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Human Sexuality From Cells to Society Introduction To Sexuality.docx

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Human Sexuality From Cells to Society Introduction to Sexuality TRUE/FALSE 1. Surveys show that 98% of parents feel that they communicated openly about sex with their children and 90% of teens agreed that these open discussions took place. ANS: F 2. Defining sexual normality using clinical normality standards is completely subjective because clinical standards are always constant. ANS: F 3. Sexuality is purely “biological” in nature. ANS: F 4. According to sociobiologists, women are more likely to choose younger more attractive males as potential mates. ANS: F 5. An Oedipal complex is the idea that men unconsciously want to eliminate or replace their fathers and have sex with their mothers. ANS: T 6. Behavioral psychologists believe that only behaviors can be measured and evaluated, not emotions or feelings. ANS: T 7. For most of human history, it has been an accepted fact that males contribute to the reproduction of offspring. ANS: F 8. During the middle ages, Christianity took a particularly dark view of any sexual activity not related to procreation and many restrictive rules regarding sex emerged, such as no sex allowed during daylight. ANS: T 9. Age of consent laws, although different from country to country, are the same throughout the U.S.. ANS: F 10. According to Eric Widmer and colleagues, the United States is one of the more sexually repressive Western societies. ANS: T 11. Although it is important for parents to listen to what their children have to say about the topic of sex, parents should consistently voice judgments about what their children say to make the discussion most effective. ANS: F 12. Section 510 of the abstinence-only education initiative teaches that marital monogamy is the expected standard of human sexuality. ANS: T 13. Sexual education is less important for people who are already sexually active and more important for those not yet sexually active. ANS: F 14. The U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform reported that eleven of the thirteen commonly used comprehensive sexual education (CSE) curricula under review contained false, misleading, or distorted information about contraception, abortion, or reproductive health. ANS: F 15. Texas, which spent more on abstinence-only education (AOE) than any other state, had more sexually active students than other states, and one of the highest teen pregnancy rates in the U.S.. ANS: T MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Since sexuality and sexual health have such a momentous impact on our lives and our loves, ____ communication about sexuality is vital. a. guarded and private c. restricted and precise b. scientifically accurate d. open and honest ANS: D 2. Each day, there are ____ acts of sexual intercourse. a. 1 million c. 100 million b. 10 million d. 1 billion ANS: C 3. Sexuality is expressed ____. a. globally and in a universal manner by everyone b. by a select few but in a universal manner by those who express it c. globally but everyone expresses it in different ways d. by a select few and in different ways by those who express it ANS: C 4. Eileen and Kevin are first time expectant parents who have decided to wait until the birth of their child to find out the gender. When the momentous occasion finally arrives and the baby is born, an exhausted Eileen, without any hesitation, immediately asks the doctor “Is it a boy or a girl?” Our eagerness to know the gender of babies as soon as they are born supports the notion that ____. a. it is important to know the gender for appropriate postnatal care of the baby b. sexuality underlies our most basic identities c. the gender of the baby may influence whether the parents want to give the baby up for adoption d. the trend for waiting until the birth of the baby to reveal the gender is on the rise despite the high accuracy of today’s ultrasounds ANS: B 5. The fact that many people do not openly discuss problems related to the reproductive system versus other organ systems, like the circulatory system, suggests that the reproductive system ____. a. is biologically more complex b. is not as important as other organ systems c. elicits strong emotions d. is more resistant to disease ANS: C 6. Approximately ____ men and women are infected with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) each year in the United States. a. one million c. nineteen million b. nine million d. twenty-nine million ANS: C REF: Why a Course on Human Sexuality 7. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, teens aged thirteen to fifteen report that most of their information about sexuality comes from ____. a. parents c. school b. friends d. entertainment media ANS: D 8. What is one possible explanation for why the rates of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) for American teens are higher than for teens of other developed countries? a. American teens are more irresponsible in general. b. Adolescents in other countries have greater access to reproductive health services. c. American teens have significantly more sex than teens in other countries. d. American teens become sexually active at a significantly earlier age. ANS: B 9. Historically, some religious authorities often mandated sexual norms by declaring sexual intercourse to be normal if performed only for the purpose of ____. a. procreation b. enjoyment c. creating an emotional bond between a man and a woman, married or not d. ensuring male dominance in society ANS: A REF: Why a Course on Human Sexuality 10. Humans experience a wide variety of sexual expression, ____. a. yet in reality no sexual behavior is considered “normal” b. yet in reality only a few sexual behaviors are considered “normal” c. and consistent with this a wide range of sexual behaviors are considered “normal” d. and consistent with this all types of sexual behaviors are considered “normal” ANS: B 11. Megan’s favorite activities are jogging and working out at the gym. Therefore, Megan can’t understand why so many Americans are resistant to exercising since according to Megan, it is normal for people to enjoy exercising. Megan’s mind set is an example of ____ normality. a. cultural c. subjective b. statistical d. idealistic ANS: C 12. The word “sex” is derived from the Latin word secare, which means “____.” a. to unite c. to conquer b. to engage d. to divide ANS: D 13. The fact that achieving an orgasm is dependent on several factors, such as biological, cultural, emotional, and health status, best reflects the fact that sexuality is influenced by ____. a. nature and nurture working together c. nature only b. nature and nurture working separately d. nurture only ANS: A 14. Charlene has been selected by the local school board to head a task committee in charge of creating a sexual education curriculum for a new charter school. One of the first things that Charlene does is to find experts in several fields, including biology, psychology, law, religion, culture, and history, to help prepare the curriculum. The fact that Charlene is recruiting experts from such diverse fields suggests that it is important to ____. a. gain the political support of as many groups as possible in order to secure funding b. please all faculty members so that they will be supportive of sexual education c. investigate several branches of knowledge to understand which has the most influence on sexuality d. consider many different branches of knowledge to fully understand sexuality ANS: D REF: Perspectives of Sexuality: A Multi-disciplinary Approach 15. The largest organ to influence sexual behavior is ____. a. male or female external genitalia c. the heart b. the liver d. the brain ANS: D 16. The term “opposites attract” best reflects the concept that ____. a. sexual reproduction is a driving force for genetic similarity b. asexual reproduction is a driving force for genetic similarity c. sexual reproduction is a driving force for genetic variability d. asexual reproduction is a driving force for genetic variability ANS: C 17. Sociobiology is the study of how ____ forces affect our behavior. a. personal c. cultural b. familial d. evolutionary ANS: D 18. According to sociobiologists, it is most adaptive for women to be highly ____ when choosing a mate. a. submissive c. selective b. promiscuous d. spontaneous ANS: C 19. Biological aspects of sexuality include anatomy and physiology, hormones, and ____. a. emotions c. the lymphatic system b. genetics d. spirituality ANS: B 20. ____ describes when better-adapted members are more likely to survive to reproduce and pass their genes to the next generation. a. Penetrating genetic forces c. Natural selection b. Pervasive reproduction d. Adaptive dominance ANS: C 21. The term “sperm are cheap” best describes which sociobiological theory? a. A promiscuous man more readily passes on his genes by depositing sperm in many women and staying with those women to ensure the survival of his offspring. b. A selective man more readily passes on his genes by depositing sperm in a single female and not staying around to ensure the survival of his offspring. c. A promiscuous man more readily passes on his genes by depositing sperm in many women but not staying around to ensure the survival of his offspring. d. A selective man more readily passes on his genes by depositing sperm in a single female and staying with that woman to ensure the survival of his offspring. ANS: C 22. Four-year old Sarah pretends she is a princess and says that she will someday marry her “daddy,” whom she calls her prince. According to Freud’s psychoanalytical theory, Sarah is displaying signs of an ____. a. Electra complex c. Id complex b. Oedipus complex d. Ego complex ANS: A 23. Jane has had a crush on a boy named Mike for several months. She finally gets up the courage to ask Mike out on a date. When Mike turns Jane down, she is hurt and embarrassed. Jane decides she will never ask anyone out on a date