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Question 1

Can machine learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Artificial intelligence assist in classifying , interpreting and specifying the differences homophones in Indian Surnames?

Prashant S Akerkar


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Question 2

Can there be potential cure for Schizophrenia mental disorder disease in future?

Prashant S Akerkar


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Perhaps, when we begin understanding it better, we can develop more targeted and personalized treatments for schizophrenia. By gaining deeper insights into the underlying mechanisms of the disorder, we may uncover new therapeutic approaches that go beyond simply minimizing symptoms through drugs alone.

Question 3 

If i am not wrong, wrestling and weightlifting sports both require strength, power and might. Can a Olympic gold medal wrestler also win a gold medal in weightlifting and vice versa?

Prashant S Akerkar


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Question 4

I would like to know whether the Camels seen in zoos of all countries would be able to walk in the Sahara desert and other deserts where the temperature is very high?

Post Merge: A year ago


-30 °c to 50° c range.


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Question 5 

Does the helmet worn by the batsman in modern day cricket cover the neck? If not, this can lead to neck injuries to the batsman stuck by the ball?


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Question 6 

Which gases from the periodic table (oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, inert gases, nobel gases etc.) can a balloon be filled up?

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar


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Any of those gases can fill up a balloon, including the heaviest of all gases, radon, can fill up a balloon.

Question 7 

Human beings organs viz Brain, Heart, Kidney, Lungs, Large intestine, Gall bladder etc are connected by Veins, Arteries & Capillaries in various systems of Human body.

In special surgery cases,(if possible), Can the Surgeon operating on the specific organ shift the original organ position to another location either by repairing or replacing the organ?

Will the Surgery be a success?

What i  mean by this is the original position of the internal organ is shifted to another location inside the Human body and the organ still works.

Example : Heart, Lung, Brain, Kidney, Large intestine, Gall bladder etc

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar


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Thank you.

You mean, no organ from original location in different systems of Human anatomy can be shifted to another location
it may/can be possible for some specific organ/s without capillaries disruption and neurons not being broken?

Is it impossible for a Surgeon to avoid capillaries disruption and neurons not being broken while performing surgeries?

In that case, can this be classified as complicated surgeries?

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar

Question 8 

What could be the biological reasons that humans are born with one liver and not two liver organs as compared to two kidneys or two lungs?

Will you call it as a birth defect if a child is born with two livers?

Can this be a rare or impossible case in medical science?

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar


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Questions like these are very difficult to answer, but here's what I think.

The liver has several vital functions in the human body. Due to its complexity and importance, it requires a lot of energy to function. By limiting the body to one liver, the body conserves energy. Furthermore, the liver is already quite large, and has the capability of regenerating itself when damaged. Unlike the kidney, the liver has a repair mechanism, so when it is damaged, it can be repaired. This is not true for the kidneys. Unlike the liver, the kidneys are considerably smaller, and so two optimizes their overall function. But if you notice, the liver also has two lobes.

Question 9 

How many languages are in the national anthem of India, Sanskrit, Bengali, Hindi, Marathi, etc.?

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar


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Question 10 

Can Fish perform Backstroke similar to Humans?

Can Fish swim only in forward motion and not reverse?

Can there be any fish species which can perform backstroke?

If No, Why?

Thanks & Regards,
Prashant S Akerkar


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