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Ch10 Nuclear Physics.docx

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NUCLEAR PHYSICS Nuclear Physics is the study of the atomic nucleus and its changes. Controlled nuclear reactions can provide more energy for a longer period of time than any other energy source currently in widespread use. In order to understand the concepts of nuclear energy, we first must understand some terms and notation. Chemical symbols are used to represent individual atoms and nuclei. A chemical symbol consists of one or two letters. The first one is always capitalized, and the second is lower case. Calcium is Ca, Hydrogen is H, Helium is He. Some elements use symbols formed from their Latin name. Examples are Sodium- Na for Natrium and Iron is Fe for Ferrum. The Atomic Nucleus The nucleus of an atom consists of a collection of positively charged protons and neutral neutrons at the center of the atom. Protons and neutrons are called nucleons since they are found in the nucleus. The electrons surrounding the nucleus take part in chemical reactions, but not nuclear reactions. Protons and neutrons are made of smaller particles called quarks. Initially, scientists believed that atoms were composed of spheres of positive matter with electrons dotted in them like a plum pudding. Rutherford discovered the existence of the nucleus during experiments with alpha particles and gold foil. -5715002349500During his experiments most of the alpha particles passed through the foil with their paths unaffected. A few, however, acted as though they were bouncing off of a solid surface. This led him to a form of our current picture of atomic structure, a small dense nucleus composed of positive matter with electrons orbiting it. The nucleus of an atom is described using atomic number(Z), mass number(A) and neutron number(N). The atomic number is equal to the number of protons in the nucleus and determines the identity of the atom. In a neutral atom, the number of electrons equals the number of protons and is also equal to Z. If electrons are gained or lost the resulting particle is an ion of that element. If protons are gained or lost through nuclear reactions, we say we have formed a different element. The mass number is the total number of nucleons in the atom and the neutron number is the number of neutrons in the atom. These numbers are related by the equation: A = Z + N If we know two of these numbers we can find the third. Atoms that have the same number of protons but different numbers of neutrons are called isotopes. Isotopes of an element undergo the same chemical reactions since the electron structure is the same, but have different atomic mass numbers. This causes some of their physical properties, such as density, to be different. As an example, look at the three isotopes of Hydrogen. They are called Protium, Deuterium, and Tritium. They all have one proton and one electron. Protium has no neutrons and a mass number of 1. Deuterium has 1 neutron for a mass number of 2. Tritium has 2 neutrons for a mass number of 3. Chemically they are identical. Deuterium Oxide can even be found in water(H2O and D2O). You probably drank some today. D2O is called heavy water because its molecular weight is 20 compared to normal water at 18. Tritium is radioactive. The atomic weights on the Periodic table are weighted averages of these masses based on Carbon – 12. Since the nucleus is composed of only positive protons and neutral neutrons, we expect a strong repulsive force that would break the nucleus apart. This doesn’t happen for most nuclei(stable) because of the strong nuclear force. This is a very strong short range force. Only adjacent nucleons exert it on each other. The electromagnetic repulsive force is long range and all the protons in the atom affect each other. When the nucleus becomes very large(Z > 83), the repulsive force causes part of the nucleus to be expelled and we say the nucleus is unstable(undergoes radioactive decay). The three types of radioactive decay are (1) alpha, (2) beta, and (3) gamma. Alpha rays consist of particles containing 2 protons and 2 neutrons. They are the weakest form of nuclear radiation and can be stopped by a few sheets of paper. Beta rays consist of electrons ejected by the nucleus. Although electrons are not found in the nucleus, the decay of a neutron is thought to produce a proton and an electron which can be ejected from the nucleus as a beta particle. Beta rays are more penetrating than alpha rays and can be stopped by an inch or two of wood. Gamma rays consist of high energy electromagnetic radiation. They have no mass and are similar to X-rays. They have a higher frequency and more energy than X-rays. Exposure to gamma radiation causes most of the deaths in a nuclear explosion. They are stopped by several feet of concrete or a few inches of lead. During the radioactive decay process, not all of the nuclei decay at the same time. The time required for half of a sample to decay is called its half-life. For example, thorium-234 has a half-life of 20 days. If we start with 100 grams, at the end of 20 days, 50 grams will be left and we will have 50 grams of the daughter nucleus, palladium. In another 20 days we will have 25 grams of thorium-234 and an additional 25 grams of palladium. Example A 40 g sample of iodine-131(half-life = 8 days) decays for 24 days. How many grams are left? Nuclear Reactions Transmutation is the process of a nucleus changing into another nucleus. This can happen spontaneously, as in radioactive decay, or it can happen artificially when scientists add particle(s) to a nucleus causing it to change. All of the elements with atomic numbers greater than 92 are created artificially and do not exist in nature. They are called transuranium elements. Radioactive isotopes are called radionuclides. They are useful as tracers in medicine, agriculture, and other fields. They can be used for cancer treatment, in smoke detectors, and in radioactive dating. Nuclear Fission Fission is the process of splitting a large atom into two relatively equal parts with the conversion of matter into energy and the release of two or more neutrons. In the case of Uranium-235, when a neutron is added to form Uranium-236, the nucleus may split into Xenon-140 and Strontium-94 plus 2 neutrons. Notice that the mass numbers add up although a small amount of matter is converted into energy. Other reaction products are possible such as Krypton-92 and Barium-141 plus 3 neutrons. These fission products are always radioactive. Some have half-lives