again. Jane’s hesitation to repeat her behavior is an example of ____. a. destructive fulfillment c. self-fulfilling prophecy b. avoidance preconditioning d. operant conditioning ANS: D 24. The goal of behavior modification is to change ____ behaviors. a. subjective c. fear-based b. risky d. maladaptive ANS: D 25. Candace observes her older brother Charlie interact with the neighborhood kids and notices that Charlie receives a lot of positive attention from others when he acts goofy and attempts risky tricks on his skateboard. Candace herself begins to act silly with her friends and shows off with risky gymnastic routines. Candace’s actions are consistent with ____ learning theory. a. collective c. dependent b. social d. cognitive ANS: B 26. Attitudes about sex and sexuality throughout history have taught us that ____. a. sexual behavior is concretely viewed by society b. women have and always will be expected to be asexual c. norms for sexual behavior are always in flux d. all religious denominations approve of sexual intercourse only for procreative purposes ANS: C 27. Raymond is assigned a book to read for his history course in college. Raymond is shocked to read the depiction of normal family life in this book in which the father of the family has an open affair with his young male apprentice and this is accepted by the father’s family. The historical era in which this book most likely occurs is the ____. a. Ancient Greece (1000 BC – 300 BC) c. Protestant Reformation (1483 – 1546) b. Middle Ages (476 – 1450) d. Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries ANS: A 28. During the Victorian Era, sexuality became ____ as never before. a. greatly accepted for everyone c. the cause for disease b. a target of disapproval d. celebrated for married couples ANS: B 29. During the twentieth century, the separation of church and state and the rise of ____ reduced the power of the Church over sexual mores. a. scientific thought c. liberal politics b. tolerance for all religions d. sexual education in public schools ANS: A 30. Sex is more complex for humans than for animals because of religion and ____. a. technology c. education b. morality d. diversity ANS: B 31. In general, Judaism considers marital sex ____. a. “tolerated by God” c. “in honor of God” b. “blessed by God” d. “in defiance of God” ANS: B 32. The traditional Catholic view that sex is only permissible for the purposes of procreation for husband and wife has roots in which religious philosophy, as introduced by St. Paul and St. Augustine? a. The flesh is a portal for the devil. c. The spirit and the flesh are united. b. The spirit is a portal for the devil. d. The spirit is separate from the flesh. ANS: D 33. The prophet Mohammed decreed that the only road to virtue is ____. a. monogamy c. polygamy b. marriage d. celibacy ANS: B 34. Taoists believe that by not ejaculating, a man can retain and redirect sexual energy (ching) through higher regions of the heart and brain. This is reflective of the fact that Taoists believe that sex is ____. a. unnecessary for spiritual well being and other organ systems are more deserving of sexual energy b. unnecessary and contributes to poor mental health c. necessary for physical, mental, and spiritual well being d. a necessary evil only important for producing offspring ANS: C 35. ____ is a rigorous spiritual discipline practiced in Hinduism and a vast field of study, not merely a sexual practice as often thought by Westerners. a. Tantra c. Tengism b. Mantra d. Zen ANS: A 36. The ____ is an ancient Indian text, made up of poetry, prose, and illustrations, which contains practical advice for sexual pleasure, love, and marriage. a. Kama Sutra c. Satapatha Brahmana b. Devi Gita d. Sama-Veda ANS: A 37. When studying the subject of sexuality, it is important to ____ one’s personal values. a. abandon c. question b. strongly adhere to d. change ANS: C 38. David and his mother go back-to-school shopping and David picks out a pink winter jacket from the girl’s clothing department. David’s mother is worried that her son will get picked on at school because his choice of jacket goes against a(n) ____. a. folkway c. instinct b. bias d. mores ANS: A 39. ____ are a good reflection of a society’s values and expectations. a. Private sector investments c. Public work projects b. Sexual identities d. Laws ANS: D 40. ____ refers to a group of people that share cultural aspects such as language, dress, and norms of behavior. a. Network c. Cluster b. Society d. Government ANS: B 41. With respect to different cultures, the phrase “beauty is in the eye of the beholder” best reflects the concept that “beauty” norms ____. a. vary from culture to culture b. are largely dictated by eye color within a culture c. are completely random within a culture d. are constant from culture to culture ANS: A 42. Which region of the world listed below is considered to be the most sexually repressed? a. Cook Islands c. USA b. West Germany d. Inis Beag ANS: D 43. Judith, a college student who is a lesbian, feels completely