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FRx Report Design.docx

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FRx Report Design QUESTION 1 FRx comes with predefined font styles. To modify these styles or add your own, you may access the Font Styles menu by selecting: Edit, Font Styles from the catalog Report Options tab, Headers/Footers, Edit Font Styles in the catalog Format, Font Styles from the Column Layout Format, Font Styles from the Row Format Answer: A,B,D QUESTION 2 You are modifying a report to enable XBRL output. Which changes are required? Change the output type to XBRL Instance Document An an XBRL link to the Row Format Add the related tag to each account and calculated row in the Row Format Export the report to Excel and add the XBRL tags Answer: A,B,C QUESTION 3 In an existing reporting unit, question marks (???) exist in Column G for a specific segment of the account mask. What do these symbols mean? This segment of the account mask is unknown and must be corrected before the reporting tree is used This segment will contain summarized data from the child tree units This segment of the account mask is defined in the Row Format This segment will contain summarized data from the general ledger Answer: D QUESTION 4 The Row Format supports up to 19 links. Which of the following is not a valid link type? GL+Worksheet General Ledger XBRL GL+AP Answer: D QUESTION 5 You would like to sort the expense section of your report from highest to lowest. Which of the following options or fields require definition in the Row Format? Format Code, Related Rows, Column Edit - Sort Parameters Setup - Sort Parameters Format Code, Related Rows, Column, Enable Sort Answer: A QUESTION 6 The Reporting Unit field in the Column Layout is designed to? Restrict the data in a column to a unit of a Reporting Tree Restrict the data in a column to units predefined in the General Ledger Allow for selection of unit accounts used in statistical reporting in that column Restrict the data in the Column Layout to multiple Reporting Trees Answer: A QUESTION 7 You have added additional text to the text1 field (column Z) for each unit of the Reporting Tree and would like to add this text into the rows of the report. Which code will you enter in column B of the Row Format? @T1 @TREE#1 @TEXT1 @UNITT1 Answer: D QUESTION 8 You are designing a report that requires data for a given row be placed in specific columns of the completed report. Which of the following is not a valid example of specific column placement using the CAL Format Code on Row 100? D=D100 E TO G=B210 TO D210 B=E130, C=F130, D=G130 B=100, C=C250/D250 Answer: A QUESTION 9 Placing a 'C' in the Normal Balance column of the Row Format will do what? Reverse the sign of credit balance accounts so they display as a positive number Reverse the sign on any TOT row from their normal balnce Has no effect on TOT rows unless the XCR print control is used in the column layout. Reverse the sign of debit balance accounts so they display as a negative number Answer: A,C,D QUESTION 10 FRx security is an optional setup procedure that allows definition of users and groups of users. Once defined, user and group security can be assigned as needed. Where is security activated? Company menu, Security option Admin menu, Security option Company menu, Setup, FRx Security Admin menu, Organization, FRx Security Answer: D QUESTION 11 How do you add a bold horizontal line, separating the Assets from the Liabilities and Eqiuty section of your Balance Sheet design? Use the LNE Format Code with TYPE=2 in the description of the Row Format This is the default display for a Balance Sheet, it may be suppressed by deselecting the Report Options tab, Formatting tab, Line in Balance Sheet Select Setup, Design, Balance Sheet and the "separating line" option Use the Underscore Format Code with a bold font style in the Row Format Answer: A QUESTION 12 You are designing a departmental report that will pull actual results from the general ledger in one column and budget data from an external worksheet in another column. How many links will be required in the Row Format? One - GL+Worksheet link At least three - one GL, One External Worksheet, one Combined GL+WKS One GL link, plus an external link for each department included in the tree At least two - one GL, one External Worksheet Answer: D QUESTION 13 You would like to design a multi company consolidation report. Each company is defined separately in the general ledger. Which building blocks are required in this design? Row and column are required, tree is optional Row, column, tree and optional consolidation module are required Row, column and tree are required Each company may be reported on separtely, however consolidations must be performed in a spreadsheet program Answer: C QUESTION 14 The default column width for DESC type columns in the Column Layout is 30 characters. How do you modify this