of hundreds or thousands of years. They must be stored safely for extremely long periods of time. In a nuclear reactor or a fission bomb, these neutrons produced by fission reactions can be captured by other Uranium-235 atoms to make those undergo fission. If this process happens over and over, we call it a chain reaction. If the chain reaction occurs too rapidly, we have a rapid release of energy and a nuclear explosion. If we slow the chain reaction so that each reaction produces just one more, we have a controlled self-sustaining reaction. The minimum amount of a fissionable material required to create a self sustaining chain reaction is called a critical mass which for Uranium-235 is about 4.0 kg, a volume the size of a baseball. Naturally occurring Uranium is only about 0.70% U-235, so it must be enriched (concentrated) to be used. In a nuclear reactor, the Uranium is only about 3.0% U-235. To make a nuclear bomb, the Uranium must be about 90% or better U-235. Nuclear reactors will not produce a nuclear explosion, only a chemical explosion. In a nuclear reactor, uranium oxide pellets are placed in fuel rods which are inserted into the core, the central part of the reactor. Control rods, which absorb neutrons and slow down the chain reaction, are inserted, too. These control rods can be adjusted to speed up, slow down, or even stop the reaction. In the United States, most operating reactors are called swimming pool reactors because the core is immersed in water. The water takes heat away from the core and can be used to drive steam turbines to produce electricity. The water also acts as a moderator. It slows neutrons down so that they are more easily captured by the U-235 atoms. Nuclear Reactor Note that the hot water circuit is completely “contained,” thereby allowing no radioactive contamination. Hot water circuit Section 10.5 Nuclear Reactor Note that the hot water circuit is completely “contained,” thereby allowing no radioactive contamination. Hot water circuit Section 10.5 If the heat is not removed quickly enough, the temperature of the core can rise to the point that a meltdown occurs. When this happens, the temperatures get so high that the rods in the core become fused and melt through the floor of the containment vessel and building, contaminating the external environment. This is where the term and movie China Syndrome came from(melt all the way to China). At Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania, a partial meltdown occurred. Only a small amount of radioactive gasses escaped from the containment building. At Chernobyl in the Soviet Union, however, operators testing the reactor shut off several vital emergency safety systems. They lost controll and could not stop a complete meltdown. This reactor used graphite(carbon) as a moderator. When the meltdown occurred, the graphite caught on fire and ignited some of the gasses produced by the reaction. The resulting explosion spread radiation across a large part of Europe. Another fissionable isotope, Plutonium-239 is produced from U-238 by fast neutrons. In a breeder reactor, this process is enhanced and Pu-239 is produced in relatively large quantities. Breeder reactors are commonly used in France and Germany. The danger is that the Pu-239 is relatively easy to separate and purify using chemical reactions. It is much easier to produce weapon grade Pu-239 than U-235. Nuclear Fusion Fusion is the process of smaller atoms combining to form larger ones with a release of energy. As in fission, the energy is produced when some of the matter in the reactants is converted to energy. This matter is called the nuclear mass defect. The energy produced can be calculated using Einstein's equation E = mc2. Below is an example of a fusion reaction. Fusion reactions are difficult to initiate and even more difficult to maintain. In stars, like the sun, fusion occurs because temperatures and pressures are so high(100 million K). At these temperatures matter exists as a plasma(a gas composed of electrons and nuclei, no atoms or molecules). On the earth, it is possible to reach temperatures high enough, but not in a controlled situation. Thermonuclear bombs use the fusion process to develop the enormous amounts of energy they release, but in an uncontrolled manner. Research into fusion as a controlled power source continues. One group even reported recently that they had produced a sustainable fusion reaction at temperatures close to room temperature(cold fusion) but they were eventually discredited. Biological Effects of Radiation Radioactivity is not new in our environment. Before nuclear bombs, reactors, X-rays and other manmade sources of radiation were developed, radiation was present from sources like Radon, radioactive deposits, solar radiation and even radioactive isotopes of naturally occurring elements(C-14). Radiation that is strong enough to knock electrons out of atoms or molecules is called ionizing radiation. This type of radiation can damage or kill cells or cause changes in the DNA of cells. You cannot sense ionizing radiation or the damage it is doing. It does, however, affect photographic film so radiation detection badges contain some of this film. There are two main categories of radiation effects. 1. Somatic Effects - damaging changes in the cells and/or tissues of the recipient(radiation burns, sickness, hair falling out, etc.) 2. Genetic Effects - changes in the recipient's reproductive DNA so that offspring are affected(not in a good way). Radiation doses are measured in rads(radiation absorbed dose) where 1 rad is 0.01 j per kg of tissue. Since different types of radiation interact with tissue differently, the unit of biological effects of radiation is the rem(roentgen equivalent for man). It takes into account both the amount of radiation and the differences in the damage per rad. Most people receive about 0.2 rem of background radiation each year. It comes from Radon, medical X-rays, Nuclear medicine, TV sets and computer monitors, Cosmic rays, Soil and rocks, and some substances within the body such as C-14. Effects of a Single Dose of Whole-Body Radiation 0 - 25 rem No detectable effects 25 - 100 rem Temporary decrease in white cell count 100 - 200 rem Vomiting, loss of hair(mild radiation sickness) 200 - 600 rem Radiation sickness, hemorrhaging 600+ rem Death As far as genetic effects, exposure limits are not known. Because of this uncertainty, women who may be pregnant are not intentionally exposed to X-rays or other forms of ionizing radiation.

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