comfortable holding her girlfriend Audrina’s hand in public within the confides of her college town. When Audrina visits Judith’s hometown in a different region of the U.S. Judith feels uneasy and explains to Audrina that when they are out in public it is best not display any signs of affection. This scenario best illustrates the fact that in the U.S. the acceptability of different sexual behaviors ____. a. is completely random and unpredictable from region to region b. is dictated at the individual level and not influenced by regional norms c. is homogeneous between regions d. varies from region to region ANS: D 44. Eric Widmer and colleagues studied sexual attitudes in twenty-four countries and classified countries into four categories based on their attitudes. The four categories included teen permissives, homosexual permissives, moderate residuals, and ____. a. classical repressors c. sexual deviants b. classical copulators d. sexual conservatives ANS: D 45. ____ anthropology examines the diverse ways in which different cultures categorize and regard issues such as gender, childrearing, and sexuality. a. Regional-variance c. Global-expansive b. Generalized-domain d. Sociocultural ANS: D 46. After graduating college, Carmella joins a missionary in a remote South American region and learns of a custom whereby women of the Apinaye tribe engage in a sexual behavior characterized by biting off their lovers eyebrows. Because this act is totally unfamiliar to Carmella she is disgusted by the thought of this and considers this behavior completely unacceptable and appalling. Carmella’s attitude toward the normal sexual behavior of the Apinaye’s women best reflects ____. a. prejudice c. ethnocentrism b. bias d. stereotyping ANS: C 47. Heterocentric is the assumption that everyone is heterosexual and that heterosexuality is the only natural, normal, acceptable, and ____ sexual orientation. a. global c. compassionate b. superior d. refined ANS: B 48. The linguistic ____ principle suggests that language forms our perception of the world and thus guides our thinking and behavior. a. relativity c. collective b. constancy d. arrangement ANS: A 49. ____ use of language biases our attitudes about sexuality. a. Gender-specific c. Habitual b. Gender-neutral d. Complex ANS: A 50. Grace feels upset as she is getting ready for a date with long-time boyfriend Kip. She just never feels “pretty enough” despite her beauty preparation efforts. Although Kip and others always compliment Grace on her natural beauty, she cannot shrug her feelings of inadequacy. Grace’s insecurity may stem from her exposure to____. a. novels where heroine characters fight to protect their communities b. movies where very attractive thin women seem to have the perfect life, at least by the end of the movie c. advertisements on the subway showing tired run down women in need of social services d. commercials on television where elderly women boast about the benefits of their insurance plans ANS: B 51. Although mass media heavily influences our attitudes toward sexuality it rarely depicts the three C’s of responsible sexual behavior: ____, contraception, and consideration of consequences. a. commitment c. clarity b. credibility d. conformity ANS: A 52. It is estimated that Americans see more than ____ advertisements each day. a. 3 c. 300 b. 30 d. 3000 ANS: D 53. Women are dressed in provocative clothing—or none at all—in up to ____ of mainstream magazines and up to 12% of prime time network TV commercials. a. 10% c. 40% b. 20% d. 60% ANS: C 54. The Kaiser Family Foundation found that ____ of television programs contained some sexual content in the form of talk about sex or sexual behavior. a. 10% c. 50% b. 30% d. 70% ANS: D 55. In the 1960s, censors would not allow Barbara Eden’s navel to show in “I Dream of Jeannie,” however, today, teenagers are exposed to 14,000 sexual references and innuendoes per year on television. This suggests that today’s TV ____. a. provides useful relationship advice b. accurately depicts the consequences of having sex c. provides more information on reproductive health d. has a strong influence over sexual behavior ANS: D 56. Kunkel et al. (2005) found that subjects who viewed programs in which the show included a discussion of sexual risks and responsibilities along with the sexual activity, were more likely to view ____ as a positive thing. a. sensory pleasure c. abstinence b. impulse control d. condom use ANS: D 57. As a pre-teen and teenager, Angela was exposed to a great amount of sexual content on TV. Angela lost her virginity at the relatively young age of 15. According to researchers, the relationship between Angela’s age at which she became sexually active and the degree to which Angela was exposed to TV with high sexual content most likely reflects that ____. a. Angela’s inclination toward watching more provocative programming merely reflects the fact that Angela became interested in sex at an early age b. Angela’s viewing of sexual content on TV lead to an earlier age of