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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 3.03 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Health, Nutrition, and Food Sciences | Downloaded: 0
...Needs Nutrient Needs Infants’ rapid development depends...
...feeding pattern for infants. Breastfeeding is a...
...formula, so breastfed infants usually need to...
...frequently than formula-fed infants do.During the first... Breast MilkFor infants, breast milk is... all breast-fed infants starting at birth...
...mother’s blood. Breastfed infants may have: Less...
...available for premature infants, allergic infants, and...
...premature infants, allergic infants, and others.Formulas can...
...information conveyed to infants through human milk,... are convincing.Formula-fed infants in developed nations... fed to infants because of the...
...Feature: Mealtimes with Infants Foster a sense...
N/A 213
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 355.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 0
...association with low-birth-weight infants Increased risk of...
...number of Term infants born ( 37...
...number of Preterm infants born ( 20...
...weight Teaching about infants nutritional needs Nutritional...
...position Mother meets infants needs as they...
...multiples Mothers with infants who are still...
...hospitalized Mothers of infants with birth defects,... give their infants up for adoption...
...forced to relinquish infants because of lifestyle...
...for sick, premature infants Various factors influence...
...outcome of at-risk infants Birth weight Gestational...
...labor and birth, infants ability to withstand...
...mortality risk ( infants chance of death...
...clamping in premature infants may yield more...
...term Native American infants often heavier at...
...completely ( stimulate infants to cry by...
...granuloma Genitals Female infants ( examine labia...
...minora, clitoris Male infants ( inspect penis... most newborn infants ( monitor to...
...cause pain If infants care provider recommends...
...handling, caring for infants or may be...
...after use Some infants may have transient...
...days of preterm infants life Deficiency of...
...blood flow Preterm infants kidneys limited in...
...system affects preterm infants ability to excrete...
...reactivity ( preterm infants periods of reactivity...
...By observing each infants patterns of behavior...
...established based on infants weight, estimated stomach...
...Bottle feeding Preterm infants with coordinated rhythmic... bottle Premature infants who root when...
...In assessing premature infants readiness for feeding...
...( nurse assesses infants ability to suck... breastfeed preterm infants ( given opportunity...
...holding of premature infants can significantly increase...
...Used with preterm infants (34 weeks of... prime premature infants intestinal tract No...
...into account of infants weight, postnatal age...
...( low-birth-weight preterm infants face higher mortality...
...rates than term infants Most common long-term...
...parents of premature infants to local child... Planning Promote infants oxygenation and normal...
...patterns Promote the infants weight gain and...
...normal growth Support infants developmental needs Educate...
...ambient humidity Keep infants skin dry, place...
...during feeding Preterm infants feeding abilities, health...
...parentinfant attachment Preterm infants may be separated...
...caregiving skills, understand infants behavioral characteristics Provide...
...programs Some preterm infants not developmentally able...
...conversations away from infants bedsides Use dimmer...
...switches to shield infants eyes from bright...
...them move at infants pace when providing...
...Preterm and low-birth-weight infants at greater risk...
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 74 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Medicine | Downloaded: 2
...and lifespan considerations Infants and children Growth...
...fixed size (except infants) ( IICP (...
...Developmental considerations in infants, children, older adults...
...throughout life span Infants, young children (...
...use Handle premature infants carefully Clinical manifestations...
...of IICP in infants ( symptoms for...
...seizures Risk factors Infants susceptible during first...
...risk factors Small-for-gestational-age infants Underlying neurologic conditions...
N/A 206
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