setting? Enter the desired width in the Formatting tab of the catalog Enter the desired number of characters in the Column Width field in the Column Layout Drag the DESC column to the desired width in the Column Layout and save the change Enter the desired number of characters in the Setup, Column Design window of the Column Layout Answer: B QUESTION 15 Which symbol is used by the Add Rows from Chart of Accounts function to define the segment you wish to build on? & + # ? Answer: A QUESTION 16 You have designed a report linking to spreadsheet data. What is the proper formatting when linking to a specific tab (or worksheet) of a workbook? [FILENAME.XLS]TAB NAME {FILENAME.XLS}TAB NAME FILENAME,XLS{TAB NAME} D. FILENAME.XLS[TAB NAME] Answer: A QUESTION 17 The @TITLE code is included by default in the header of a new Catalog. What text will print in the completed report when accepting this default? Catalog Description Company Name (Tree - column B) Unit Code (Tree - Column C) Report Title from Reporting Tree (Tree - column D) Answer: D QUESTION 18 You are designing a Row Format that will link to external worksheet data. Which of the following is not a valid cell reference for a External Worksheet link type? B=B4,C=B5,D=B6 A5/CPO D=B4+B5+B5 B10/RPO Answer: C QUESTION 19 Which of the following is FALSE regarding the padlock feature in FRx Designer? All padlocks items can be opened or locked using the Admin, Padlock, Open All or Lock All options Any row, column, tree or catalog can be padlocked Padlocking is available independently of the user and group security options Padlocking a catalog does not lock its building blocks Answer: A QUESTION 20 Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding Row Linking in report design? A Row Format can link to both the GL and another Row Format Text labels must be used in place of the numberic row codes None of the above A Reporting Tree is an optional component Answer: A QUESTION 21 When using the Edit, Add Rows from Chart of Accounts function, you can: Build the Row Format on any combination of single or multiple characters and/or segments within the account mask Choose from predefined Account Sets Build the Row Format based on Natural accounts Build the Row Format on any single segment of the account mask Answer: A,C,D QUESTION 22 You would like to delete a Row Format. Which of the following is a true statement regarding this action? A Row Format can only be deleted if it is not being used in a Catalog A Row Format can be deleted by selecting File, Delete, Row Format Once deleted a Row Format can be retrieved by compacting the specification set If FRx security is activated, then only an administrator can delete a Row Format Answer: B QUESTION 23 When a Row Code is referenced in column H (the Link To column) of the Row Format , you are: Relating the row to a printing row in the same Row Format Suppressing the printing of the referenced row Assigning the Row Code as the label for the row Linking to another Row Format Answer: D QUESTION 24 You would like to add security to a DrillDown Viewer (.FRD) report. How is this done? Activate FRx security and enter a password under the Admin, Security, Catalog menu Enter a password in the catalog output options tab Security is activated by default and must be disabled in the catalog output options tab when not desired A Reporting Tree is required, with security information (column P) entered for each unit Answer: B QUESTION 25 You would like to format your report to display whole dollars. Where are the rounding options found? Building Blocks tab, Rounding options Report Options tab, Formatting tab Setup, Rounding options Output tab, Formatting tab Answer: B QUESTION 26 Your GL account mask is Center-Natural-Dept (3-4-2). Which of the following is a valid Account Filter in the Column Layout, when filtering department 00 of the third segment? +++-++++-00 ###-&&&&-00 ???-&&&&-00 ???-????-00 Answer: D QUESTION 27 The provisional setting in the catalog allows users to define which of the following options? Posted balances only Posted+Unposted activity Transaction only Financial Report Answer: A,B QUESTION 28 Reports may be automatically printed during report generation by selecting which of the following options? Catalog menu, Print Immediately option File menu, Print Catalog option Print immediately on the Output options tab Printer as the output type on the Output options tab Answer: C,D QUESTION 29 A GL type column in the Column Layout reads 1 TO 3 in the Period Code field. What data will be reported in this column assuming a 12 period fiscal year of July-June and a Base Period of 4? A summary of January through March activity A summary of July through October activity October activity only A summary of July through September activity Answer: D QUESTION 30 You would like to place a box around specific rows of data in one column of your report. How do you define the box