Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 228 kB | Comments: 0
...lure small fish. Herbivores eat parts of... ...or alga. Terrestrial herbivores include large mammals,... ...as grasshoppers. Aquatic herbivores include snails, sea... ...some tropical fishes. Herbivores have many specialized... ...and nontoxic. Mammalian herbivores have specialized dentition... ...distasteful to many herbivores. Some plants produce... ...development in insect herbivores. When individuals of... ...horses, and other herbivores. The birds benefit,... ...they follow the herbivores. The herbivores may... ...the herbivores. The herbivores may derive some... ...ectoparasites from the herbivores. The birds may... ...also warn the herbivores of a predator’s... ...(primary producers) through herbivores (primary consumers) to... ...other plant materials, herbivores such as mice,... ...for vegetation) and herbivores (H): V H... ...organization. Predators limit herbivores, which limit plants,... ...the number of herbivores, increasing phytoplankton abundance,... ...Surgeonfish and other herbivores that feed on...
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