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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 59.3 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...animals such as mammals and birds are...
...than the environment. Mammals, birds, some fishes,...
...body temperatures than mammals. Endothermy has several...
...For example, marine mammals and many birds...
...For example, most mammals and birds can...
...of birds and mammals can greatly increase...
...endothermy is widespread Mammals and birds generally...
...36-38oC for most mammals and 39-42oC for...
...surroundings, birds and mammals must counteract the...
...shivering. In some mammals, nonshivering thermogenesis (NST)...
...of ATP. Some mammals also have a...
...In cold environments, mammals and birds can...
...that evolved in mammals and birds is...
...are located. Marine mammals such as whales...
...effective that marine mammals maintain core body...
...those of land mammals. In areas such...
...adjustments, birds and mammals are capable of...
...heat production. Many mammals and birds live... Many terrestrial mammals and birds may...
...humans and other mammals is a complex...
...In birds and mammals, acclimation often includes...
...dramatically. Many small mammals and birds exhibit...
...For example, nocturnal mammals, such as most...
...sufficient water. Instead, mammals, most adult amphibians,...
...the mammalian kidney Mammals have a pair...
...nephrons that enable mammals to produce urine...
...terrestrial life, enabling mammals to get rid...
...large birds and mammals by making an...
...their various habitats. Mammals that excrete the...
...and other desert mammals, have exceptionally long...
...urine. Birds, like mammals, have kidneys with...
...In contrast to mammals and birds, a...
N/A 181
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 57.27 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0 includes other mammals, birds, lizards, snakes,...
...While most modern mammals do not lay...
...amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Acanthostega is representative...
...consists of the mammals, the birds, and...
...are flexible. Most mammals have dispensed with...
...reptiles, birds, and mammals sharing a common...
...therapsids, from which mammals evolved. The anaspid...
...except birds and mammals. In fact, all...
...including birds and mammals, evolved from forms...
...perching birds. 5. Mammals diversified extensively in...
...the Mesozoic era, mammals underwent an extensive...
...extant species of mammals. Vertebrates of the...
...mammary glands. All mammals also have hair,... endothermy in mammals. Endothermy is supported...
...four-chambered heart. Most mammals are born rather...
...In eutherian (placental) mammals and marsupials the...
...her developing young. Mammals generally have larger...
...the teeth of mammals come in a...
...the evolution of mammals from reptiles, two...
...jaw joint remodeled. Mammals evolved over 220...
...The ancestor of mammals was among the...
...during the Mesozoic, mammals coexisted with dinosaurs...
...Cretaceous extinctions. Modern mammals are split into...
...groups: monotremes (egg-laying mammals), marsupials (mammals with...
...(egg-laying mammals), marsupials (mammals with pouches) and...
...and eutherian (placental) mammals. Monotremes—the playtpuses and...
...the only living mammals that lay eggs....
...occupied by eutherian mammals in other parts...
...marsupials resemble eutherian mammals that occupy similar...
...roles. While marsupial mammals diversified throughout the...
...Australia, the placental mammals began an adaptive...
...Invasions of placental mammals from North America... marsupials, eutherian mammals (placentals) have a...
...orders of eutherian mammals that we recognize...
...Relative to other mammals, they have large...
N/A 213
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 246 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...clearing wastes. In mammals, the cerebrospinal fluid...
...visual centers. In mammals, vision is integrated...
...All birds and mammals show characteristic sleep/wake...
...these rhythms. In mammals, the cycles controlled...
...Circadian rhythms in mammals rely on a...
...little variation. In mammals, circadian rhythms are...
...whole animal. In mammals, information processing is...
...particularly extensive in mammals, where it is...
...pallium of both mammals and birds receives...
...are similar in mammals and reptiles and...
...brain stem in mammals. Structures within the...
N/A 209
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 229 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 1 fishes and mammals. High concentrations of...
...terrestrial animals, including mammals, is generally internal,... polyspermy in mammals. After the egg...
...much slower in mammals than in the...
...sperm binding in mammals. Cleavage partitions the...
...possible exception of mammals, have eggs and...
...well as monotreme mammals, and the uterus...
...and eutherian (placental) mammals are aqueous environments...
...(including birds) and mammals are thus amniotes....
...eggs of most mammals are very small...
...relatively slow in mammals. In humans, the...
...embryonic membranes of mammals are homologous with...
...sac membrane of mammals is the site...
...The allantois in mammals is incorporated into...
...were conserved as mammals diverged in the...
...dorsal-ventral axis. In mammals, no polarity is...
...early blastomeres of mammals receive equivalent cytoplasmic...
N/A 211
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 241.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0 monotremes (egg-laying mammals), the zygote is...
...reproductive tract. Marsupial mammals retain their embryos...
...embryos of eutherian mammals develop entirely within...