parameters? In the Row Format, select BXB & BXC to begin and complete box at the desired rows & restrict the display to the proper column using column G In the Column Layout select Setup, Formatting, Box & in the Row Format use the BXB and BXC codes to define the beginning & close points In the Column Layout select Setup, Formatting, Box for the desired column The the Row Format, select the BOX option and define the related beginning, closing and column settings Answer: A QUESTION 31 Which of the following can be published to the optional FRx WebPort? DrillDown Viewer (.FRD) Adobe (.PDF) Microsoft Word (.DOC) Microsoft Excel (.XLS) Answer: A,B,C,D QUESTION 32 You have previously created a report pulling data from both the general ledger and two external spreadsheets (WKS1 & WKS2). A new department has been added to the general ledger, and data related to this department was added to one of the existing spreadsheets, below the data currently included in reports. What steps must be taken to update the report? Add a new worksheet link (WKS3)and related cell references to the Row Format Add a new GL link and related new department to the Row Format Add a new unit to the Reporting Tree, with the related department, worksheet file and link information Add a new GL+Worksheet link to report on both the department and it's related worksheet information in the Row Format Answer: A,C QUESTION 33 Security is an optional component in FRx Designer. When activated, which of the following cannot be secured to the user or group level? Account Sets Row Formats Catalogs Companies Answer: A QUESTION 34 The Print Control option XCR is used in the Column Layout for which type of columns when defining variance reports? GL CALC GL and WKS GL and CALC Answer: B QUESTION 35 GL type columns in the Column Layout refer to a Book Code/Attribute Category. Which of the following are valid statements regarding Book Codes? Book Codes define buckets or categories of data. Book Codes are defined in the General Ledger Book Codes may be assigned to specific users when security is active in FRx Book Codes are defined during the installation of FRx Answer: A,B QUESTION 36 Which file extensions can be opened by the FRx DirllDown Viewer? TDB G32 FRD F32 Answer: C QUESTION 37 Which of the following is a required column type in the Column Layout? None of the above, no column type is required ACCT CALC DESC Answer: D QUESTION 38 The default base period in the Report Date of a Catalog is set to CUR. What date will the report be generated for? The period defined as current in the Setup, Defaults The period defined in the Column Layout, Base Period The current month as defined by the operating system date The current period in the General Ledger Answer: D QUESTION 39 A general ledger index is a file that contains general ledger specific information, such as the chart of accounts or calendar setup. Which of the following is not a valid statement regarding the GL index? The GL index can be deleted and rebuilt Deleting the GL index while running a report could cause the report to error Selecting "Rebuild FRx GL indexes" from the Report Date will update the existing file with changes, it does not delete the existing file first All users must exit the system when rebuilding the GL index Answer: D QUESTION 40 When a font style is applied to a row, and a different font style is applied to a column, which font style will display at the intersection of these two points? Either the row or the column font will display, as defined in the Formatting tab of the catalog The font style applied to the Column The font displayed in the column will display, unless the Advanced tab of the catalog is set to rows override columns" The font style applied to the Row Answer: B QUESTION 41 When generating a report using a Reporting Tree, you would like to automatically run a single parent unit within the tree. Which of the following must be defined? Set the reporting unit selection to "include specific number of levels" and enter 0 for the "levels down from starting unit" on the Tree Options tab Set the desired unit as the "starting unit" on the building blocks tab Select the "starting unit" option in the Reporting Tree for the specific unit Set the reporting unit selection to "include specific number of levels" and enter 1 for the "levels down from starting unit" on the Tree Options tab Answer: A,B QUESTION 42 You would like to display a currency symbol on the last row of your report. How would you define this? Select the CS option from the Setup menu in the Row Format Add a CS Print Control to the desired row in the Row Format Add a special format mask containing a currency symbol to the desired row in the Row Format Select 'Currency symbol on last row' from the Setup menu in the Catalog Answer: B,C QUESTION 43 Account Sets in the Row Format are: A standard option available in FRx Predefined in FRx, though they can be modified Available