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Question 21 

Pablo Picasso is best known as a leader in the _______ movement.
A) Cubist
B) Impressionist
C) Expressionist
D) Color Field


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Question 22 

Where were the German death camps located?
A) Poland
B) Germany
C) Austria
D) Czechoslovakia


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Question 23 

Which of these was a noted existentialist philosopher?
A) Jean-Paul Sartre
B) Otto Dix
C) Karl Barth
D) Walter Gropius


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Question 24 

Nikolae Ceausescu was the ruler of what country?
A) Romania
B) Czechoslovakia
C) Poland
D) Yugoslavia


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Question 25 

Who wrote “The Waste Land”?
A) T.S. Eliot
B) Bernard Shaw
C) Henrik Ibsen
D) Ezra Pound


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Question 26 

Mein Kampf
  A) depicted Hitler's plan to take power through a massive rebellion.
  B) was autobiographical, setting forth Hitler's ideology of Aryan supremacy and anti-Semitism.
  C) excluded any trace of Hitler's anti-Semitism.
  D) was immediately seen by German politicians as the dangerous work of a madman.
  E) immediately became a best-seller throughout Europe, including the Soviet Union.


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Question 27 

Which of the Allied nations reached Berlin first?
A) the Soviet Union
B) France
C) Great Britain
D) the United States


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Question 28 

Emancipation of the Russian serfs took place in what decade?
A) 1860s
B) 1840s
C) 1880s
D) 1820s


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Question 29 

The Ausgleich of 1867________.
A) resulted in the creation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire
B) led to the breakup of the Austrian Empire
C) led to the decision of the Slavs to break away from the newly established Austro-Hungarian Empire
D) resulted in the creation of an independent Polish state


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Question 30 

Most European emigrants in the period between 1860 and 1914 went to ________.
A) North America
B) Africa
C) South America
D) Australia


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