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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 54.87 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0
...CONCENTRATION UNITS This handout...
...with units of concentration and how to...
...convert from one concentration unit to another....
...the greater amount Concentration -- amount of... express each concentration, as these units...
...essentially define the concentration. Let's look at...
...ways to express concentration. Weight/Weight Percent (w/w%):...
...This unit of concentration is often used...
...base solution the concentration is often expressed...
...This unit of concentration relates the moles...
...the most common concentration unit involved in...
...This unit of concentration relates the moles...
...used as the concentration unit involved in...
...This unit of concentration may be expressed... express the concentration of very dilute...
...billion (ppb): This concentration unit is also...
...convert from one concentration unit to another....
...units of the concentration unit you are...
...unit of the concentration unit you are...
...chloride with a concentration of 25.0 ppm...
...of the known concentration unit (molarity). This...
...of the known concentration unit (molality). This...
N/A 128
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 42.3 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0
...reaction rates are concentration of the reacting...
...reaction to the concentration of either reactants...
...associated with each concentration term is referred... which the concentration of one reactant...
...doubled while the concentration of the other...
...the reactant whose concentration has changed. By...
...By keeping the concentration of the other...
...two trials the concentration of NO is...
...constant while the concentration of O2 has...
...that doubling the concentration of O2 also...
...has doubled 1866900254000 concentration doubled For the... which the concentration of O2 is...
...constant while the concentration of NO is...
...Trial 3. The concentration of O2 is...
...constant while the concentration of NO has...
...increased nine-fold 1866900254000 concentration tripled For the...
N/A 120
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 85.13 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0
...Here, = molar concentration, however, equil. constant... any appreciable concentration change as reactions... the current concentration or pressure values....
...Substituting the Equil. concentration values into Kc:... a negative concentration value, which is...
...product has a concentration = 0, the...
...Substitute the equilibrium concentration values into the...
...reactant or product concentration. An equilibrium will...
N/A 141
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 33 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Engineering | Downloaded: 0
...BEST describes lethal concentration 50%? (p.78 )...
...The maximum airborne concentration to which an...
...The maximum airborne concentration of a chemical...
...TLV-STEL The airborne concentration of a chemical...
N/A 168
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 337.42 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...On a une concentration importante au début...
...début puis la concentration baisse graduellement. Au...
...on connait la concentration plasmatique du produit...
...on connait la concentration plasmatique en prélevant...
...urinaire et la concentration dans les urines....
...l’urine définitive la concentration est nulle. dans...
...un mécanisme de concentration de l’urine. Mécanisme...
...l’urine. Mécanisme de concentration de l’urine Si...
...a permis une concentration du liquide dans...
N/A 162
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 556.52 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0 déterminer la concentration C en Bleu...
...détermine alors la concentration C en bleu...
...1,2. Or la concentration est telle que...
...pour que sa concentration soit telle que... solution mère Concentration (en g/L) Absorption...
...pour déterminer la concentration en Bleu Evans....
...x à la concentration) Concentration plasmatique =...
...à la concentration) Concentration plasmatique = Cp...
...énorme effort de concentration via différents segments...
...des fluctuations de concentration sanguine en O2...
...donc d’augmenter la concentration en gaz carbonique... que sa concentration est élevée, il...
...à augmenter la concentration en AMPc intracellulaire....
...fait monter la concentration du calcium dans...
...ce fait, la concentration cytosolique moyenne en...
...d’adrénaline dont la concentration est celle de...
N/A 127
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 101.77 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...region of higher concentration to the region...
...region of lower concentration. Osmosis is the...
...area of higher concentration to area of...
...area of lower concentration. Osmolarity is the...
...Osmolarity is the concentration of a substance...
...difference between the concentration of solutes in...
...means that the concentration of solutes in...
...out along its concentration gradient. Na+ diffuse...
...gland, following the concentration gradient by passing...
...are reabsorbed. K+ concentration inside the tubules...
...accumulate against the concentration gradient. The high...
...gradient. The high concentration of potassium brings...
...Cl- against the concentration gradient. The formation...
...actively regulating the concentration of solutes in...
...secreted when their concentration is too high....
...on the salt concentration in the interstitial...
...has higher salt concentration around the loop...
...creates a strong concentration gradient that brings...
...cells against the concentration gradient. Water follows...
...tubule following the concentration gradient. Na+ and...
...increase in osmotic concentration of the blood,...
...Na+ follow a concentration gradient from the...
...which increases the concentration of glucose in...
...which lowers the concentration of glucose in...
...uptake increases. Glucose concentration regulates the secretion...
...normal conditions, oxygen concentration is relatively high...
...conditions, carbon dioxide concentration is relatively high...
...a higher protein concentration than the interstitial...
...resulting lower CO2 concentration reverses the previous...
...sodium-potassium pumps. The concentration of K+ is...
...than outside. The concentration of Na+ is...
...pumps work against concentration gradient and require...
...channels down the concentration gradient, passive transport....
...has a high concentration of voltage-gated channels...
...matter what the concentration of oxygen is...
N/A 253
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 114.75 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Zoology | Downloaded: 0
...depends on the concentration gradients. Gases can...
...This maintains a concentration gradient. Distance between...
...oxygen. Therefore the concentration of oxygen is...
...dioxide. Therefore the concentration of carbon dioxide...
...air maintains the concentration gradient which allows...
N/A 148
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 42.47 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...concentrated, down its concentration gradient. No work...
...substances down the concentration gradient; diffusion is...
...down its own concentration gradient, independent of...
...independent of the concentration gradients of other... happen. The concentration gradient itself represents... differing in concentration are separated by...
...affect the water concentration? In a dilute...
...affect the water concentration significantly. However, the...
...the free water concentration that is important....
...of lower solute concentration (higher free water...
...(higher free water concentration) to the region...
...of higher solute concentration (lower free water...
...(lower free water concentration) until the solute...
...organisms. Both solute concentration and membrane permeability...
...part on its concentration of solutes that...
...relative to the concentration of solutes in...
...molecules down their concentration gradient with the...
...membranes against their concentration gradient, from the...
...solutes against a concentration gradient are all...
...a much higher concentration of potassium ions...
...a much lower concentration of sodium ions....
...on an ion’s concentration gradient. The other...
...diffuse down its concentration gradient but diffuses... a higher concentration of Na+ outside...
...driven by the concentration gradient and by...
...setting up a concentration gradient, but also...
...substance against its concentration (or electrochemical) gradient....
...contains a high concentration of glucose and... the solute concentration of the blood...
N/A 196
Movement New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 22.63 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 the above Concentration – the amount... in the concentration gradient (Principles of... looking at concentration differences in solutions...
...compares the solute concentration outside the cell...
...(energy ) – concentration gradient Diffusion within...
...water controlled by concentration of solutes High...
...therefore many. Irrespactive concentration gradients provide the...
...a result of concentration but provided by...
...moving along a concentration gradient. Remember Na... has a concentration gradient and thus...
N/A 173
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