only if supported in the related General Ledger Only available with the Account Set add-on Answer: A QUESTION 44 Column G of the Reporting Tree contains the general ledger account mask, in basic reporting this mask is generally displayed on which tree unit(s)? All reporting tree units require an account mask Child units The top level summary unit Parent and child units, but not the top summary unit Answer: B QUESTION 45 You want to present beginning of the year, GL balances in a column of your report. Which option in the Current Per/YTD field of the Column Layout is used? YTD/BB Y/BB BB /Y-BB Answer: A QUESTION 46 A Reporting Tree contains both parent and child units, with the child units rolling up to, or being summarized in the parent units. Parent tree units can do which of the following in addition to summarizing data: Reference a specific Row Format Contain an account mask that references the general ledger Apply a font style to that tree unit only Link to an external worksheet Answer: A,B,D QUESTION 47 Entering TYPE=2 in the Description Column (Column B) of a row format will create a thick line when used with these Format Codes? DES CEN LNE BXB and BXC Answer: C,D QUESTION 48 Which of the following are true statements regarding CALC type columns in the Column Layout? Calc Formulas must refer to each column individually (B+C+D), ranges (B TO D) are not valid. Calc Formulas may refer to each column individually (B+C+D) or ranges (B TO D). Calc Formulas may refer to specific row and column intersections (C*B130) Any non-printing columns (NP in Print Control) will not be included when using a range in the Calc Formula. Answer: B,C,D QUESTION 49 The Period Code field in a column layout contains BASE-2 TO BASE. This report will run without error for which fiscal periods? 4 3 5 2 Answer: A,B,C QUESTION 50 The "effective dates" setting on the Building Blocks tab of the Catalog is designed to: Allow for automatic selection of rows, columns or trees based on the reporting period or date Delete the output file as of the run date Add the run date to the report header Define the dates the catalog can be generated Answer: A QUESTION 51 Special format masks can be applied to all of the following EXCEPT: General Ledger rows in the Row Format GL type columns in the Column Layout CALC columns in the Column Layout TOT rows in the Row Format Answer: A QUESTION 52 At a high level Reporting Trees can be used for? To restrict a Row to a specific Unit of a Reporting Tree To create different views (or sets of reports) for an organization To create Side by Side comparisons in the Column Layout To Consolidate separate Companies and or Data Bases Answer: A,B,C,D QUESTION 53 Which of the following cannot be added to a report when linking to an external worksheet? Data from more than one workbook/worksheet Text contained in the workbook/worksheet Statistical data contained in the workbook/worksheet Calculated cells in the workbook/worksheet Answer: B QUESTION 54 A GL type column contains the Print Control P>B. In which scenario would this print contol be used? To include Posted balances in a report To control the printing of columns based upon the report date To restrict a column to Balance Sheet only usage To insert a Page Break in the column layout Answer: B QUESTION 55 One row of a row format contains the full account code which is causing duplication of amounts in the parent Reporting Unit. What additional step must be taken to eliminate duplicaiton of data for the row that contains the full account code? Select "Use row formats and worksheet links from reporting tree" in the catalog Select SR in the Print Control of the tree Select SR in the Print Control of the row Select XR in the Print Control of the row Answer: D QUESTION 56 Which of the following is an invalid Calc Formula when column D is defined as a CALC type column in the Column Layout? C*BASE C/BASE C/CBR B+(C*C130) Answer: C QUESTION 57 Using the FRx Currency Translation Module which of the following is possible? Each FRx company can have it's own currency conversion rate tables Translate from a base currency to a converted currency using triangulation methods Read native exchange rates from an external website Translate from a base currency to a converted currency Answer: A,B,D QUESTION 58 When designing a report that includes a Reporting Tree, which of the following options are available when using the File, Send option in the DrillDown Viewer? Send specific units of the tree Send the entire tree Send units to recipients listed in the Reporting Tree DrillDown Viewer reports can only be emailed from the catalog Answer: A,B QUESTION 59 Your Row Format contains a GL+Worksheet link. Which of the following is not a valid cell reference for that link type? @WKS (B10) @WKS (B=A10,D=A15)/CPO @WKS(B=B5,C=B6) @WKS"B=B5, C=B6" Answer: D QUESTION 60 The Related Rates/Rows/Units column (Column D) of the Row Format can be