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Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 44.06 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...Cellular Respiration and Fermentation Overview:...
...fuel for cellular respiration. Cells harvest the...
...most cellular work. Respiration has three key...
...catabolic process, aerobic respiration, consumes oxygen as...
...carry out aerobic respiration. Some prokaryotes use...
...process called anaerobic respiration. Although cellular respiration...
...respiration. Although cellular respiration technically includes both...
...aerobic process. Aerobic respiration is similar in...
...the fuel for respiration. The exhaust is...
...oxidized during cellular respiration. Respiration, the oxidation...
...during cellular respiration. Respiration, the oxidation of...
...electron changes. In respiration, the oxidation of...
...of electrons during respiration is stepwise, via...
...transport chain. Cellular respiration does not oxidize...
...oxidizing agent during respiration. How does NAD+...
...molecule formed during respiration represents stored energy....
...activation energy), cellular respiration uses an electron...
...summary, during cellular respiration, most electrons travel...
...stages of cellular respiration: a preview. Respiration...
...respiration: a preview. Respiration occurs in three...
...the term cellular respiration for stages 2...
...third stage of respiration, the electron transport...
...ATP generated by respiration. Some ATP is...
...and water by respiration, the cell makes...
...of free energy. Respiration uses the small...
...ATP produced by respiration results from oxidative...
...produced by the respiration of glucose are...
...conditions of cellular respiration, ATP synthase uses...
...production by cellular respiration. During cellular respiration,...
...respiration. During cellular respiration, most energy flows...
...generated when cellular respiration oxidizes a molecule...
...redox reactions of respiration may drive other...
...How efficient is respiration in generating ATP?...
...kcal/mol. Efficiency of respiration is 7.3 kcal/mol...
...temperature (37°C). Cellular respiration is remarkably efficient...
...efficiency of cellular respiration. A remarkable adaptation...
...point that cellular respiration would be shut...
...Fermentation and anaerobic respiration enable cells to...
...fermentation and anaerobic respiration. An electron transport...
...present in aerobic respiration but not in... fermentation. Anaerobic respiration takes place in..., without cellular respiration). Glycolysis oxidizes glucose...
...switch from aerobic respiration to lactic acid...
...and completes cellular respiration. Fermentation and cellular...
...Fermentation and cellular respiration are compared. Fermentation,...
...compared. Fermentation, anaerobic respiration, and aerobic respiration...
...respiration, and aerobic respiration are three alternative...
...fermentation). In cellular respiration, electrons carried by...
...acceptor. In aerobic respiration, the final electron...
...oxygen; in anaerobic respiration, the final acceptor... unique to respiration. Without an electron...
...cells. Thus, cellular respiration harvests much more...
...fermentation can. Aerobic respiration yields up to...
...of ATP for respiration, compared with 2...
...fermentation or anaerobic respiration and cannot survive...
...either fermentation or respiration. At a cellular...
...cycle via aerobic respiration. Under anaerobic conditions,...
...both fermentation and respiration has an evolutionary... fuel for respiration. The other two...
...fat oxidized by respiration generates twice as...
...metabolic pathways of respiration also play a...
...mechanisms control cellular respiration. Basic principles of... meet demand, respiration slows down, sparing...
...the pacemaker of respiration. Phosphofructokinase catalyzes the...
...the pacemaker of respiration. Phosphofructokinase is an...
...their metabolism. Cellular respiration and metabolic pathways... organisms. Cellular respiration also functions in...
...produced, by cellular respiration. These processes tap...
N/A 214
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 165.95 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...(such as cellular respiration) and with content...
...4.7 In cellular respiration, oxygen is used...
...process of cellular respiration. (Modules 4.7, 4.8,...
...calories to cellular respiration and the generation...
...anabolic steroids, aerobic respiration, ADP, ATP, anatomy,...
N/A 271
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 223.56 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...photosynthesis and cellular respiration by describing how...
...process of cellular respiration. (Modules 4.7, 4.8,...
...stages of cellular respiration, including the molecules...
...calories to cellular respiration and the generation...
...sugars through cellular respiration. A. Energy flows...
...protists. E. Cellular respiration 1. All organisms...
...sugars through cellular respiration. a. Ingredients: sugar...
...consumers perform cellular respiration. 4.3 Within chloroplasts,...
...mitochondrion using cellular respiration. b. Stored as...
...4.7 In cellular respiration, oxygen is used...
...process of cellular respiration. Cellular respiration uses...
...cellular respiration. Cellular respiration uses O2 and...
...A. In cellular respiration, oxygen is used... power cellular respiration. 2. ATP produced...
...produced by cellular respiration is used in...
...bodies. B. Aerobic respiration 1. Mitochondria are... called aerobic respiration because it requires...
...burn. 4.8 Cellular respiration is divided into...
...stages of cellular respiration—glycolysis, citric acid cycle,...
...ATP. A. Cellular respiration is divided into...
...glucose than cellular respiration. Human cells cannot...
...can. A. Cellular respiration 1. Cellular respiration...
...respiration 1. Cellular respiration uses O2 to...
...2. Aerobic cellular respiration requires O2. B....
...O2. B. Anaerobic respiration 1. Food energy...
...Types of anaerobic respiration 1. Lactic acid... 4.10 Cellular respiration is a central...
...feeding into cellular respiration. The energy produced...
...produced via cellular respiration and stored in...
...processes. A. Cellular respiration is a central...
...burned via cellular respiration. 2. You obtain... ecosystem. Cellular respiration Consumer Photosynthesis Chloroplast...
...4.7 In cellular respiration, oxygen is used...
...sugar. ADP Aerobic respiration ATP 4.8 Cellular...
...ATP 4.8 Cellular respiration is divided into...
