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STAT3010 - Syllabus

University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT)
Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: bio_man
Category: Statistics and Probability
Type: Lecture Notes
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Filename:   STAT3010 - Syllabus.docx (25.51 kB)
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Credit Cost: 1
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Syllabus for Biostatistics, Winter 2018 Course Information Course number STAT3010U – 001 Course date Monday, Jan 8, 2018 through Monday, April 6, 2018 UA 2240 Mon 2:10 pm – 3:30 pm UA 2240 Wed 2:10 pm – 3:30 pm Instructor Information Instructor E-mail: Office Location: Office Hours: Phone: Grader/Teaching Assistant Ruth Li (Qing Hong) Please use Blackboard e-mail to contact me, and my name is Ruth Li there. UA4120 Monday 3:30pm-4:30pm Thursday 12:30pm-1:30pm at UA4120 905-721-8668 extension TBA David Babalola Course Requirements Successful completion of Statistics and Probability for Biological Sciences (STAT2020) or for Physical Science (STAT2010) Textbooks Required reading Introductory Applied Biostatistics, D’Agostino, Sullivan and Beiser, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2006, ISBN: 053442399X, 9780534423995 (there is no eBook available for this textbook.) Student Solutions manual posted on Blackboard Course Description Designed to help students understand and apply the commonly used advanced statistical method to date that they are likely to encounter in their careers. The emphasis is on the design of research projects, date acquisition, analysis and interpretation of results. Topics to be covered include multiple regression, two factor ANOVA, logistic regression, nonparametric analysis, and resampling methods. SAS statistical software will be used as an integral part of the course. Outline of Topics in The course Week 1(Jan 8-12)    Review of Distributions & Hypothesis Testing --- Review of Distributions --- Hypothesis Testing Week 2(Jan 15-19)   Chapter 9: Analysis of Variance --- More Hypothesis Testing --- Background Logic (Section 9.1) Week 3(Jan 22-26)   Chapter 9: Analysis of Variance --- Notion and Example (Section 9.2) --- Fixed Versus Random Effects Models (Section 9.3) --- Evaluating Treatment Effects (Section 9.4) --- Multiple Comparisons Procedures (Section 9.5) Week 4(Jan 29-Feb 2)   Chapter 9: Analysis of Variance & Two-way Analysis of Variance --- Repeated Measures Analysis of variance (Section 9.6) --- The Modified Bonferroni t-test --- Randomized Complete Block Designs --- Unequal Analysis of Variance --- Two-way ANOVA Week 5(Feb 5-9) Two-way Analysis of Variance --- Two-way ANOVA — cont’d --- Unequal Two-way ANOVA --- Multiple Comparisons in Unequal Two-way ANOVA Week 6(Feb 12-16)   Chapter 10: Correlation and Regression --- Correlation Analysis (Section 10.1) --- Simple Linear Regression (Section 10.2) --- In-class Activity 1 --- Midterm Review Week 7(Feb 19-23)   Reading week (no lectures) Week 8(Feb 26-March 2)  Midterm & Chapter 10: Correlation and Regression --- Midterm in Class on Monday Feb 26 --- Simple Linear Regression — cont’d (Section 10.2) Week 9(March 5-9)  Chapter 10: Correlation and Regression & Chapter 11: Logistic Regression Analysis --- Multiple Regression Analysis (Section 10.3) --- Logistic Regression Analysis (Section 10.4) --- The Logistic Model (Section.11.1) --- Statistical Inference for Simple Logistic Regression (Section 11.2) --- Multiple Logistic Regression (Section 11.3) --- Area under the ROC Curve (Section 11.4) Week 10(March 12-16) Chapter 11: Logistic Regression Analysis --- Statistical Inference for Simple Logistic Regression — cont’d (Section 11.2) --- Multiple Logistic Regression (Section 11.3) --- Area under the ROC Curve (Section 11.4) --- In-class Activity 2 Week 11(March 19-23)  Chapter 12: Nonparametric Tests --- The Sign Test (Section 12.1) --- The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test (Section 12.2) --- The Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test (Section 12.3) --- The Kruskal-Wallis Test (Section 12.4) Week 12(March 26-30) Chapter 12: Nonparametric Tests --- The Kruskal-Wallis Test — cont’d (Section 12.4) --- Spearman Correlation (Section 12.5) Week 13(April 2-6) Chapter 12: Nonparametric Tests --- Firedman ANOVA by Ranks --- Post-Hoc test for Firedman’s ANOVA --- Non-Parametric Regression Analysis --- Kolmogorov-Smirnov Goodness-of-fit Test Assessment The course mark will be calculated as follows: Assignments: 10% In-Class Activities : 5% Project: 10%     Midterm : 35% (Monday, Feb 26, during your regular lecture time) Final Exam: 40% Assignments: Assignments are to be completed individually. There will be a rough total of about 4 assignments. Some Components of the assignments will be done in SAS and some components will be done by hand. Assignments will be submitted to the