sexual activity c. since Angela was able to view these types of programs on TV, this merely reflects a lack of parental supervision that also allowed Angela to engage in sexual activity at a younger age d. Angela’s inclination toward watching more provocative programming merely reflects her deviant nature and this deviant personality trait contributed to her early age of becoming sexually active ANS: B 58. One of the main ways in which the Internet influences sexual behavior is by ____. a. shielding adolescents from sexually graphic images b. creating safe social networking sites for adolescents to share private sexual information with strangers c. providing convenient and quick access to pornographic material d. displaying government required responsible sexual conduct notices prior to accessing pornographic material ANS: C 59. ____ display more sexual images per every minute than any competing media genre. a. Video games c. Movies b. Music videos d. You Tube videos ANS: B 60. Music contains more sexual content (40%) than any other media, including TV and movies and thus influences sexual behavior. According to Martino et al. (2006), what type of lyrical content is most likely to lead to early sexual activity? a. content that describes teen romances b. content that promotes female independence and inner beauty c. content which suggests that women are valued solely for their appearance d. content that focuses on moving on with life after a breakup ANS: C 61. Appropriate and effective sex education in schools should ____. a. encompass open discussions on the biological, emotional, and cultural aspects of sex and sexuality b. mainly focus on the emotional and cultural aspects of sex and the biological aspects of sex should be covered by parents only c. encompass discussions on the biological, emotional and cultural aspects of sex and sexuality but this should be done on a more individual and private level with the students d. mainly focus on the biological aspects of sex and other aspects of sex should be covered by parents only ANS: A 62. A discussion about sex between parents and children should include ____. a. ways to repress sexual feelings b. concepts related to feelings of love for another person c. ways to distract yourself when the urge to masturbate arises d. “fairy-tale” type stories to explain how babies are born (i.e., stork delivers baby) ANS: B 63. Alice is watching TV with her preadolescent daughter Mandy. Alice knows that Mandy should begin to learn about responsible sexual conduct well before she becomes sexually active but Alice is uncomfortable with this and does not know the best way to educate her daughter. The program they are watching deals with teenage pregnancies. This is a great opportunity for Alice to ____. a. let Mandy learn about the consequences of sex from the TV program b. use the topic of teenage pregnancies as portrayed on TV as a segue for Alice to talk to Mandy about the consequences of sex c. quickly turn off the TV program; although Mandy needs to start becoming educated about sex, this topic is too advanced for Mandy d. make a comment condemning teenage sex during the TV show so that Mandy will clearly understand her mother’s view on adolescent sex without having a direct conversion about the topic ANS: B 64. Barbara Huberman, national director of Training and Sexuality Education for Advocates for Youth, suggests that children below the age of five should be taught correct terms for reproductive parts of the body. One reason this practice is recommended is because ____. a. young children must be taught to be serious about the topic of sex as early as possible so that they will engage in responsible sexual behaviors down the road b. young children are more mature than we give them credit for c. silly names for reproductive body parts may teach children that these body parts are shameful or mysterious d. children must begin to understand the precise biological functions of these body parts even at an early age ANS: C 65. Children are naturally curious and even very young children may masturbate. One way in which it is recommended for parents to address this issue is to ____. a. teach children that while it is all right to touch themselves, these things should be done in private b. teach children that masturbation should be reserved for when they become older c. play a silent role, if it is brought to a child’s attention in any way they may feel shameful d. seek the advice of a medical professional as this may suggest that something is wrong with the child ANS: A 66. When dealing with children’s perceptions of gender roles, one recommendation would be to ____. a. steer girls only toward traditional girl-centered activities and boys only toward traditional boy-centered activities; otherwise confusion will occur between what society expects of them and what they expect of themselves b. steer girls only toward traditional boy-centered activities and boys only toward traditional girl-centered activities; this is the only way parents can