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HSB4U assignment - Society Film Analysis

Seneca CollegeHSB4U
Uploaded: A year ago
Contributor: Hiaiaua
Category: Education
Type: Assignment
Tags: #HSB4U
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HSB 4M1: Society Film Analysis Introduction Over the course of the semester we will be watching various movies such as Pleasantville, Crash, American History X, and Cry Freedom. Viewing a film with a critical eye is an essential skill as a social scientist. In many ways movies are a reflection of the world around us and serve as a good medium to educate, criticize and evaluate what we see around us. Task After viewing each film, students are encouraged to brainstorm applicable themes that relate to that movie. Once all the films are viewed, students will write a 4 page (double spaced, 12 font, Times New Roman) film analysis that focuses on the following questions: How do these films effectively portray different societal and / or historical issues? How are these films the medium for a specific message(s)? How do the central themes and message of the films relate to each other? Compare and contrast at least THREE of the following themes from the various films viewed in class: -Gender Roles -Conformity and Alienation -Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination -Social Roles and Acceptance -Self actualization / Realization -Change in Human Behavior -Influence of Charismatic Leaders / Individuals -Cross cultural interactions -Family Structure -Social, Racial and Gender stereotypes -Breaking Social Barriers -Change in Cultural / Society norms and Values -Causes / Forces of Social Change -Impact of Technology -Violence and Abuse -Human Interaction Rubric: Society Film Analysis Criteria Level 4 (80-100%) Level 3 (70-79%) Level 2 (60-69%) Level 1 (50-59%) Knowledge - clearly explains a multitude of key concepts and relationships between various films’ portrayal of societal issues and real life - explaining the key concepts and relationships between various films’ portrayal of societal issues and real life -making some effort to explain the relationship between the film’s portrayal of the issues and real life -making a limited effort to explain the relationship between the film’s portrayal of the issues and real life Application -making excellent connections to social issues, terminology and historical events with evidence and/or current events -making considerable connections to social issues, terminology and historical events with evidence and/or current events -Lacking a varied use of connections to social issues, terminology and historical events with some evidence and/or current events -making little use of connections to social issues, terminology and historical events with weak evidence Thinking / Inquiry -providing  exceptional analysis in the descriptions and critical comparisons of various themes found in the films and how and their  relation to society -provides excellent connections between the various films messages / themes and makes critical applications of how the medium delivers an effective message -providing  clear analysis in the descriptions and good comparisons of various themes found in the films and how and their  relation to society -provides clear connections between the various films messages / themes and makes applications of how the medium delivers an effective message -providing  some analysis in the descriptions and adequate comparisons of various themes found in the films and how and their  relation to society -provides some connections between the various films messages / themes but needs more clear applications of how the medium delivers an effective message -provides little analysis in the descriptions and few comparisons of various themes found in the films and how and their  relation to society -provides few connections between the various films messages / themes   Communication -exceptional introduction that includes a clear thesis and outline for analysis -ending with a clear and effective conclusion, summing up the evidence - Information presented very organized and contains exceptional language conventions -begins with a clear introduction with thesis and overview of films  -ending with a clear conclusion, summing up the evidence - Information presented organized and contains good language conventions -begins with an intro. that attempts to set the scene -ending with a conclusion and attempts to sum up the evidence - Information presented is somewhat organized and contains some errors in language conventions -Begins with an intro. that does not set the scene  -ending with a conclusion and makes little attempt to sum up the evidence - Information lacks clear organization and contains numerous errors in language conventions

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