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Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 10.5% Relevant
on what additionally cargo is loneliness due to virtual isolation trends for socializing by tilting on soc.nets when instead real normal friendship the same is chased virtually by like gratitude for gaining selfesteem what eventually as complex personal trap instead to be relieving is becoming frustrating experience when even coz likecoholism [1][1] it can be triggered some possessed soul to cross the edge

Hm, can we discern personally when particular neural reward system is becoming addictive due to networking, an "info rush" of satisfaction to which can hook even Innocent Souls while sharing virtual napkins, or even Monks if get trapped in multiplayer mode while debating arguing explaining Theology, even Grannies when searching the perfect arthritis or longevity recipe ..... i.e. as unnoticeable behavioral addiction virtual socialization can pull in dopamine lust for attention everyone even the most emotionally intelligent people when if not else coz defense of their Religion if and when attacked sooner or later will get electrified to respond somehow in despise or contempt even that was done eloquently!, simply on wrongly flushed and wrongly managed e'tools like vlogs/blogs and soc.nets or eforums sooner or later many will get carried by egoism which is far more devastating from materialism or hedonism that thrive by default on net as Pride me up scotty hype the very first moment someones identity is revealed!, actually on these prime steps we all fall in our life but when tempted in reality we feel the responsibility by law walking around and the effects of our own responses by vivid close direct physical and emotional contact ~ altho not aware about even by extrasensory perception coz bioresonance!, but when the same temptations are popping up in and come from the virtual world and especially if there we've mirrored own personality as official profile then coz the safe zone distance if not coz the general vibe many are trapped 24/7 in perfectionist if not superiority complex thus 1. bursting by default in defense mode when get buzzed and 2. forgetting by default that on the other side of the screen are live people, side kick tho that can come also through hidden avatars coz as masked its easier to play virtual life without any shame or responsibility, still as we can see knowing how the western neoliberalism thrown all cards on marketing on selfpromotion on competing mood So most of the Mankind while hooked eg. on soc.nets wanting or not is after making idols!, what can be easily noticed when it will be taken for examination just the "challenge trend" when what counts is not the friendship through game but the praise coz efficacy or stupidity, whatever just so people would be noticed and actually say hello in creative or goofy way and like that noticed grabbing attention till flush some gratification dopamine and find meaning in their lost 4 walled life!, yeah this eforuming of mine could be seen like that too yet I am doing this from joy to had a hand to Society on right debating manner through right debating tool, and maybe this the prime problem nowadays thus coz lack of effective eTOS on soc.net criteria for following are emotional grabbers robbers rapers or as shrinks labels them sociopaths schizoids psychopaths and alike, so now half world population hooked on feed scrolling and voila we have one nice scenario towards borg dem down all coz will eat eachother!, and "someone" will execute it if its left!, altho as I can notice more and more that trap is getting obvious thus eventually as egoism on steroids will evaporate once eventual global economic crisis blooms [1][1] coz then (waiting right around the corner as now) many will be forwarded on togetherness thus loosening the current individualistic egoistic trending en'masse and as consequence less electrified when buzzed virtually from the other side of the screen, hm but what if by transhumanist inertia we become screens!?, so be careful what You wish for [1][1]

