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Other | Approved: 7 years ago | 39 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Physics | Downloaded: 0
...old is the universe? 8. Describe two...
...element is the universe mostly made? 10....
...element in the universe? 11. Name two...
...Geometry of the Universe 12. Give an...
...geometries of the universe, and describe at...
...expansion of the universe, are the galaxies...
...Shape of the Universe 17. What does...
...shape of the universe? 18. List one... a flat universe. 19. What is...
...percentage of the universe’s total mass is...
...percentage of the universe’s total mass is...
...matter? The Accelerating Universe and Dark Energy...
...26. Is the universe’s expansion slowing down,... that the universe is accelerating. 28.... causing the universe’s expansion to speed...
...percentage of the universe is made of...
...History of the Universe 30. What does...
...and since the universe started from only... can the universe have possibly attained...
...galaxies in the universe. If we then... the present-day universe where the big...
...Geometry of The Universe 17. If we... the present-day universe that is the... of the universe? Explain. 21. Are... the present-day universe that are at...
...edge of the universe? Explain. The Shape...
...Shape of the Universe 22. What important...
...How did the universe after this event...
...differ from the universe before this event?...
...of the observable universe. Will the three... observe the universe only 300,000 years...
...through the early universe? 27. What does...
...say that the universe is “flat”? Dark...
...know? The Accelerating Universe and Dark Energy...
...34. Since the universe is accelerating as...
...fate of the universe is to expand...
...find that the universe is accelerating. What...
...expansion of the universe? 37. What is...
...What is the universe mostly made of?...
...expansion of the universe causes it to...
...History of the Universe 40. In what...
...see in the universe today have originated...
...see in today’s universe. According to the...
N/A 185
lec3 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 508.69 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Environmental Biology | Downloaded: 0
N/A 160
lec2 New
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 3.7 MB | Comments: 0
Category: Environmental Biology | Downloaded: 0
N/A 152
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 102.49 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Astronomy | Downloaded: 0
...Expanding (or Contracting) Universe 18-2 The expansion...
...expansion of the universe creates a Doppler-like...
...detected 18-5 The universe has two symmetries—isotropy...
...evolution of the universe even before matter...
...antimatter in the universe annihilated each other...
...other 18-9 The universe changed from being...
...explains why the universe is isotropic and...
...future of the universe 18-14 The Overall...
...Future of the Universe 18-15 Dark energy... causing the universe to accelerate outward...
...suggests that the universe is expanding. 2....
...density of the universe on its future,...
...of the expanding universe theories with inflationary...
...theories with inflationary universe 5. Define what...
...flatness of the universe are noted, and...
...creation of the universe are outlined. The...
...Creation of the Universe, Tim Ferris draws...
...expansion of the universe and the redshifts... in the universe. The shift to...
...position in the universe is neither more...
...for a finite universe. You might want...
...age of the universe obviously are dependent... the observable universe. You might review... of the universe and the assumption...
...size scales the universe is the same...
...other words, the universe is isotropic and...
...part of the universe, this seems incorrect....
...exists for the universe, but no answer...
...until the inflationary universe theories were developed....
...antimatter in the universe. As a point...
...horizon of the universe that can be...
...density of the universe in controlling the...
...binding of the universe on the cosmic...
...region, and the universe as a whole....
...most of the universe is virtually empty...
...flatness of the universe and the concept...
...suggests that the universe is flat at...
...possibility of a universe that has no...
...objects in the universe. It should not...
...realm and the universe as a whole...
...or not the universe will expand forever....
...fate of the universe. The expansion question...
...acceleration of the universe is examined in...
...age of the universe from the Hubble...
...age of the universe? Are the ages...
...age of the universe? Do all values...
...ages for the universe? Cosmology 197 Review...
...(a) Why the universe is homogeneous. 3....
...3. An expanding universe means that superclusters...
...fate of the universe, the shape of...
...shape of the universe, and the average...
...density of the universe are related because...
...mass of the universe. 6. If the...
...6. If the universe will expand forever,...
...7. A matter-dominated universe means that matter...
...behavior of the universe. The universe was...
...the universe. The universe was radiation dominated...
...homogeneity of the universe. c. for the...
...quarks in the universe. Advanced Questions 12.... of the universe at a definite... the early universe is the same...
...Creation of the Universe, this question is...
...Masks of the Universe. 1985, Macmillan. Philosophical...
...Stern, S. Our Universe: The Thrill of...
...and the Expanding Universe. 1999, Four Walls...
...Future of the Universe” in Sky &... al. “The Universe’s Unseen Dimensions” in...
...Evolution of the Universe. 1983, Basic Books....
...Bartusiak, M. Thursday’s Universe. 1986, Times Books....
...of the Inflationary Universe Hypothesis” in Mercury,...
...“Outsmarting the Early Universe” in Astronomy, Oct.... a Finite Universe” in Scientific American,...
...Fate of the Universe. 1988, W. W....
...Edge of the Universe: A Review of...
...Fate of the Universe” in Astronomy, Jan....
...and the Early Universe” in Mercury, May/June...
...Second of the Universe” in Mercury, May/June...
...Future of the Universe” in Scientific American,...
