is the most suitable criticism of the above mentioned trend?
parents should be aware of how their children spend money
children grow up to become spendthrift if they start spending at a young age
giving pocket money spoils the habits of children
parents should be conscious of the long term consequences of giving pocket money to children
school going children should not require pocket money as their parents can fulfill their demands
Correct Answer : D
The paragraph does not imply that parents are careless and they do not know what their children are spending money on. It only mentions that parents are willing to give money and children do not like to take their opinion on where they spend. But this does not imply that parents are unaware. Hence, A is wrong. Since the amount of money given to children is not mentioned, nor is it mentioned that they are extravagant we can not say that they will become spendthrift later on in life. Hence we reject B. The paragraph does not only talk of school going children but also of college going children. Hence we can not accept E as a suitable criticism. From among C and D, D is the best criticism of the paragraph. Giving pocket money to children can have serious long term influences on a child. That is what the parents should be conscious about. Moreover since they are giving in to the demands of their children it is likely that they are unaware of how it will have an impact on their future. Also C is a general statement and hence we reject C. Correct answer option is D.
Question 13
You don't see donkeys laughing; you don't see buffaloes enjoying a joke. It is only man who can enjoy a joke, who can laugh. Without laughter a man is like a tree without flowers. But the society needs serious people: Presidents, Prime Ministers, Vice-Chancellors, Professors, Popes, and Shankaracharyas, all kinds of priests, teachers, and commissioners. Everybody has to be serious. If they have a sense of humour they will become human. They are expected to be just like machines.
Which of the following is the most suitable criticism of the above mentioned idea?
Humour has to be a part of life and not life itself
Politicians should be serious men who can shoulder the responsibilities of a country
Public figures need to have a control over their sense of humour
If one is conscious of his behaviour in public it does not mean that he is not human
It is not possible to joke on every occasion
Correct Answer : D
The author emphasizes on the fact that a person should laugh as sense of humour is innate in humans. Further he says that people who can influence the society and are political and religious leaders of a society are not expected to have a sense of humour by others. He does not anywhere say that humour should be life itself and hence A is not suitable criticism.
The author does not target the seriousness of politicians alone. Also he tries to say that if these people display their humorous side they will not be accepted by society. He does not say that these people should become less serious towards their work and that is the idea that B opposes. Hence it is not a suitable criticism. C, D and E all criticize the author's claim. The author is somewhere drawing a comparison between humans and animals in the beginning of the paragraph. Towards the end he says that since political, social and religious leaders do not laugh and remain serious they are not humans. This claim of the author is criticized in D. Hence, D is the correct answer option.
Question 14
As the streets of Montclair filled with people running errands at noon on a Sunday, 12 people were having a lower-key outing at Starseed Yoga. More and more people stressed by the hamster wheel that is their daily lives, are discovering that they can indeed change their approach, or at least give it a shot. They are taking yoga classes like never before, seeking to reduce stress before heading back to work.
What is the most likely reason for the increasing popularity of yoga?
People are more stressed than before and need to relax
In order to handle competition in their workplaces people want to increase their efficiency through yoga
People try to bring about more peace in their lives
People need to rejuvenate their energies before starting work every Monday
People want to relax on weekends through yoga
Correct Answer : D
The author does not draw a comparison between the levels of stress now and before and hence we can not say that people are more stressed now than they were before. Hence we reject A.
Similarly the author does not mention that increasing competition at work places is the reason why people are practicing yoga. Hence, we reject B.
C, D and E are all likely answers. The author tries to emphasize on the point that people attend yoga classes during the weekends. He says that they want to reduce stress for starting work again. Hence we can say that people intend to rejuvenate themselves before starting work on Mondays. Hence, D is the best answer option.
Question 15
One problem found when teaching skills online is learners' lack of opportunity for skill practice. The online learning environment is deficient in face-to-face interaction, and opportunities for self-regulation make it difficult to ensure learners practice skills despite the positive effects of such practice on skill improvement.
Which of the following is the most suitable solution to the problem?
Advanced technology can be used so that the teacher and learner can face each other at fixed timings
Online teaching can be supplemented with classes where the teachers and students can interact
Better software should be developed to give enough practice of the skill
Self regulation techniques should be made more advanced
Methods should be developed for the regular and efficient on-line assessment of the skills by experts
Correct Answer : E
Some skills need more than face-to-face interaction in order to be practiced and assessed. Hence, A will not solve the problem. Most on-line teachers and students are not located in the same city and at times they aren't even in the same country. Hence there can not be a system for organizing classes for the students and teachers to interact. Hence we reject B. It is not just the practice of the skill but also the assessment that poses a problem. Without proper assessment practice is useless as the development can not be monitored. Hence, C is not sufficient. From among D and E, E is a more useful solution. With regular and efficient assessment techniques which give the opinion of experts we can hope to give proper feedback to students who can then make the required improvements. E is the best solution.