Bottom Line ...... And when on that individualist prone idolizing hype will be added Voyaerism [1][1] and Likeholism [2][2][2] we can clearly see that especially those trapped on soc.nets are getting addicted and overpowered by the wrongly employed e-society!, wrongly coz debating on soc.nets and chitchating on eforum and choking on vlogs while there acting experts (now boosted expertise through tiktok scroll lobotomy what would be good as emergence and etool if indeed experts were tiktoking but when triviality hedonism or violence is there an prime hype then normally that many especially among the Youth will dress up frustrating complexes > the last bolt to all western hypocrisy of "democracy export" > again, almost as if intentionally is left such ultraliberal trends to loom so later through problem solution skim to be triggered mass net control, or even in more perfidious way executed such panopticon and due to manufactured social risks we ourselves to ask for stiff "social credit system"!, coz simply like that eventual hesitancy and call for wide public debate before implementation will be evaded and technocratic panopticon imposed as "they" like, the wrong m'rna vaxing hype comes to mind ~ altho it will take some manufactured burst of soc.net motivated violence so the masses would swallow the bait and ask for change!, simply "they" chase transhumanist superhumanity and utopian new'world'order thus need "own" technocratic instead democratic pace for smoother implementation of globalist agendas, suppose already neatly envisioned tempered and released in phases so would be slipped instantly in our communities, for what I see as obvious example the intentionally wrong regulation of soc.nets yeah crunching only the narrative that dont suits "their" agendas!, eg. antivaxing can be even erased while commercial violence sexism and gluttony flow freely, always finding corrupt excuses how private companies are in question thus cant be tackled their coding or questioning their platform, leaving all to be balanced through trial&erros from own experience, while as system chasing regulation only for "terrorist risk" but not for wrong subcultural or sinful trends!, altho that should be provoked by the academia somehow yet who where to complain or give idea nowadays mids closed system ~ actually prime reason for eTOS inertia so any eventual change would be reached through constant public debate among the experts and the public on eforums, here the public should attend trough ngo's reexperting the experts on institutional eforums!. ~ but on contrary there is no focus on balancing of the levers or the norms or the wrong trends, and to be honest its strikingly suspicious to me that "they" dont care what will happen with the e-society but "they" just need all to be catalogized and tied in global policing soc.net whether coz easier surveillance or smooth programing of the urban broilers as "they" see us!

Hm, is it mistake to question particular wrongly imposed globalist agenda?, hm think not!, altho as SamV says (see the next footnote) when someone of the plebs sees elites of politicians and scientists as wrong then he is definitely seldelusional narcisist, hm hm hm as if "they" are not especially how act errorless atlantean perpetumobile with "their" informal think tanks of euroatlantic determinists gathered under the bilderborgian davosian or bohemian umbrella, on contrary "they" by design are wrong when dont allow neatly arranged eTOS reality but again and again peddling all to embrace and follow "their" wrong superape and n'w'o agenda, thus questioning "them" with articulated arguments however offending to "their" ego sounds that its not some inner selfish reflex (eg. of mine) or coz some frustration marching, but citizens policing through public auditing and creative help So if not "they" at least Mankind would grasp where "their" wrong stamina and agendas are pushing us all!

Must emphasize that SamV has really revealing psychological anamnesis of societal effects of soc.nets, and I'll point out as extra informative his interview on PMF already linked (by mistake) as 3rd tagged video in the first post above, here is the another version of the same [3] kind of crash course real life resocialization by having reminder how You are lobotomized through soc.nets (logically run away from them if get aware for the risks) ... still I'll remove as wrong diagnosis few parts eg. 1. where he is addressing antivaxers as narcisists - what would be biased stance of his if we have in mind that their claims has proven correct regards the experimental biotech mandated by coercion [4]-[4] but also 2. think its wrong to throw in same basket antielitists as if elites should be praised even when wrong altho he in that line is alluding on eventual wrong sick relationship among common people and elites, 3. also there is some indirect labeling of religious people as phantasmagorical altho if we know that the current wrongly imposed humanism as exceptional arose from western alchemy and on top rest on wrong neoplatonist base [5][5][5][6][6][6] thus through all its inertia bringing and pushing wrong utopian eugenic fantasy ...... So I'll say at best he needs to expand the F labeling to the current humanist academia too!, still I'll say he has many ultra interesting observations regards soc.nets and their effects on personality or how to be recognized as loophole for particular molesting by sociopaths shizoids and psyshopaths, as he underline normal people will refuse to hang on such place even all friends and family tilt there!, about what I am fully aligned tho I rest my observation on some metaphysical level as personal experience where all connected and interlinked are also spiritually tied in particular vortexes what eventually has wrong reflections on the well being when like it or not all share same as positive so as (and mostly) negative vibe which as such sometimes is more pronounced by A. egoistic some by B. mammonistic and some by C. hedonistic pitch, eventually to the same can be put mask and we will get A. psycho B. shizo or C. sociop outlook of someones personality, tho the problem gets multiplied when some group is driven by common vibe and like that mirroring around even greater negative reflections!, and in the end 4. there is some wrong defeatism of his something like the freemasonic motto for ordo'ab'chao scenario so "their" phoenix would raise from the ashes [7] what is at best narcisist conclusion while at worst psyshopatic solution so the societies will have fresh start after total clean up of all unwanted circumstances So yeah he is kind biased from wrong humanist scientific exceptionalism!. but overall his points are almost unique (lack only case studies of his compatriots among the elites) in this interview per'se about the need of awareness for the soc.net risks but also the need for restraining minors to them (and to it I'll say having separate and heavily regulated monitored and managed local platforms for them) so if not else not all Kids would get addicted to soc.net trivialism if not violence! Anyway I'll suggest to be checked his work too [8] hm one fine interesting read and talk he has which tho it would be interesting to be seen how will flow among continual expert eforum clash at least here in balkans ...

Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 23.1% Relevant
Ah genetics, social darwinism its indeed fallacy that indoctrinated many, as in case of virology in this case obviously also eugenics played wrong role [1][1] not that I will debunk social darwinism in one post, but try explain how come kamikaze step out from Your claim, if I go further altho okinawans are potentially most happy japanese citizens still have terrifying homicide stats [2][2][2] simply genetics have role in violence as caterpillar with honey Slight Smile and think that the social environmental factors play probably biggest role when violence is in question!, on other hand the proposition with the twins can be explained by bioresonance yet the same is still far from mainstream biological theory thus dont expect that will be accounted as relevant explanation by the current mainstream trends [3] altho it could be also word for some fringe torsion field of entanglement [3] or after all also bioresonant side effect [3] in which case probably genetics played role but not as disposition but identical vibrational lock of dna guess, hm it would interesting to be observed how identical could get in same ethnicity!?, normally if ever is accepted bioresonance as mainstream theory!

Now, did sociologists adopted gene-environment interaction think yes [4][4] and that says all, but not all are willing to accept it, guess social darwinists even lesser, for eugenicists it would be heresy to be lower genetics as prime factor coz how would "they" chase superhumanity if step back!?, yet even by simple logic if we address depression and genetics there are many studies that suggest how alone by Exercise the neurotransmitter for serotonin is boosted and the neuroplastic properties of the brain are modulating the stress easily even genetically someone is prone to depression (my emphasis) [5] altho the prevalent hype would be it cant be evaded genetic predisposition [6] still then how we can explain the neuroplasticity of the brain and the potential eg. even with half brain to function normally, thus logically the environment has equal role if not greater ... I'll offer my personal example my family was not at all violent as I am aware all my ancestors were cool my parents maybe among the most unviolent citizens  yet raised in the ghetto since smallest legs I've developed temper of street fighter also wonna'be tuff'gong later and normally were was 24/7 powdered from rock and death metal till hardcore and finally gansta rap (bodycount and public enemy or nwa and ghetto boys were my waking routine) still got struck in the head by Reggae around 16th year and voila I've became one of the most LLTFFG (Lets Leave The Fists For Gardening) type of homeboy!, and defacto if wasnt pacified by cheerful vibe probably would had have end up in jail if not six feet under!, imagine waking up every morning with "killing in the name of" surely would have become anarcho rioter at least!, hm nowadays probably mashups are chilling out the vibe [7][7][7] and I can go on and on with mine or other experiences but the environment is higher factor than genetics, compare it to Botany, having even the most unique Seed if the Soil Water and Fertilizer are poor its question how abundant ripe will come!, in comparison 1. genetics (seed) ~ 2. soil (environment) ~ 3. water (culture) ~ 4. fertilizer (education hobbies sport), so now when all of these are 1. weakened 2. virtual 3. decadent 4. mammonistic its more than logical that even earlier good shaped "Plant" due to  neuroplasticity to reach wrong rewiring, what about the modern Kids which from start are deprived for normal socialization or left on selfregulation ~ simply many parents dont have even idea how to cope with all the cultural triviality and emotional lobotomy that made desolation addicts from their Kids!