used for all of the following, except? A. Suppress printing of format rows such as DES and === Define a Row Modifier for a GL row To specify formulas on TOT and CAL rows Restrict a GL row to a specific unit of a Reporting Tree Answer: B QUESTION 61 When designing a Row Format using the optional Currency Translation Module, which of the following is not a true statement? Using the CCHIST Format Code requires selection of the related rate ID Once selected, a CC Format Code is in effect for all subsequent rows, unless CCX is selected to suppress the translation Using the CCAVG Format Code requires selection of the related calculation method All rows must have a related CC (currency conversion) Format Code Answer: D QUESTION 62 Users of the optional Report Manager can design Report Books that contain various file types. Which of the following is valid for inclusion in a Report Book? FRx Designer catalog ID Adobe (.PDF) Microsoft Word (.DOC) DrillDown Viewer (.FRD) Answer: A,B,C,D QUESTION 63 Row Codes may be up to 16 characters and are used to indentify the rows in a Row Format. A Row Code may: Be text Be numeric Be used multiple times in a single row format Include special characters Answer: A,B QUESTION 64 The @RUNIT code in the catalog header or footer will print related data from the Reporting Tree. Which column(s) data will display when using this code? Only Column C - Unit Code Only Column Z - Additional Text Both Columns B and C - Company and Unit Code Both Columns C and D - Unit Code and Title/Description Answer: C QUESTION 65 The default import and export path is to the IO_Data directory. If you would like to send the completed file (report) to your desktop, where can you update the path? The output path can be defined under File, Output The output path can be defined as part of the file name on the Output Options tab of the catalog Company wide import and export path defaults are defined under Company Information, FRx System Information tab The default path cannot be modified, though the completed file can be cut and pasted to the desired location Answer: B,C QUESTION 66 You would like to define a Row Format using segments one and two of a four segment account mask. What is the proper syntax entered in Column H, the Link to General Ledger column? Enter the two segments without any segment separators This is not supported Enter the two segments with a '-' segment separator Enter the two segments with a '+' segment separator Answer: A QUESTION 67 You have a Column Layout using the variable header code @MONTH. What field must be defined in the detail section of the Column Layout to support this code? Base Period Period Code Report Date Fiscal Year Answer: B QUESTION 68 You would like to add the date your report is generated to the footer of the Catalog. Which Header/Footer code is used for this feature? @PDATE @TXTPER @TXTDATE @GDATE Answer: A QUESTION 69 You would like to compute the result of row 100 multiplied by the value 100. Which Format Code and related formula would you use? SUM @100*100 TOT 100*100 CAL @100*100 CAL @100*@100 Answer: C QUESTION 70 You are designing a report that contains only the Department segment in the Row Format. Which building blocks are required in this report? Row, column and tree, with "Natural in column" selected in the tree Row and column, with "Natural in column" selected in the row Row and column are required, tree is optional Row, column and tree Answer: D QUESTION 71 Reporting Trees can have security for individual units defined in column P. Where do you go to select the "disable tree security" option? Column P - Tree security and E-mail dialog box Select "disable tree security" from the Generate Report options Tree options tab in the catalog Tree - Security menu Answer: C QUESTION 72 Using the Row Modifier of ,/BB in the Row Format does what? Pull Begininng Balance for the year, if the column type is GL, Act, Base, Base, YTD Pull budget code of BB from the general ledger Pull Beginning Balance of the prior period, if the column type is GL, Act, Base, Base, Cur D. Pull year to date activity for accounts defined as type 1 Answer: A,C QUESTION 73 A report is designed to pull in amounts from a spreadsheet, using a Combined Worksheet Link in the Row Format. The spreadsheet is set up with data in Column C where period one is on row 5, period 2 on row 6, period 3 on row 7 and so on. What is the correct syntax in the row format to automate pulling the correct amounts into column C of the report? @WKS(C=C4)/CPO @WKS(C=C4)/RPO @WKS(C=C5)/RPO @WKS(C=B4)/CPO Answer: B QUESTION 74 Reports are generated by default to the DrillDown Viewer. From the DDV you may additionally: Print all or specific pages of the report Export and print a copy at the same time using print immediately Insert the .FRD file into an existing Report Book Export the report to Excel Answer: A,D QUESTION 75 A Special Format Mask will work in combination with