Copyright © 2010 Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
1. The Chinese word guanhua means
a. “official speech”.
b. “chaos”.
c. “harmony”.
d. “Middle Kingdom”.
2. Which one of these modern day countries is not considered part of East Asia?
a. Japan
b. Korea
c. Mongolia
d. Vietnam
3. Animals traditionally excluded from the rice-growing system include ALL EXCEPT:
a. goats.
b. sheep.
c. pigs.
d. cows.
4. Which of the following is historically most important to forming the economies of East Asia?
a. merchant trade
b. rice agriculture
c. nomadic herding
d. none of the above
5. The term “Middle Kingdom” refers to
a. Tibet.
b. Japan.
c. China.
d. Mongolia.
6. The East Asian attitude towards nature is best described as
a. aggressive.
b. loving.
c. exploitative.
d. indifferent.
7. Set out in the Analects, the chief Confucian text, luan means and is to be avoided.
a. “chaos”
b. “harmony”
c. “lack of rules”
d. “merchants”
8. The term “collective responsibility” refers to
a. a Confucian concept.
b. a structure for Chinese/East Asian Society.
c. the idea that a family is responsible for the behavior of its members.
d. all of the above
9. All BUT WHICH of the following are traditional divisions of East Asian society?
a. farmers
b. merchants
c. scholar-officials
d. monks
10. China proper includes all BUT WHICH of the following river basins?
a. Huang
b. Xi
c. Yangzi
d. Ganges
11. Feng-Shui was developed by
a. Confucius.
b. Chinese folk healers.
c. Daoists.
d. a Chinese Emperor.
12. The areas of Xinjiang, Tibet, Mongolia and Manchuria have the common characteristic of being
a. made part of China at the same time.
b. North of China proper.
c. culturally distinct from China.
d. none of the above
13. Which one of these groups of people is not considered part of the steppe margins?
a. Xinjiang
b. Laos
c. Tibet
d. Mongolia
14. China can be said to be isolated especially in terms of
a. geography.
b. religion.
c. language.
d. society.
15. The Chinese adopted cotton from
a. Mongolia.
b. Southeast Asia.
c. India.
d. Japan.
Copyright © 2010 Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.
1. A (p.1)
2. C (p.17)
3. C (p.5)
4. B (p.5)
5. C (p. 2)
6. B (p.3)
7. A (p.8)
8. C (p.9)
9. D (p.11)
10. D (p.15)
11. C (p.14)
12. C (p.16)
13. B (p.16)
14. A (p.17)
15. C (p.18)
Copyright © 2010 Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458. All rights reserved.