Interesting I am just now learning that few years ago CCP started to see violent gaming as wrong and addiction risk for the chinese Youth imposing only 3 hour daily online exposure per Child [8][8][8] wonder did that action was due to IQ test studies or measure was only violence!?, hm half billion gamers says the last footnote, but imagine if its not gaming as pressure valve probably many now adults would tilt on their workplace and potentially release "their" animal on coworkers [9] still if the person is isolated due to long hours gaming addiction also it could be developed eliminate all reflex in reality [9][9][9] So where is the balance? And this asks maybe for more thoughtful social engineering like it was with school sport hype in China where the emphasis is on daily group routine so all Kids would be fit and like that later capable for more joyful outdoor activity [10][10][10] not sure just how better gamers are as result of  zǎo cāo morning school warming routine!?, tho in context of the last footnote witnessing that earlier mentality and the modern one are not same especially coz unless is compulsory on work place too its question how urban citizens will keep enmasse such habit which by itself is good even without exercise [12] but yeah go warm up for gaming!, and if gaming is issue altho fun as two way communication, then how much more is soc.net one way endless scrolling where on repeat some Kid would like all day clips of Mohamed Ali or Rambo and on top living roll models (that tho havent reached UFC cage so less angry) thus cant imagine whats going on in the heads of regular "can I kick it" Kids with daily like routine of croCop gymnastics [13] tho Croatia probably cushion that hype with wide hedonistic bumper of Adriatic Sea thus somehow relaxes all, also the policing its tighten as if it was word for China [14][14] guess in free time count the bird population around city parks Slight Smile yet that keeps them safe and probably its best all to have such mindset especially as preparedness for any case scenario like risks from global economic depression when the current criminal rates will explode for sure [15] but as could be seen Serbia is on same level yet couldnt anticipate the risks, and to that probably influence the large crime scene also huge hedonistic turbofolk tension but also dont have own Sea so all would chill at least in summer!, probably earlier was cheap for them to jump wherever would like, but now hm guess even park stroll is expensive thing for many, and as pressure it will burst somewhere for sure, sadly in this case in most wrong places and means, and if its any social comfort this can provoke proactive response by the community so would be regulated more logically now the loosen internet realm and weapon possession trends, also finding ways how to boost Emotional Intelligence in Kids (eg. connected to schools local social network and eforums would give opportunity for) but also finding ways how to help them with their behavior addictions like gaming or endless scrolling eg. by belongingness to more tight group like the neighborhood for what eTOS can help too in form of municipal unit eforum where the involvement in day to day most local issue will be debated in a way like growing awareness that part of live community what eventually should be further pushed on municipal eforum as thematic eforums thus many idealess and lonely will have chance to take part in the events and action in their own surrounding what for sure will engage them in worthy spent time for common good also hanging with purpose thus getting selfestesm and surpassing loneliness [16] the problem eventually can arose if instead traditional values modern halloween alike are loosen thus such etool can become even greater trap for all, making from the elderly junkies and from the youth drunkards if its not fastened such system by stiff moderation and oversight, and probably biometric registration could overcome eventual risks, still it ask for new penology also but instead in social credit system alike reward and punishment by communal work while continual swearing instead fine to provoke court rural work example i.e. if the offender helps in building refuge for rural emigrants surely will get some satisfaction instead paying huge for treats or dropping in jail coz neighboring smack (logically every tightening has own hiccups) at least it should be optional norm for sentencing!