truly counteract strong gender stereotypes constantly reinforced by society c. reinforce that traditional masculine jobs are best suited for men and traditional feminine jobs are best suited for women; when they get older they will figure out on their own that exceptions to these norms are okay d. provide examples to children of people they know who do and do not fit within traditional gender roles and teach them that this is an appropriate and acceptable way of life ANS: D 67. Five year old Marie makes a new friend Alex at school. Alex’s parents, who are a male gay couple, contact Marie’s parents to set up a play date at their home. Knowing that Marie is unfamiliar with this type of non-traditional family, what is the recommended course of action for Marie’s parents to follow? a. Keep the play date at Alex’s home and do not prepare Marie in any special way; drawing specific attention to Alex’s family dynamic may inadvertently cause Marie to think that something is wrong with their family. b. Suggest to Marie’s parents that Alex come for a play date at Marie’s home; Marie is too young to understand Alex’s family dynamic and will only be confused. c. Keep the play date at Alex’s home and discuss in advance with Marie that Alex has two dads and emphasize that families come in many varieties; it’s love that makes a family and not everyone falls in love with someone of the other sex. d. Keep the play date at Alex’s home and discuss in advance with Marie that Alex has two dads and emphasize that although many people disagree with this type of family dynamic Alex is from a nice family so that it is okay to play with Alex. ANS: C 68. When should parents begin to talk about the responsibilities and consequences of sex with their children? a. during childhood, before entering the preadolescent stage b. at the preadolescent stage c. at the adolescent stage d. during the young adult stage ANS: B 69. In the U.S., sex education is ____. a. standardized at the federal level for both public and private schools b. standardized at the federal level for public schools only c. covered by only a few public schools in the country with tremendous variations in the content and age at which it is taught to students d. covered in most public schools in the country but there are tremendous variations in the content and age at which it is taught to students ANS: D 70. It is important that public school sexual education programs address the concerns ____. a. mainly of students of low socioeconomic status who might not otherwise have access to adequate health care b. brought to attention by the parents since parents are most in-tune with the needs of their children c. of students who show early signs of deviant behavior, since they are most likely to engage in sexual activity early d. all students, regardless of race, socioeconomic class, or sexual orientation ANS: D 71. What is the most effective way for parents to influence the values of their children? a. Parents should present their values and give information to their children to support those values. b. Parents should simply enforce their own personal values by laying down the law, without this type of enforcement children will ignore their parents. c. Parents should reinforce the values that their children learn at school since children are more likely to be open to accepting the values of their peers and teachers rather than those of their parents. d. Parents should provide several acceptable value frameworks for their children to choose from. ANS: A 72. Five year old Rebecca was confused about why her baby brother was born with a penis and why Rebecca herself did not have a penis. When Rebecca would ask her mother questions about this, her mother would snap and say “Rebecca, please have some manners and keep your silly questions to yourself.” As a preadolescent, Rebecca starts to notice changes in her body but instead of asking her mother about those changes, Rebecca instead looks for information on the Internet. Upon finding this out, Rebecca’s mother is hurt that her daughter did not come to her for information. Rebecca’s reluctance to speak with her mother could have been avoided if her mother had ____. a. told Rebecca as a child that she would answer her questions when Rebecca was older b. paid more attention to Rebecca’s body changes so that she could have anticipated Rebecca’s need for more information c. bought Rebecca a children’s book to explain the differences between girls and boys d. made Rebecca feel comfortable about talking about sex from an early age by answering Rebecca’s questions in an age appropriate manner ANS: D 73. Sam is a teenager who decides to go to his father for advice because he is having symptoms consistent with a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Sam’s father advises his son to wait a week or two before seeking medical attention because if the symptoms go away, then everything is fine. The most critical mistake that Sam’s father made is that he ____. a. did not condemn Sam for having sex at