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Outline | Approved: A year ago | 2.17 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 a dramatically different way to group... be as different from each other...
...prokaryotes carry out different metabolic pathways, &...
...are built from different chemical components that...
...membrane is chemically different from the bacterial...
...Gram staining. 2996854270623800The different responses to the...
...There are 4 different types of archaeal...
...Archaea have a different set of viruses...
...organisms, including humans. Different prokaryotes can use...
...prokaryotes can use different sources of energy...
...harmful bacteria of different species. Recent outbreaks...
...& archaea, with different individuals containing different...
...different individuals containing different species mixes. The...
...against pathogens. The different surfaces of the...
...the hands, provide different habitats for different...
...different habitats for different communities of prokaryotes....
...& occupy many different niches. Not all...
...the nuclei are different sizes & have...
...are motile, but different types of protists...
...carried to a different environment because cysts...
...coating with a different molecular structure. T....
...reveal new & different relationships between the...
N/A 71
Lecture Notes | Approved: 4 years ago | 24.59 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 1
...person has a different set of beliefs,...
...individuals who are different than we are....
...with individuals from different backgrounds (race, ethnicity,... was how different certain cultures view... and illness. Different cultures have different...
...Different cultures have different perspectives and associations...
...sometimes they have different healthcare traditions and... understanding of different cultures and the...
...mindful of those different than me) in...
N/A 74
Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 152.78 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Chemistry | Downloaded: 0
...neutrons but a different number of protons....
...protons but a different number of neutrons....
...They have very different chemical reactivity. ANS:... number of different compounds that can... form several different nitrogen oxides. In...
...are formed from different atoms in simple...
...d. Atoms of different elements can combine...
...combine in several different proportions to make...
...proportions to make different compounds. e. Matter...
...of carbon, but different masses of oxygen....
...because they have different numbers of __________....
...of protons but different numbers of neutrons.... form several different nitrogen oxides. Chemical...
N/A 151
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 46.1 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...that were very different from those alive...
...America were very different from those of...
...American fossils, though different from modern species,...
...diversified on the different islands. Darwin’s focus...
...adaptations to a different environment? For example,...
...on plants with different defenses from their...
...walls using a different protein that was...
...the characteristics of different organisms. Descent with...
...they have very different functions. Characteristics present... they face different environmental conditions. Similarity...
...appendages have very different functions. These forelimbs...
...develop into very different adult structures, such...
...have often acquired different functions. Some of...
...has a very different meaning in science...
N/A 171
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 44.36 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...walls, plants use different mechanisms from those...
...a series of different molecules along a...
...receptors bind many different signal molecules, including...
...ten or more different intracellular proteins simultaneously....
...proteins trigger many different transduction pathways and...
...transduced into a different form, often by...
...have hundreds of different protein kinases, each...
...specific for a different substrate protein. Fully... use a different signal molecule to... activate a different receptor that activates...
...factor regulates several different genes. Signaling pathways...
...pathways have many different points at which...
...but produce very different responses. For example,...
...specificity is that different kinds of cells...
...of cells have different collections of proteins....
...This is because different kinds of cells...
...cells turn on different sets of genes.... the signal. Different pathways may have...
...proteins lead to different responses. Cells may...
...molecule, leading to different responses. A signal...
...the number of different proteins it must...
...pathway, either in different cell types or...
...same cell at different times or under...
...times or under different conditions. Permanent or...
...other mammals, several different pathways, involving about...
...involving about 15 different caspases, can carry...
...signals from several different sources and send...
N/A 152
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 37.78 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 1
...enzyme at a different step in the... that provided different intermediate molecules. Their...
...two or more different polypeptides, depending on...
...In many cases, different exons code for...
...exons code for different domains of a...
...exons between completely different genes. Either way,...
...synthetase. The 20 different synthetases match the...
...match the 20 different amino acids. Each...
...between bases in different parts of its...
...ribosomes are also different. One big difference...
...mutagenic activity of different chemicals. These tests...
N/A 228
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 38.24 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...may be genetically different as a result...
...set of 23 different chromosomes, one from...
...were inherited from different parents. Homologous chromosomes...
...they may have different versions of genes,...
...derived from two different parents. We can... belong to different chromosomes. Both crossing...
...DNA create the different versions of genes... alleles. Once different versions of genes...
...original source of different alleles, which are...
...meiosis. New and different combinations of alleles...
...and that a different mechanism to generate...
N/A 168
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 83.32 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...relationships between the different groups of land...
...light energy under different terrestrial environments. C4...
...cell but at different times: night and...
...plants. Man in different parts of the...
...domesticated plants at different times. Domestication of...
...made of a different kind of cells.... stem tissues. Different structure (shape, size,...
...Root structure is different from that of...
...solute concentration of different sides of a...
...according to the different types of sinks...
...of organisms in different stages of decomposition....
...mammals. Organisms perform different functions: decomposition, aeration,...
...each for a different type of ion....
...plant produces a different recognition flavonoid and...
...These phytochromes cause different responses in the...
...The responses of different hormones overlap. There...
...on DNA directly. Different hormones interact at...
...because they induce different transcription activators and...
...plants. REPRODUCTIVE STRUCTURES Different groups of plants...
...have confirmed that different genes are responsible...
...the response to different flowering signals. Blazquez...
...fertilization are two different things. Fertilization occurs...
...pollen tube are different from both of...
...comes from a different plant. Fertilization Fertilization...
...defecates at a different location. Seed dormancy...
...plant. There are different types of cutinase...
...cutinase enzymes with different ability to disrupt...
...synthesis involving five different genes that synthesize...
...which are probably different from one another.... another. The different alleles allow to...
...allow to recognize different protein from the...
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 36.83 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...of flowers to different animal pollinators. The...
...eggs come from different parents. Dioecious plants...
...carpels mature at different times. Alternatively, they...
...many as 50 different alleles in a... growth by different molecular mechanisms. In...
...breeders sometime hybridize different varieties of a...
...sperm cells with different nuclei of the...
...beans, have a different style of germinating....
...use yet a different method for breaking...
...years old. A different method of asexual...
...species or a different variety of the... properties of different species or varieties...
...two protoplasts from different plant species that...
...natural hybridizations between different species of grasses....
N/A 152
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 33.11 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...populations belonging to different species from interbreeding,...
...if members of different species attempt to...
...organisms that use different habitats even in...
...that breed during different times of day,...
...times of day, different seasons, or different...
...different seasons, or different years cannot mix...
...pollen of a different species. If a...
...we know that different cotton species can...
...populations have become different enough that they...
...Salamanders of the different populations contrast in...
...cross-pollinated plants from different regions in his...
...When plants from different regions were crossed,...
...matings of two different species, an allopolyploid....
...those that produce different mate preferences. Sympatric...
...specialized for exploiting different food resources and...
...change due to different growth rates during... form substantially. Different allometric patterns contribute...
N/A 155
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