...three stages. Cellular respiration Electron transport chain...
...without oxygen. Anaerobic respiration Fermentation 4.10 Cellular...
...Fermentation 4.10 Cellular respiration is a central...
...not do cellular respiration. ??Emphasize that plants...
...go through cellular respiration, the resulting ATP...
...4.7 In cellular respiration, oxygen is used...
...breathe and cellular respiration. ? ATP and...
...wasted. 4.8 Cellular respiration is divided into...
...stages of cellular respiration into smaller ideas...
...goal of cellular respiration can be confusing...
...point of cellular respiration is to liberate...
...“without.” Anaerobic is respiration without oxygen. ?...
...sugar. 4.10 Cellular respiration is a central...
...ingredient in cellular respiration without connecting glucose... for cellular respiration may not be...
...steps of cellular respiration. ??Foods are broken...
...fed in cellular respiration, where they are...
...universality of cellular respiration may not occur...
...ask when cellular respiration is occurring to...
...4.7 In cellular respiration, oxygen is used...
...fat 4.8 Cellular respiration is divided into... 4.10 Cellular respiration is a central...
N/A 167
Other | Approved: 7 years ago | 419.76 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Biology | Downloaded: 0
...produced during cellular respiration. 5.Understand how heart...
...process called cellular respiration. During cellular respiration,...
...respiration. During cellular respiration, cells use oxygen...
...reactions of cellular respiration. Matrix FIGURE 3.1...
...its job. Cellular respiration oc- curs in...
...process of cellular respiration of a glucose...
...synthesize ATP. Cellular respiration occurs at different...
...rate of cellular respiration because the heart...
...cells so that respiration can occur. The...
...Production During Cellular Respiration 29 5.Pour 5...
N/A 246
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 84.5 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Kinesiology | Downloaded: 0
...The Thorax and Respiration Chapter manuals include:...
...primary function of respiration. List the bones...
...primary muscles of respiration and the motion...
...its role in respiration. Identify the origins,...
...OF THORAX AND RESPIRATION A bony ribcage...
...bellows for breathing Respiration allows intake of...
...handle MUSCLES OF RESPIRATION Primary Active during...
...Prime mover in respiration Generates 7080% of...
...Assists inhalation during respiration Serratus posterior inferior...
...Assists exhalation during respiration Both serratus cross...
...cause restrictions to respiration Chronic and acute...
...thorax Muscles of respiration Respiratory motion and...
N/A 203
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 179 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...reverse of cellular respiration. Both of these...
...the steps of respiration. In its simplest...
...photosynthesis and aerobic respiration involve redox reactions....
...reactions. During cellular respiration, energy is released...
...peroxisomes. Unlike normal respiration, this process produces...
...fuel for cellular respiration in plant mitochondria....
...provides fuel for respiration and the raw...
N/A 190
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 196 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Anatomy | Downloaded: 0
...Chapter 9 Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Chemical Energy...
...fuel for cellular respiration. Cells harvest the...
...most cellular work. Respiration has three key...
...catabolic process, aerobic respiration, consumes oxygen as...
...carry out aerobic respiration. Some prokaryotes use...
...process called anaerobic respiration. Although cellular respiration...
...respiration. Although cellular respiration technically includes both...
...aerobic process. Aerobic respiration is similar in...
...the fuel for respiration. The exhaust is...
...oxidized during cellular respiration. Respiration, the oxidation...
...during cellular respiration. Respiration, the oxidation of...
...electron changes. In respiration, the oxidation of...
...of electrons during respiration is stepwise, via...
...transport chain. Cellular respiration does not oxidize...
...oxidizing agent during respiration. How does NAD+...
...molecule formed during respiration represents stored energy....
...activation energy), cellular respiration uses an electron...
...summary, during cellular respiration, most electrons travel...
...stages of cellular respiration: a preview. Respiration...
...respiration: a preview. Respiration occurs in three...
...third stage of respiration, the electron transport...
...ATP generated by respiration. Some ATP is...
...and water by respiration, the cell makes...
...of free energy. Respiration uses the small...
...ATP produced by respiration results from oxidative...
...produced by the respiration of glucose are...
...conditions of cellular respiration, ATP synthase uses...
...production by cellular respiration. During cellular respiration,...
...respiration. During cellular respiration, most energy flows...
...generated when cellular respiration oxidizes a molecule...
...redox reactions of respiration may drive other...
...How efficient is respiration in generating ATP?...
...kcal/mol. Efficiency of respiration is 7.3 kcal/mol...
...temperature (37°C). Cellular respiration is remarkably efficient...
...Fermentation and anaerobic respiration enable some cells...
...fermentation and anaerobic respiration. An electron transport...
...present in aerobic respiration but not in... fermentation. Anaerobic respiration takes place in..., without cellular respiration). In glycolysis, glucose...
...switch from aerobic respiration to lactic acid...
...Fermentation and cellular respiration are compared. Fermentation...
...Fermentation and cellular respiration are anaerobic and...
...NAD+. In cellular respiration, the electrons of...
...cell. Under aerobic respiration, a molecule of...
...ATP under anaerobic respiration. Organisms vary in...
...fermentation or anaerobic respiration and cannot survive...
...either fermentation or respiration. At a cellular...
...both fermentation and respiration has an evolutionary... fuel for respiration. The other two...
...fat oxidized by respiration generates twice as...
...metabolic pathways of respiration also play a...
...mechanisms control cellular respiration. Basic principles of... meet demand, respiration slows down, sparing...
...the pacemaker of respiration. Phosphofructokinase catalyzes the...
...their metabolism. Cellular respiration functions in the...
...produced, by cellular respiration. Lecture Outline for...
N/A 187
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