a young age b. did not lecture Sam about the appropriate use of condoms c. gave Sam misinformation about the necessity of seeking medical attention d. did not involve Sam’s mother in their discussion ANS: C 74. Gabe’s parents decide that it is time for them to have a discussion about sex with Gabe. They want Gabe to associate their discussion with a positive experience and do not want Gabe to feel like the topic is shameful or taboo so they decide to bring Gabe out to his favorite restaurant for their big discussion about sex. Although well intentioned, Gabe’s parents have made an error that will decrease the effectiveness of their discussion. What error have Gabe’s parents made? a. They are treating the topic of sex too lightly so that Gabe will not take their discussion seriously. b. They bring Gabe to a public location, which is likely to cause Gabe embarrassment when the topic of sex is brought up. c. Instead of having Gabe associate their discussion about sex with a positive fun experience, Gabe’s parents should pick a somber atmosphere to emphasize that one’s sexual behavior can have grave consequences. d. Gabe’s mother should not be present for the discussion about sex since only the same sex parent can relate to their child’s experiences. ANS: B 75. During much of George W. Bush’s administration, abstinence-only education (AOE) was ____. a. one of the few federally supported sex education programs in the United States b. one out of many federally supported sex education programs in the United States c. the only federally supported sex education programs in the United States d. not federally supported by the United States government ANS: C 76. Under abstinence-only education (AOE), ____ were discouraged from engaging in any sexual behavior. a. only those of Christian faith c. only adolescents b. only same-sex couples d. unmarried people in general ANS: D 77. Sex Respect, an abstinence education program, taught “if premarital sex came in a bottle, it would probably have to carry a ____.” a. Bible c. Surgeon General’s warning b. chastity belt d. condom ANS: C 78. In part due to the abstinence-only education (AOE) policy, by 2002, one third of teens in the U.S. had not received any formal information about ____. a. sexually transmitted infections (STIs) b. contraception use c. date violence d. the benefits of forming monogamous relationships ANS: B 79. According to Section 510, 42 U.S.C § 710, abstinence-only education (AOE) “____.” a. teaches that a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in context of marriage is the expected standard of human sexual activity b. teaches that abstinence from sexual activity is one of only a few ways to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems c. states that those who are unmarried and choose not to abstain from sexual activity will be at risk for loosing government services d. teaches that sexual activity both within and outside of the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects ANS: A 80. Evidence has shown that ____ programs help delay the onset of sexual activity in teens, and make them more likely to use contraception when they become sexually active. a. comprehensive sexual education (CSE) b. abstinence-only education (AOE) c. education for reproductive health (ERH) d. teaching for responsible sexual conduct (TRSC) ANS: A 81. To be eligible for federal aid as a comprehensive sexuality program, the curriculum must ____. a. first be approved by parents c. coincide with popular opinion b. place preferential emphasis on abstinence d. be based on scientific evidence ANS: D 82. Many consider abstinence-only education (AOE) to be unrealistic, ineffective, and ____. a. unpopular c. liberal b. discriminatory d. decadent ANS: B 83. One of the main reasons that abstinence-only education (AOE) is unrealistic is because ____. a. today’s trends show that there is a large gap between the time people reach sexual maturity and when most people decide to marry b. most teenagers are not able to withstand peer pressure c. most teenagers are not mature enough to understand how to control their urges d. public school educators are likely not to receive the appropriate training to teach AOE ANS: A 84. The Bush administration reported abstinence-only education (AOE) success rates in terms of students’ ____. a. academic achievements c. phobias b. behaviors d. attitudes ANS: D 85. Proponents of abstinence-only education (AOE) claimed that it was the values that were taught, not the ____ the program, that was important. a. information provided by c. cost of b. popularity of d. effectiveness of ANS: D 86. Amber, a high school student who is in the first trimester of pregnancy, is nervous about telling her parents that she is pregnant and is unsure where to go for prenatal care. She is looking forward to returning to school after summer break because she knows that she will be attending a sexual education course and feels that she can approach her teacher after class for advice. Following the class, which focused