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Chapter 18 Northern Ren.ppt

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1. Which of the following was an effect of the Reformation on art in Northern Europe? 1. (a) secular themes became more popular 2. (b) religious themes became more popular 3. (c) sculpture became more popular 4. (d) royal patronage decreased Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education Answer: 1.(a). See pages 625; 634-635. The Reformation’s division of religious unity in Europe had enormous political consequences. While France and Spain remained loyal to the Catholic Church, Germany, England and the Netherlands were divided by religious sectarianism. The more radical reformed faiths rejected the Catholic tradition of religious images. Artists responded to this complex political landscape in a number of ways, including developing a wider range of secular subject matter in art. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 2. Which view of the Isenheim Altarpiece was visible during the week? 1. (a) First view (St. Sebastian, The Crucifixion, St. Anthony Abbot) 2. (b) Second view (The Annunciation, Madonna and Child with Angels, The Resurrection) 3. (c) Third view (SS. Paul and Anthony in the Wilderness, Hagenau’s Shrine of St. Anthony, The Temptation of St. Anthony) Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 2. Answer: 1.(a). See pages 635-637. The closed altarpiece (first view) was visible on days of the week to monks and patients of the monastery’s hospital. The image of the suffering Christ, along with depictions of St. Sebastian and Anthony Abbot (not seen above), who were associated with healing, may have served as a source of comfort for the sick. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 3. Although best known for his work in the graphic arts, which artist also produced skilled drawings and paintings, including this Self-Portrait of 1500? 1. (a) Lucas Cranach 2. (b) Albrecht Dürer 3. (c) Matthias Grünwald 4. (d) Pieter Bruegel Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 3. Answer: 2. (b). See pages 638-641. Albrecht Dürer is widely considered one of the best etchers and engravers in the world. In this painting, he depicted himself in an iconic, almost Christ-like, fashion that reflects both his piety and the seriousness with which he viewed his mission as an artist and intellectual. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 4. Which artist was associated with the development of the Danube School of landscape painting, which appeared in Southern Germany and Austria in the first half of the 16th century? 1. (a) El Greco 2. (b) Hans Holbein 3. (c) Pieter Aertsen 4. (d) Albrecht Altdorfer Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 4. Answer: 4.(d). See pages 644. In Altdorfer’s most famous work, he depicted a historical scene of Alexander the Great’s victory over Darius of Persia. However, the figures are dwarfed by the magnificent landscape that expands into the distance. Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 5. Which element of the Antwerp Town Hall does NOT show the influence of Italian architecture? 1. (a) the rusticated arcade of the lower level 2. (b) the central pavilion that mixes architecture and sculpture 3. (c) the vertical proportions and roofline 4. (d) the use of engaged columns to articulate the upper stories Davies, et. al., Janson’s History of Art: The Western Tradition, Eighth Edition , ©2011, Education 5. Answer: 3.(c). See pages 652-653. The elaborate carvings on the central section further emphasize the verticality of the building, more in keeping with Northern European and Netherlandish traditions.

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