...feed their young; mammals nurse their offspring....
...all vertebrates. Most mammals have a separate...
...tract; most female mammals have separate openings...
...two chambers. In mammals (including humans) that...
...sperm maturation. Some mammals whose body temperature...
...penis of some mammals possesses a baculum,...
...of meiosis in mammals differ for males...
...females. Reproduction in mammals involves two distinct... All female mammals undergo a thickening...
...menstrual cycles. Other mammals have estrous cycles....
...vary widely among mammals. Bears and wolves...
...46.6 In placental mammals, an embryo develops...
...tests. In placental mammals, pregnancy or gestation... unique to mammals. In response to...
N/A 211
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 140 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...birds, and marine mammals are a consequence... birds and mammals, use metabolic heat...
...body temperatures than mammals. Animals regulate the...
...particular direction. In mammals, several of these...
...thermoregulatory adaptation in mammals and birds is...
...layer traps. Land mammals and birds react...
...oily substances. Marine mammals swim in water...
...the skin, marine mammals have a very...
...effective that marine mammals can maintain body...
...many birds and mammals, heat transfer involves... weather. Many mammals and birds live...
...birds and many mammals. Some birds have...
...cooling. Many terrestrial mammals have sweat glands...
...the body. Some mammals have brown fat...
...and nonshivering thermogenesis, mammals and birds may...
...In birds and mammals, acclimatization often includes...
...and viral infections, mammals and birds develop...
...decrease. Some hibernating mammals cool to 1–2°C,... Many small mammals and birds exhibit...
N/A 194
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 369.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...(including birds), and mammals. There are about...
...(including birds), and mammals. According to one...
...consists of the mammals and reptiles (including... air. Most mammals have dispensed with...
...courtship. Concept 34.7 Mammals are amniotes that... species of mammals. Mammals (class Mammalia)...
...species of mammals. Mammals (class Mammalia) have...
...and vitamins. All mammals have hair and... endothermy in mammals. Endothermy is supported...
...a four-chambered heart. Mammals generally have larger...
...the teeth of mammals come in a...
...kinds of foods. Mammals belong to a...
...animals were not mammals, but they were...
...The first true mammals arose in the...
...Jurassic period. Early mammals diversified into a...
...lineages of living mammals emerged: monotremes (egg-laying...
...emerged: monotremes (egg-laying mammals), marsupials (mammals with...
...(egg-laying mammals), marsupials (mammals with a pouch),...
...and eutherians (placental mammals). After the extinction...
...late Cretaceous period, mammals underwent an adaptive...
...the only living mammals that lay eggs....
...occupied by eutherian mammals in other parts...
...While the marsupial mammals diversified throughout the...
...Australia, the placental mammals began an adaptive...
...Invasions of placental mammals from North America...
...marsupials, eutherians (placental mammals) have longer pregnancies....
...commonly called placental mammals because their placentas...
...Compared with other mammals, primates have large...
...34.8 Humans are mammals that have a...
...gene in other mammals. The researchers concluded...
N/A 217
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 278 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...amphibians and reptiles, mammals are considered tetrapods,...
...with four limbs. Mammals with unique anatomical...
...several bones. In mammals, each side is...
...of bones in mammals and other tetrapods....
...and other tetrapods. Mammals also have a...
...unique features of mammals evolved in a...
...The features of mammals arose gradually in...
...the world. Marsupial mammals fill ecological roles...
...filled by placental mammals on other continents....
...major adaptive radiations. Mammals underwent a dramatic...
...years ago. Although mammals originated 180 million...
...extinction. A few mammals were intermediate in...
...the dinosaurs. Early mammals may have been...
...(except for birds), mammals diversified to fill...
...rise to early mammals, the articular and...
...ear region of mammals, where they came...
N/A 217
Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 81.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...of cats are mammals, but not all...
...but not all mammals are cats. The...
...many orders of mammals. Higher classification levels... order of mammals. 2. Classification and...
...the clade of mammals from other tetrapods....
...that uniquely identifies mammals. However, the presence...
...vertebrates from other mammals. Among vertebrates, the... birds and mammals but not to...
...that birds and mammals evolved from different...
...of birds and mammals develop differently, supporting...
...of birds and mammals are analogous, not...
...comparison, such as mammals and bacteria. Molecular...
N/A 211
Lecture 5 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 8 years ago | 2.23 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Conservation Biology | Downloaded: 0
...vertebrates (IMPORTANT).Megafauna = MAMMALS, BIRDS, REPTILES OVER...
...(especially birds and mammals)More conspicuousWell studiedEven for...
...1600:77 species of mammals (1.6% of all...
...of birds and mammals = 1% per...
...example:100 species of birds/mammals went extinct between...
...nicheE.g. many marine mammals are top predators...
N/A 307
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