solely on the necessity to abstain from sex, Amber is extremely disappointed, feels shame, and thus hurries out of the classroom without speaking to her teacher. This scenario best reflects the fact that abstinence-only education (AOE) ____. a. may be effective in preventing students like Amber from having sex in the future b. fails to address real life concerns for teens that are already sexually active c. is effective in providing open lines of communication between educators and students d. is evidence-based ANS: B 87. Many abstinence-only education (AOE) programs have provided inaccurate information, such as giving false information about the physical and psychological risks of ____. a. miscarriage c. masturbating b. abortion d. marriage ANS: B 88. Between 1996 and 2006, the federal government spent more than ____ on programs whose sole purpose was to teach the benefits of sexual abstention. a. $1.3 million c. $130 million b. $13 million d. $1.3 billion ANS: D 89. From 1996 to 2006, teen pregnancy rates in California, which taught comprehensive sexual education (CSE) without the benefit of federal funding, dropped more than ____. a. 10% c. 40% b. 20% d. 60% ANS: C 90. Studies have shown that the vast majority of parents and numerous professional organizations, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, support comprehensive sexual education (CSE) programs. However, the fact that abstinence-only education (AOE) was the only federally funded sexual education program from 1996-2006 suggests that conservative groups, evangelical Christians, and politicians ____. a. put their own agenda in front of the public’s interests b. carefully considered the public’s opinions when allocating funds for sexual education c. carefully analyzed the scientific literature before exclusively allocating funds for AOE d. compromised with the public by supporting sexual education that taught about all aspects of sexuality including the benefits of abstinence ANS: A MATCHING Match each term with its definition. a. androcentric f. culture b. libido g. sexually dimorphic c. erogenous zone h. mutation d. biology i. anthropology e. operant conditioning j. mores 1. sexual desire or drive 2. science of life and of living organisms 3. set of attitudes, values, goals, and practices that is learned and shared by a relatively large group of people 4. anatomical area that has a different form in males and females 5. areas of the body that are particularly sensitive to touch, and that may lead to sexual arousal when stimulated 6. emphasis of the male point of view, often to the neglect of the female 7. social norms or customs that embody the fundamental values of a group and are strongly enforced 8. random genetic change 9. use of reinforcement and punishment to increase or decrease the likelihood of certain behaviors 10. study of the origins, customs, and social relationships of humans 1. ANS: B 2. ANS: D 3. ANS: F 4. ANS: G 5. ANS: C 6. ANS: A 7. ANS: J 8. ANS: H 9. ANS: E 10. ANS: I SHORT ANSWER 1. Briefly define the term “sex,” both in terms of the textbook definition and your own. How do they differ? ANS: Answer not provided. 2. What facets of our lives does the term sexuality encompass and what are the influences on sexuality? ANS: Answer not provided. 3. Many religions consider sexual activity to be “normal” only within the confides of marriage. Do you think that most people who subscribe to these religions agree with this idea of “normal” sexual activity? Are they likely to practice abstinence until marriage in your opinion? Why or why not? ANS: Answer not provided. 4. Describe some criticisms of sociobiology or evolutionary psychology. What cultures does it best reflect? What cultures does it not reflect? ANS: Answer not provided. 5. Describe Freud’s three components of personality. ANS: Answer not provided. 6. Pick two religions discussed in the text and compare and contrast how sexual behavior is viewed for married couples within each of those religions. ANS: Answer not provided. 7. Describe what you think makes a man or a woman most attractive (e.g., what kind of body type, skin tone, hair style, dress style, etc.). Do you think that your perception of attractiveness is the same as in other cultures? To what extent do you think that society influences your perception of beauty versus your own personal views? ANS: Answer not provided. 8. Provide two specific mass media examples that are not discussed in the text and in a few brief words, state how they influence our views on sexuality. ANS: Answer not provided. 9. List the six items of advice suggested for parents in talking with their children about sex, as described in the text. Which pieces of advice did your parents follow with you and which would you feel comfortable following with your own children? ANS: Answer not provided. 10. Briefly describe the major differences between abstinence-only education (AOE) and comprehensive sexual education (CSE). ANS: Answer not provided.

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