Search Resources (7 Results)
Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 117 kB | Comments: 0
...elbow Lateral and medial epicondyles Supracondylar ridges... ...(radial) collateral ligament Medial (ulnar) collateral ligament... ...of the scapula Medial head – Distal... ...O: Superior to medial epicondyle, medial border... ...to medial epicondyle, medial border of coronoid... ...tendon attached to medial epicondyle Flexor carpi... ...carpi ulnaris O: Medial epicondyle of humerus... ...carpi radialis O: Medial epicondyle of humerus... ...of population O: Medial epicondyle of humerus... ...digitorum superficialis O: Medial epicondyle, medial aspect... ...O: Medial epicondyle, medial aspect of coronoid... ...radialis longus O: Medial epicondyle of humerus... ...subsides Two types Medial epicondylitis Injury to... ...metacarpal, capitate I: Medial base of proximal... ...carpi ulnaris I: Medial side of base... ...of hamate I: Medial side of shaft...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 94 kB | Comments: 0
...angle Lateral border, medial border, superior border... ...Hyperextension: 45 degrees Medial rotation: 70 degrees... ...synovial joint Between medial clavicle, first rib,... ...scapula neutral position Medial scapular border parallel... ...parallel to spine Medial scapular border 56... ...level with T-1 Medial spine of scapula... ...bottom ribs I: Medial lip of bicipital... ...of scapula I: Medial lip of bicipital... ...A: Assists adduction, medial rotation, and extension... ...to T5 I: Medial border of scapula... ...of superior angle, medial border, and inferior... ...angle of scapula (medial aspect) A: Elevates... ...winging Faulty pattern: Medial scapula border lifted... ...True winging: entire medial border raised. Pseudo-winging:... ...Pseudo-winging: part of medial border raised. Primary... ...Clavicular head – Medial half of clavicle... ...external oblique and medial portion of costal... ...middle clavicle I: Medial aspect of 1st...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 99.5 kB | Comments: 0
...of two parts: Medial part: Dens process... ...square muscle O: Medial and inferior surfaces... ...to that side Medial pterygoid O: Lateral... ...Ligamentous sling on medial clavicle, lateral side... ...atlas (C-1) I: Medial part of inferior... ...Clavicular head – Medial third of superior... ...of C-1 (atlas) Medial section ? Vertebral... ...lateral pterygoid, and medial pterygoid (p. 520)...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 123 kB | Comments: 0
...trochanter Limits adduction, medial rotation, hyperextension Hyperextension... ...rotation: 45 degrees Medial rotation: 45 degrees... ...(ASIS) I: Proximal medial tibia, superior tendon... ...adducts hip, assists medial and lateral rotation... ...hip flexion and medial rotation Adductor brevis:... ...pubic tubercle I: Medial lip of linea... ...hip flexion and medial rotation Adductor magnus... ...ramus I: Proximal medial tibia, middle tendon... ...fibers abduct hip, medial fibers adduct hip... ...foramen I: Under medial lip of greater... ...foramen I: Under medial lip of greater...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 103 kB | Comments: 0
...the size of medial condyle Tibia Massive,... ...genu varum (bowlegs) Medial collateral ligament (MCL):... ...tibial collateral ligament Medial epicondyle to proximal... ...Posterior tibia to medial femoral condyle Short,... ...knee. Damages ACL, medial meniscus, and MCL... ...Increases compression on medial meniscus 5 degrees... ...the distance of medial meniscus During flexion... ...trochanter Medialis – Medial edge of linea... ...Semimembranosus: Attaches to medial meniscus via capsule... ...I: Posterior and medial aspect of medial... ...medial aspect of medial tibial condyle A:... ...knee and assists medial rotation, extends hip... ...hip and assists medial rotation Semitendinosus: Tendon... ...Proximal part of medial tibia A: Flexes... ...knee and assists medial rotation, extends hip... ...hip and assists medial rotation Other muscles... ...knee flexion and medial rotation Gracilis: Assists... ...is flexed Popliteus: Medial rotator of knee...
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Outline | Approved: 7 years ago | 122 kB | Comments: 0
...body Tapers into medial malleolus Fibula Runs... ...Navicular: Keystone of medial arch Three cuneiforms:... ...arch Three cuneiforms: Medial/intermediate/lateral across transverse arch... ...form architectural vault. Medial longitudinal arch: Between... ...lateral arch and medial arch Functions of... ...Functions of arches Medial arch functions like... ...stabilizes center of medial arch Short plantar... ...of talocrural joint Medial collateral ligament (MCL):... ...than LCL Stabilizes medial side of ankle... ...critical for loading/unloading medial arch Interphalangeal (IP)... ...takeoff O: Posterior medial and lateral condyles... ...Posterior calcaneus via medial aspect of Achilles... ...inverts foot, stabilizes medial arch Tendon lifts... ...lifts and stabilizes medial arch Tendon passes... ...digitorum longus O: Medial posterior tibia I:... ...of first metatarsal, medial cuneiform A: Everts... ...hallucis brevis: Directly medial to extensor digitorum... ...Abductor hallucis O: Medial aspect of calcaneal... ...plantar aponeurosis I: Medial side of base... ...of foot O: Medial posterior tibia I:... ...over toes O: Medial side of distal... ...longus I: Dorsal medial surface of proximal... ...lateral cuneiform I: Medial and lateral side... ...plantar side O: Medial proximal side of... ...fifth metatarsals I: Medial proximal aspect of... ...shape of the medial and transfer arch?...
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Solutions | Approved: 7 years ago | 66 kB | Comments: 1
...ligament (PCL) C) medial collateral ligament (MCL)... ...the femur A) medial collateral ligament (MCL)... ...which ligament A) medial collateral ligament (MCL)... ...ligament (PCL) C) medial collateral ligament (MCL)... ...injured than the medial meniscus. D) Their... ...to stabilize the medial and lateral knee.... ...occurs on the medial side of the...
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