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...these organs are found in tunicates and... ...rocks, paleontologists have found fossils of more... ...bone can be found in living chondrichthyes—in... ...tissues have been found in early chondrichthyans,... ...eggs have been found from that time.... ...life not generally found in amphibians. Scales... ...endotherms. Paleontologists have found fossils of dinosaurs... ...of lizard-like reptiles found on only 30... ...the opossum, is found in North America.... ...opposable thumb is found in only monkeys... ...apes and are found worldwide. Lemurs, lorises,... ...Recent studies have found that humans and... ...evolution. Paleoanthropologists have found fossils of 20... ...on animal bones found in Ethiopia. The... ...cases, anthropologists have found sharp stone tools... ...flow can be found in fossils that... ...researchers in Ethiopia found 195,000- and 160,000-year-old... ...thought. Researchers have found evidence of more... ...and eastern Africa found 75,000-year-old ostrich eggs... ...humans can be found in the human...
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