TABLE 11—2 STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS OFTHE EAR ORGAN OR STRU URE FUNCTION External Ear Auricle or pinna Cartilaginous projection that collects and directs sound waves into the auditory canal, much like a satellite dish collects transmissions from space Auditory canal or external auditory Canal responsible for conduction of sound that contains earwax, or cerumen, meatus secreted by the ceruminous glands to lubricate the canal and trap foreign particles Eardrum or tympanic membrane Membrane that separates the external and middle ear Middle Ear Ossicles Three small bones (malleus, incus, stapes) that help amplify and transmit sound Eustachian tubes Allows for equalization of external (atmospheric) and internal (within the middle ear) pressure on the tympanic membrane so the eardrum can freely vibrate with incoming sound Inner Ear or Labyrinth Cochlea Bony, snail-shaped entrance to the internal ear containing perilymph fluid, which helps to transmit sound Semicircular canals Three canals containing endolymph fluid, which transmits positional changes to tiny, hairlike receptors that are stimulated and conduct the signal to the brain via the vestibulocochlear nerve (eighth cranial nerve) to help maintain balance
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