which of the following Format Codes? TOT or CAL CAL only TOT only Special Format Masks are only available in the Column Layout Answer: A QUESTION 76 Which of the following are required in order to generate a Catalog? Catalog description Reporting Tree Column Layout Row Format Answer: C,D QUESTION 77 Which of the following is not a valid format option for headers in the Column Layout? Wrap Text Underline (Dots) Box Thick Underline Answer: A QUESTION 78 You would like to display the data in a single column of your Column Layout in a bold font. How would you format this? Select a bold font from the Font Styles list while the cursor is in the Type field of the desired column Select the column to display as bold in the Format Options Select Display Options for the desired column and choose Bold While in the header section of the desired column, select a bold font from Font Styles Answer: A QUESTION 79 In the Reporting Tree you see ampersands or hooks (&&&) in a given segment of the account mask. What do these symbols mean? You would like to build the tree on this segment, by "hooking" the accounts from the general ledger. This segment of the account mask will contain roll up information from the child units This segment of the account mask is defined in the Row Format The ampersands function as wildcards Answer: C QUESTION 80 You would like to permanently update the default report date to read "For the period ending...", instead of the default "For the month ending...". How is this setting modified? A. Define the desired text in the header of the Column Layout. Define the desired text on the system information tab under Company Information Define the desired text under Edit, Periods and Dates in the catalog Entered the desired text in the Periods and Dates dialog box in the catalog Answer: B QUESTION 81 The specification set is a file that stores the design specifications of your rows, columns, trees and catalogs. Which of the following is a valid specification set file name? FRxDEMO.F32 FRxDEMO.G32 FRxDEMO.FRD FRxDEMO.MDB Answer: A QUESTION 82 When including account details in a report, you can optionally sub-total when drilling down. The sub-total funtion in the DrillDown Viewer is found where? File menu, Detail setup View menu, Subtotals option Sub-total options are defined in the Column Layout View menu, details option Answer: B QUESTION 83 By design, Reporting Tree child units rollup data to parent units in the tree. Which print control option will suppress this rollup of data for a given row of the report? SR in the Reporting Tree SR in the Row Format XR in the Reporting Tree XR in the Row Format Answer: D QUESTION 84 When selecting the Formatted Excel (Excel via OLE) output option, which additional options may be defined on the Output Options tab? Export Formulas Activate Workbook Generate DrillDown Viewer file Chain to catalog ID Answer: A,B,D QUESTION 85 You would like to view subtotals in the DrillDown Viewer. Which of the following Detail Level will enable this functionality? Account only Transactions only Financial and Transaction Financial only Answer: A,B,C QUESTION 86 A Row Format is specified in column I of the Reporting Tree. Which of the following is a true statement regarding a tree designed in this way. The Reporting Tree may only be used in catalogs using the same Row Format When one unit in the tree references a Row Format, all units in the tree should also reference a Row Format Row Formats can only be specified in a Reporting Tree when Row Linking is being used A Reporting Tree can only reference a single Row Format in its design Answer: B QUESTION 87 Which of the following statements regarding Report Launcher is inaccurate? Reporting catalogs are displayed by company Users can override the detail level defined in the catalog Users can mix and match from existing building blocks after selecting a catalog Users can select from the same output options listed in Report Designer Answer: C QUESTION 88 Which of the following can be accomplished using the FRx DrillDown Viewer? Automatically center the report output Export to an ASCII text file Change the column width of a specific column Export the report to an Excel Pivot Table or Excel Chart Answer: B,D QUESTION 89 You have selected the "report missing accounts" exception report in the Catalog. If the Row Format is designed to report accounts 4100 to 4900 which of the following accounts could be reported as missing? 4901 4000 to 4099 and 4901 to 4999 4900 4500 Answer: C,D QUESTION 90 The split function in the Reporting Tree is designed to: Split a reporting unit so that a certain percentage rolls up to its parent Permanently alter the account mask and push the change to the general ledger, for ease in Reporting Tree design Split the Reporting Tree into predefined distribution paths Split a single segment into multiple segments Answer: D

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