Post Merge: A year ago

Sorry for the bad grammar and all typos or wrong words eg. instead mashups obviously should stay covers, coz mashups can be even more fueling except extinguishing [1][1] hm probably I needed to emphasize how the complex interaction can hype Kids nowadays for good or worst, so Sport should and could put them on right track to come down however got high!, altho as with any addiction it takes extra effort and will so Sport would become secure exit [2] but how eventual spike of boredom and not just violence trends to be evaded mids economic hardships for such exiting to be secured i.e. how Sport to be boosted on all levels even mids crisis, for what most effective approach would be nationalization of betting and gambling [3][3] so all profit to end up in Free Sport Equipment and Terrains available for all Kids normally fastened by clever redefinition of rules for group sports so every Kid would have competition opportunity like one bench to play just one half while the reserve second (what could be useful even for adult competition if not else locally so would be built even in small places coz the chance for sprinting more attractive match [4][4] instead to tilt in shadow on the bench and clapping to the most forced co-players what if is not frustrating instead to be loosen joyful pleasure makes from the Kids performing wonnabe sport robots!, also tying Art and Sport as norm could help involve also all those Kids that are not attracted by the ball'me'up'scotty hype maybe by designers mood eg. having opportunity to tag the terrains if not the games surely having group juggling at the half time [5][5] and when all that would supported by the local community like bonuses for the attendees eg. free icecream and/or juice then surely it could be secured greater participation even in most dull place!, plus if it could be chosen type of Sport without club fees even for adrenaline sports like Climbing or Skating [5][] then the success for (24/7 gaming and soc.net) deterrence will be achieved easily!
Also Sorry for my heavy digressing eg. in post #8 above add that "super stamina (is) almost prime trend in competitive neoliberal capitalist environment" what tho I'll use it in this context too eg, in case of wide sporting hype this should be somehow loosened as competitiveness without mercy so would be evaded tifos alike idolization and polarization of teams or players, doable alone by the mixing up of the prime and bench players while one bench only first or second half!, ideally that should be norm for small local leagues too but go change fifa or fiba mindset example so would allow such revision or rules coz more attractive game even with average players!, also if and when anyhow is built tiffo hype as calming response its good to be organized even post football game an box or wrestling match continuation in controlled manner with security and judges among the opposite fans members (normally with full safety equipment) so in a way even their club lost the f-game got satisfaction by winning the wrestling continuation, I mean better hooligans to have regulated postmatch exhaust instead waiting to get together when get chance for "Let Me Tell You Why I Love Football" idealess streetfighter adrenaline addiction!, tho that could be also regulated easily if the local betting for local leagues is in state hands by lowering some club vibe by fixing matches from time to time coz evading social unrests!, those who would complain how that would be heresy dont forget the bulk of games are already fixed but mostly coz lucrative than social reasons, not that this could be proven but when billions are poured in sport betting [6][6][6] whats the odds that fairplay is norm!?, I'll say never will coz corruption rulz even mids socialism, nor sure about communism, but in neoliberal capitalism cmon even somehow its arranged to be impossible it will be circumvented by metaphysical means!

Finally the cruelty comes due to overexposure to the media glorification of gladiator alike hype, when what becomes goal in the life of many Kids is how to become best by default and if cant in Sport or School then easily can try on Street easily coz always cheating by weapons is norm!, what guess is trend even in stiff regulated weapon possession countries eg. ex-Yugoslavia was almost weapon free yet the Youth was not shameful in using whatever metal could reach so would dominate mostly the fair fight [7] yet in group fights stoning was somehow not rare occurrence and normally all this trend in the ghettos where tho we were lucky that there were always older around so would brake the chain of violence eg. in group clash by arranging if not else fair fight among the toughest teenagers!, where also cheating would have been forbidden or if excessive force is used the fight would be stopped ... in essence this was our pressure valve as Kids on streets after what it couldnt be built animosity that will thrive for long. tho we didnt have soc.nets so would boost haterate nor risks from isolation so would explode unintentionally!, and probably extra luck that the Police was super total brutal towards sociopats psychos or criminals, indeed in ex-Yu there was saying "You can slip on bench with pocked full of money and noone to rob You" as safety praising, but go explain this to eurobolsheviks and their pinch d evil by ears, I mean this is completely different topic and normally that "excessive policing force for all" is wrong approach but I dont see how animal can be calmed down if got eat dem all level!, tho nowadays there are at disposal various modern tools that can substitute buttons or guns but which ask probably unique preparedness even in fireweapon attacks [8] tho not all police officers are with samurai stamina!, cant imagine how useful would come to them if its allowed to every professional wrestler to exercise freely citizen arrest and even rewarded (payed per arrest) if helped the Police before arrive!, yeah all street fighters will get in Sport Clubs so would eligible for eventual bonuses while anyway do their routine daily stroll around the hood!, tho probably for such stunts would need to have always some gps gopro cam ready on belt, altho more useful would be public spying chance for all and Police to do their job as usual, but with this comes other risks like intentional framing coz bonus [9] hm reporting Your neighbor for using corporal punishment of his Kid yeah what could go wrong as steam pressure waiting to burst, altho better that than state managed panopticon through biochip in the head so bee drone will deliver the "painkiller" or satellites the calming vibe [10][10] what would be wrong coz such system would hard to be policed by the Citizens and easily misused by the elites eventually leading to rage against the machine and certain revolution against the system, but once all get dependent from such system through revolution its collapse its secured and day after huge risks for restart coz machines will do most of the policing, and instead all to be part of live watchover hype of citizen policing like in China, simply expecting that enough relevant witness is technology, yeah "enough" with all its possibilities for deep fakes [11][11][11] so its better always to have double check as evidence ahead!, machines can rule Mars for free if "they" like!, hm not sure cyborgs would be better on Moon or beyond!?

Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 30.9% Relevant

Fast Forward about the last f) passus from the previous post, when I say kids are pressured from all side I mean that literary, coz once got hooked on gaming or soc.nets absorb extra trivial info or goofy attitude that mandatory school instead joyful it becoming tormenting experience!, You have factual behavioral addicts that grow fast while kept tied in line so would have chance for normal life, broiler circumstances that if go by genetic logic simply cant catch the "lets memorize everything" meme coz predetermined cognitive capacity, but coz I prefer the environment shaping influence would say the system is dumbing down them coz its not finding ways how to pass to them practical useful education eg. not which kinds of fish exist around the world but how where to catch a fish and the rests of the stats will become personal interest once the F advances in career, yep go tilt out rookie fisherman with info about industry possibilities about whale fat and he we will get in love with fishing, first of all needs to taste the food eg. kids to be mandatory to go at work to their parents broiler centrifuges so would taste the rhythm that awaits them and why its good to put some effort in schooling, and above all to reason like adult and not just act like one coz the fast living and all the wrong pressuring!

Indeed like now making from Kids irresponsible pampered toys thrown in mandatory school box adds to their frustration of suppressed anger once became stricken by inequality selfishness possessiveness and daydreaming for richness, where from one side pumped up with decadence while from other indifference for any responsibility, what as result hijacks their normal behavior [1][1][1] that once is additionally stimulated by environmental stress like wild family or even wilder hood or such stressing constantly mirrored on the public school vibe (look us we are all gangsta) then its easy Young pressured mind to be pushed over the edge in whatever way eg. teacher taking away their phone even that was in elementary [2] what about secondary school [2][2][2] - [2][2][2] here is also ultra violent gaming case [2] hm guess to them phones are more than personal id card especially if emotionally tied to the thing!, and how not to become gadget junkies when they are hooked altho isolated in soc.nets or gaming as escape from all hypocrisy around them when all logical moral values are at best downgraded if not dismissed by neoliberal capitalism coz the sake of greater profit ~ name it: corruption bigotry exploitation sexism mobbing consumerism etc. coz mammonism trending vices, and understandable that under constant alike pressure they are finding safe exit zone through their gaming or selfie idolization, as if the majority of modern kids are just waiting to see whether will escape or get further grinned!, but what throws them out of control day after if footed by tail, someone says goz amygdala reasons as hooked on some vibe [3][3][3] and one possible variable to this could be also the constant emf bombardment of their amy altho as gland surely that interaction goes through chemical side kick, also some say bones act as amplifiers to emf pollution thus emotional disorientation is secured [4] finally add to the list bioresonance imprints in background too [5] so go push them on broiler farm and wait to see when what will go wrong!

Now go find solution that fits all!, hm it could be done, eg. leave students alone will say Pink Floyd once [6][6] coz the edu broiler farms dont give students critical thinking knowledge but just widening eventual the memory bin!, tho go reinvent the schooling if there is no eTOS vibe around so whole society will take part in such restart reform!, yeah wait on experts to get us even more corrupted by humanism and its blueprints, logically what we've got and see its broilers prepared for cyborg upgrade and human resource management by push'of'button which will get emotionally stiff like scifi'borg'race and maybe reaching selfesteem from the fact that as borgged down will not need to sit in bench at school but could work in mine and getting the curriculum by daily dose of wifi education in the head, Hope Not!, but be honest to Yourself under which circumstances You will support paradigm shift knowing that the system like this has some effective meritocratic levers of broiler breeding secured for the concrete jungle!, even direct participatory democracy will not be able to overcome the fear of the system how to produce by different means large pool of fresh thought that will splash all current idealess experts ~ at least giving them hand around all wrong trials&errors!

Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 34.9% Relevant
From all examination in this thread, one that think it should be more carefully tackled is the Rating System of movie music or gaming industry and how the same is imposed so would be effective!, yep R sign should be pronounced more proactively not just warning but also as obligation for parents i.e. to be introduced some penology so they would watch far more carefully over their kids when exposed to violent content, content which in these times is certainly more lobotomizing blueprint for reaching psychopathy how is recycled on fast tracks through the soc.nets, tho this will ask also for redimensioning of media above all, where nowadays not rarely its freely reachable to kids violent content, eg. in Serbia how all are juiced up by gangsta sensationalism usually through tabloid portals, for the sake of the truth what was norm since '90s but in this century exploding coz the online media migration where practically mids infohighway all are left on ethical selfregulation while Kids do rush to exploit that wild'western'ultraliberalism [1][1] exposed constantly on irresponsible journalism that fuels violence even more coz profit trough sensationalism!, what tho in my opinion is not just serbian fault but also western infiltration coz Serbia was last balkan bastion of Orthodox Christianity that defied complete western assimilation (the rest are already in pocket) where in my opinion as close observer it was instigated by "west" specific psyop through cultural means eg. fueling diezel or turbofolk brainwashing and/or occult and sectarian institutionalization all under the veil of free market and democratic rights investors to sell or rent on whatever masses will hook!, but defacto how evolved now looks like intentional deconstruction  of the serbian national even ethnic slavic tradition (simply splashed them westernization on steroids), and if their social field is left unweeded further it will choke for good their tradition and well being as collective quality of life!, in this context goes also stiff regulation of media which tho coz their eU aspiration will be seen as undemocratic censuring of media so would be exploited by euroatlantic determinists to provoke stall in the integration and potentially trigger unrests till in power are not installed owned'political'clowns that will fulfill "their" ambition to throw Serbia foremost in nato (altho europeanization and otanization goes hand by hand), but what dont goes smooth as process due to the serb animosity against nato as result of "their" bloody skims&spins for disintegration of ex-Yu and finally secession of Kosovo from Serbia under nato protectorate, when Yugoslavia and Serbia as its last survivor got the stick [2] (in context also check the next 2nd and 6th footnotes) and its still being "sticked" yeah coz the carrot box is empty!, thus Serbia its really on tin ice if wants to regulate all media and net in more stiff way, altho coz this is necessity for Serbia so would chill out all the implanted dizel&turbofolk hype I'll say to serbs Be Brave and regulate media and its wrong westernization hype if want to Save Your Tradition!, and I Really Hope it will coz that could motivate others to follow and balance their servitude to the neopagan euroatlantic determinists which are after crushing Christianity as first and last barrier on "their" path (as "they" believe) so would dream out "their" neopagan heaven'on'earth, in essence the current global geopolitical tensions are exactly such clash so the western euroatlantic neopaganism would secure its next phase of colonization and assimilation, for what also is problem the serbian culture of honored weapon possession (inherited by centuries warring history but also due to the huge continuation in the last one) so this kind of psyop goes smooth on "their" tab too, altho its important Serbia to have more stiff weapon control and who how is fit to own weapon so that tradition would not fire back through all the implanted dizel&turbofolk hype that through few decades pumping became their mainstream cultural mark which maybe in its happy side looks decadently uplifting and attractive but defacto its ugly sodomah&gomorah in balkan style!, so basically Serbia needs to censure all that shund (kitsch) and throw it on the margins as in media so as life (not that needs instantly to become orthodox taliban but eg. extra tax on such music or video content could lower the hype) simply it needs to defend itself from the wrong infiltration of ultraliberal decadent westernized stamina i.e. the cult of tough guys exploited by the media in all possible ways or sexy starlets occupying every corner of their psyche should be banned as public occurrence and leave it as subcultural hype reachable only for addicts somewhere outside of civilization as explicit music or movie industry!, yeah I know some will say mission impossible but either they will curb sharply with such gangrenous mainstream trends or it will reach collapse as society, which is the aim of the infiltration so day after ea-determinists would remove as I've said the last bastion of True Orthodox Christianity in balkans!

