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INTL 424 Interrogation Mid-Term Examnts Part 1 of 1 - Question 1 of 8 10.0 Points In the Rapport and Relationship building domain, which of the below is not a technique used? A. Show concern for source and his/her situation B. Offer special rewards (e.g. cigarettes, candy) for cooperation C. Identify and meet basic needs D. Allow source to play role of teacher Answer Key: B Question 2 of 8 10.0 Points When were the first substantial U.S. government research programs conducted to learn about the interrogation behaviors of adversaries? A. In the 1940s after World War 2. B. In the 1950s after the Korean War. C. In the 1960s after the Vietnam War. D. In the 1970s during the height of the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Answer Key: B Question 3 of 8 10.0 Points What is one distinction between law enforcement and intelligence interrogations? A. The use of torture is authorized in severe circumstances for intelligence interrogations, but not law enforcement interrogations. B. The primary objective in most intelligence interrogations is to obtain a confession rather than educe information. C. The primary objective in most US law enforcement interrogations is to obtain a confession rather than educe information. Answer Key: C Question 4 of 8 10.0 Points According to Dr. Borum, educing information is not a process, but an applied set of techniques. True False Answer Key: False Question 5 of 8 15.0 Points Based on several of the readings so far, what do you consider one of the most significant problems with the studies on educing information as it relates to cross-cultural studies? Don't forget to cite your sources. Question 6 of 8 15.0 Points Describe the importance of rapport in law enforcement interrogations.  * Note: several of our readings discuss, so ensure that you cite your sources using Turabian style references, so that I can see the research that you do.  Don't forget to cite your sources. Question 7 of 8 15.0 Points Dr Robert Coulam, in his article Approaches to Interrogation in the Struggle against Terrorism: Considerations of Cost and Benefit, argues that while coercive measures use in interrogation may be the "lesser evil" in obtaining information, that other interrogation approaches may be available that would provide better information. List and describe the four types of information which, if studied, might provide additional guidance on the development of more informed or skillful methods. Don't forget to cite your sources. Question 8 of 8 15.0 Points Of the mechanical methods used to detect deception discussed in Chapter 4 and the article Imaging Facial Physiology for the Detection of Deceit, identify which one you believe would work the best and describe its pros and cons. Don't forget to cite your sources. Bottom of Form

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