...H. “Modeling the Universe in Your Mind”...
...Map of the Universe” in Astronomy, Apr....
...D. “An Interconnected Universe? Exploring the Topology...
...Finkbeiner, A. “A Universe in Our Own...
...M. “Mapping the Universe: Slices and Bubbles”...
...D. The Runaway Universe: The Race to...
...G. The Symbiotic Universe. 1988, Morrow; “Through...
...of the Visible Universe” in Astronomy, Apr....
...Fate of the Universe” in Sky &...
...Fate of the Universe. 1983, Cambridge University...
...Fate of the Universe” in Astronomy, Oct....
...Fate of the Universe” in Scientific American,...
...History of the Universe” in Mercury, Nov./Dec.... the Young Universe” in Scientific American,... al. The Universe at Large: Key...
...Steinhardt. “The Quintessential Universe” in Scientific American,...
...D. “The Shadow Universe” in Discover, May...
...1998; “Exploring Our Universe and Others” in...
...Structure of the Universe. 1991, W. H....
...Expansion of the Universe” in B. Preiss...
...Fraknoi, eds., The Universe. 1987, Bantam. Saslaw,...
...Quasars, and the Universe, 2nd ed. 1980,...
...F. “The Expanding Universe and the Large-scale...
...Structure of the Universe” in Scientific American,...
...“Beyond the Soapsuds Universe” in Discover, 1997,...
...Physics and the Universe” in B. Preiss...
...Fraknoi, eds., The Universe. 1987, Bantam; The...
...Side of the Universe. 1988, Scribners. A...
...Horizons: Understanding the Universe. 1983, W. H....
...Smooth: COBE’s Perfect Universe” in Astronomy, June...
...Creation of the Universe” in Scientific American,...
...D. “The Quantum Universe: A Zero-Point Fluctuation”...
...Function of the Universe” in Science, 2...
...Dec. 1980. Inflationary Universe Hypothesis Bartusiak, M....
...of the Inflationary Universe Hypothesis” in Mercury,... a Low-Density Universe” in Scientific American,...
...A. “The Inflationary Universe” in J. Cornell,...
...Steinhardt. “The Inflationary Universe” in Scientific American,...
...“The Self-Reproducing Inflationary Universe” in Scientific American,...
...E. “The Self-Reproducing Universe” in Sky &...
...Overbye, D. “The Universe According to Guth”...
...D. “The Inflationary Universe Lives?” in Sky...
...Beginning: The Inflationary Universe” in Science ’84,...
...Creation of the Universe (PBS television special...
...Pacific) Stephen Hawking’s Universe (Burns, K., et...
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 55.28 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Astronomy | Downloaded: 0
...expansion of the universe? If quasars were...
...things in the universe as they were...
...long ago. The universe must be changing...
...discovered in the universe. The energy output...
...Objects in the Universe” in Astronomy, June...
...Distant and Early Universe” in Scientific American,...
...Quasars, and the Universe, 2nd ed. 1980,...
...Fraknoi, eds., The Universe. 1987, Bantam. Talcott,...
...Lights Up the Universe” in Astronomy, Sept....
...G. The Invisible Universe Revealed: The Story...
...Whitt, K. “The Universe According to Arp”...
...Edge of the Universe. 1989, Ellis Horwood/John...
N/A 212
Lecture Notes | Approved: 7 years ago | 102.41 kB | Comments: 0
Category: Astronomy | Downloaded: 0
...matter in the universe 16-10 The redshifts...
...indicate that the universe is expanding Different...
...expansion of the universe at different distances...
...of our expanding universe theories and the... a static universe. Very boring. 31....
...“Discovering the Expanding Universe” in Astronomy, Feb....
...Hubble and the Universe Outside Our Galaxy”...
...and the Expanding Universe” in Scientific American,...
...of the Expanding Universe” in Sky &...
...R. The Expanding Universe: Astronomy’s Great Debate....
...Structures in the Universe” in Scientific American,...
...G. “Mastering the Universe” in Astronomy, Feb....
...Size of the Universe” in Scientific American,...
...M. “Mapping the Universe: Slices and Bubbles”...
...Huchra. “Mapping the Universe” in Sky &...
...S. “Mapping the Universe” in Scientific American,...
...Edge of the Universe” in Astronomy, Apr....
...Galaxies in the Universe: An Introduction. 2000,...
...Fraknoi, eds., The Universe. 1987, Bantam. Stephens,...
...Distances in the Universe Croswell, K. “How...
...Scale of the Universe” in Sky &...
...Quasars, and the Universe, 2nd ed. 1982,...
...Mileposts of the Universe” in Sky &...
...S. Measuring the Universe: The Cosmological Distance...
...Matter in the Universe Bartusiak, M. “Wanted:...
...Matter in the Universe” in Sky &...
...M. The Hidden Universe. 1984, Macmillan. On...
...Matter in the Universe. 1989, Basic Books....
...D. “The Shadow Universe” in Discover, May...
...Fate of the Universe. 1989, Plenum Press....
...Structure of the Universe. 1991, W. H....
...Side of the Universe. 1988, Scribners. Trimble,...
N/A 205
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