drop box labelled “STAT3010 David Babalola” on the 4th floor of the UA building. Please be sure to submit to the correct drop box; assignments submitted to the wrong drop box are not accepted. Late assignments are not accepted. In-Class Activities: There will be 3 in class activities that you will work with a partner to complete. You will be given time in class to complete these activities. You must attend class to participate and receive marks for the activities. You must come prepared with your laptop as some components involve SAS. Project: The main purpose of the project is to learn how to plan, collect, organize, and write using statistic information. You are expected to use the statistical procedures you have learned throughout the course to complete a 2-3 pages statistical write up. You are expected to use SAS to analyze your data. Please see the posted outline on Blackboard for more instructions on the Class Project. Midterm Tests and Final Exam: Laptops will NOT be permitted during the midterm test and final exam, but a non-graphing, non-programmable calculator, scientific calculator is permitted. The final exam will test all material covered in the course. You will be provided a formula sheet for both the midterm and the final exam. Missed course work General: If you have already written or submitted a test, assignment, or other term work, you cannot receive consideration for your performance on it after the fact. The normal policy in the Faculty of Science for any missed term work is to re-weight the remaining work of the course to account for the missing grade, in accordance with the regulations given below for term tests, assignments, and in-class activities. There are no make-up exams, tests, activities, or assignments. Term Tests: If you miss a science term test (e.g. midterm) due to illness or a death in the family you must obtain appropriate documentation (UOIT Medical Certificate, or death certificate), and submit it to the Science Academic Advisors (, within 5 days of missing the test. If you are aware in advance that you cannot write the midterm of any reason, you must discuss this with the Science Academic Advisor and the instructor of the course at least 2 days before you are scheduled to write it. Exceptions to this deadline include Varsity Athletics and other test conflicts which have different deadlines (as noted on the Science website version of this statement). Failure to submit the appropriate documentation by the deadline may result in a zero grade for the midterm. Assignments and Activities: If you miss a science assignment, or in-class activities due to illness or a death in the family you must obtain the appropriate documentation (UOIT Medical Certificate, or death certificate), and submit it to the course instructor Ruth Li(Qing Hong) with 5 days of missing the work. If you know in advance that you may not be able to complete an assignment or other work (e.g. when you become ill before the assignment deadline), you must discuss this with the instructor of the course (Ruth Li) at least 2 days before the posted deadline. Failure to submit the appropriate documentation by the deadline may result in a zero grade for the assignment or in-class activity. E-mail policies Please use Blackboard e-mail for contacting me. The university accounts … are reserved for personal, urgent issues and they should not be abused. Before sending your message to me, make sure that you go through the following checklist: 1) Ask a friend from the class;     2) Check the Blackboard announcements and the course discussions page;     3) Post the question on the course discussions page;     4) Direct all technical issues to the IT helpdesk (905-721-8668 ext. 3333);     5) Make sure it’s a specific, clearly stated question. If appropriate, I reserve the right to post your e-mail (with your name removed) in the discussion group. Please note that I have scheduled several office hours each week; if you have questions, please try to come to office hours, as this is much more beneficial and effective than trying to discuss mathematics problems and solutions by e-mail. Students with disabilities Students with diagnosed disabilities which will make it difficult to carry out the course as outlined are to advise the instructor during the early weeks so that possible arrangements for reasonable accommodations can be reviewed. Contact information and other information on Student Services can be found at Academic honesty Dishonesty in this course is a very serious matter and shall be treated according to the General Academic Regulations of the University (5.15.1 and 5.15.2 in the University Calendar ). Other Information For further policies and information relating to the Faculty of Science and this course, please refer to You can also find the answers to many frequently asked advising questions by referring to Best of Luck!

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