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232 human ap hw 2

Uploaded: 5 years ago
Contributor: awkwardtyler69
Category: Physiology
Type: Assignment
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Read and study Chapters 16 and 17 of the textbook to help you find answers to the following questions prior to the lectures covering this material. Some questions may require research beyond the scope of the text. Be sure you answer all parts of each question! Type your answers below the questions (for full credit, maintain each original question number and question above each answer!) and then save your homework as a PDF or Word document file and submit it in your D2L Assignments Dropbox by 11:59pm on MONDAY, APRIL 15TH. 1. The sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is also called the Thoracolumbar division and has post-ganglionic neurons in the sympathetic chain ganglia and collateral ganglia. 2. The parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is also called the craniosacral division and has post-ganglionic neurons in the adrenal medulla ganglia. 3. Both the sympathetic and parasympathetic pre-ganglionic neurons release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine . 4. Post-ganglionic neurons of the sympathetic division can release the neurotransmitters norepinephrine or NO/ACH . 5. Post-ganglionic neurons of the parasympathetic division release the neurotransmitter acetylcholine . 6. What type of adrenergic (NE) receptor is found on adipose tissue? Alpha 1 7. If a person is experiencing a heightened mental alertness, increased metabolic rate, reduced digestive and urinary functions, activation of energy reserves, increased respiratory rate and airway diameter, increased heart rate and blood pressure and activation of the sweat glands, which division would be dominating? sympathetic 8. If a person is experiencing a decreased metabolic rate, decreased heart rate and blood pressure, increased secretion by salivary and digestive glands, increased motility and blood flow to the digestive tract, which division would be dominating? parasympathetic 9. Fill in the table below and make sure you understand how the sympathetic and parasympathetic act on your body. Structure Parasympathetic Sympathetic Sweat glands none Increased secretions Pupil size constricts dilates Heart rate decreases increased Peripheral blood vessels dilate constricts 10. The activation of the sympathetic division of the nervous system can be short lived (eg. startled by an “intruder” in your house, that just turns out to be your own reflection), but the effects of activating that system can last for minutes after the sympathetic division was triggered. Given that most nervous system effects are short lived (a few seconds at most), explain why the increased heart rate and breathing rate may continue for several minutes: -Hormones work much slower than the nervous system, so when epinephrine is triggered through the SNS it increases heart rate but also inhibits production of NE for a few minutes. Without NE the parasympathetic division cannot slow down the heart rate. 11. What are the 5 primary tastes and how are the receptors stimulated? 1.umami- gustducins (G proteins) using second messengers 2.sweet- gustducins (G proteins) using second messengers 3.sour- diffusion of sodium ions and hydrogen ions 4.bitter- gustducins (G proteins) using second messengers 5.salty- diffusion of sodium ions and hydrogen ions 12. What are the 3 layers of the eyeball? Which is vascular? 1.sclera 2.choroid- vascular 3.retina 13. Which of the fluids inside the eye is constantly replaced? Trace its production and circulation. -Aqueous humor is produced by the epithelium of the ciliary body, then it gets secreted into the posterior chamber where it flows through the pupil into the anterior chamber, where it finally gets drained into the canal of Schlemm. 14. When the muscles of the ciliary body contract, what happens to the amount of tension on the lens and suspensory ligaments? -Releases tension from suspensory ligaments, lens becomes more curved. 15. What are rods and cones good at detecting? Compare and contrast them. -Rods- Black and white vision mostly adjusted to the dark, very light sensitive. -Cones- Color vision densely clustered and mostly used in brighter areas. 16. Describe what affects accommodation and convergence each have on vision. Accommodation- changes the shape of the lens by curving it, making it easier to see closer objects. Convergence- Moving both eyes inward towards each other to create a binocular single vision to look at close objects better. 17. The structure of which chemical is altered by a photon in photoreceptors, and in what way? Can it be immediately re-used, and if not what must happen to it? -Rhodopsin molecule in a disc membrane is struck by a photon, causing activation, break downs, and reduction in certain neurotransmitters. To be re-used again, rhodopsin must be bleached which includes the break down of it into retinal and opsin. 18. When a sound wave enters the external acoustic meatus, it will cause vibrations in the tympanic membrane, which will cause movement of the malleus , which will cause movement of the incus , which will cause movement of the stapes , which will cause movement of the oval window. Waves of pressure will move through the perilymph and cause movement of the basilar membrane causing the hair cells to be pressed into the tectorial membrane. 19. Name three locations in the ear where hair cells are found. Indicate the purpose the hair cells at each location and describe the difference between how each is stimulated. 1. cochlea- to determine how loud a sound is and the pitch of the sound. Stimulated by vibrations. 2.ampulla- Endolymph pushes the ampulla cupula around so it can identify complex movements. 3.ultricle and saccule- Determine the position you are in and if you are accelerating or decelerating. Otoliths displace hair cells when the head is moved. 20. Describe how we are able to differentiate the pitch and loudness of sounds based on specific activities in our sensory system. -We differentiate sounds by how many hair cells they stimulate, mostly how loud the sound is. For pitch it depends on if it stimulates the inner hair cells or the outer hair cells.

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