Also dont forget that Propaganda is tool which is misused not just by military psyop subversion till submission [2][2][2] but also if left unchecked marketing agencies can instigate wrong social trends when loosen freely to sell 24/7 through sex or macho hype which eventually dumb'down'smoothly the consumers ~ even more when such trend became mainstream public indulgence like its case with Serbia ~ here the aristotles proverb glues indeed smooth in negative way [3] but go tell this to all delusional minds that hope if get fully westernized will live more joyful life, no they will just hit "their" wall where normalizing till now was managed by the "chemical'balance'therapy" of psychiatry, while now "they" want to be reached by push'of'button emf conditioning!, simply "they" are intentionally leaving ultraliberalism to loom so would reach more easily transhumanist environment where again everything will be regulated but by more perversely covert means, thus only effective resistance to that skim is by Law Secured Traditional Values i.e. Orthodox Christianity becoming prime moral lever in Serbia regards everything commercial or cultural!, and I'll accept libertarian way of ultraliberalism to be embraced by municipalities on referendums, but for whole state to be norm decadence that hm its sure path for praising psychopathy, which eventually again will be slashed in rude way as such once its reached (if already didnt), but its less painful to manage the risks in time than waiting on last minute deliberalization with hope that then things will get on normal track, no then it will be just late societal panic'attack'management which will burst like soap bubble with the very next rotation of political opportunism, see it as obesity issue i.e. either gluttony will be addressed sharply or it will consume its consumer sooner or later, and in case of Serbia it looks like now or never last chance for de'shund'ization!, surely harsh fasting is risk also by itself for organism that got addicted to some hype, but if its offered good substitute think such process is doable and manageable!, eg. instead dizel&turbofolk hype hayduk&ethno one ideally in heavily subsidized rural reemigration what is more than doable if they introduced eTOS brainstorming [4] and if not else through constant debate among the experts and the public gathered in ngo's any eventual risks or need for reform regards the wrong indoctrinating nature of modern media upon Kids will be analyzed correctly so authorities would provoke change by wide consensus that could not be revoked on the next election switch!, not that miracles can happen over night through eTOS, but will pop up hope that this topic will not be forgotten and constantly polished around the solutions!, tho Miracles can happen too yet for that only solution is greater focus on Invoking Grace upon particular place what if it was done for the sars'cov'2 hype by tracks it should be done by Teachers in Classrooms [5] if its obvious to serbs that have real problem with the dizel&turbofolk trends implanted and fueled by cia&co since "their" ex-Yu dismantling [6][6][6] still Prayers and Blessing to be accepted as daily routine in Schools mids secularism its almost impossible, altho Parents should have such option too i.e. to foster for the spiritual health of their Children even in such way (if we know for certain that the spiritual world is basis for this one!), and indeed acting blind followers of the modern reductionist humanist hype of neopagan culturocide against Orthodox Christian Tradition will not make their society more smart or rich nor will save the day but on contrary will make from Serbia another eurobolshevik vassal that tho is less and less probable!, still as neighbor I can only encourage them dont sleep in fire!, and its easy to be said than to be done such social engineering yet again eTOS vibe has potential to wake up whole society for the risks and needs in far more normal way than constant partisan bickering about whose guilt is that go invaded by mean cultural subversion instigated coz geopolitical reasons, subversion that lasts for ~3 decades in row if not more!
btw Must Apologize to serbs that use their hardship so would project to all Christians hey where are You going with that gun on your head, yet coz Serbia is last still not otanized state in balkans (along B&H where tho again if serbs there are not against surely bosniaks would had have already sold their souls to the ea-devil) so defacto good motivation ground coz if Serbia survive it will be example others to reconsider their wrong westernization lobotomy and maybe release themselves from all the ultraliberal decadent vibe that is norm for their western societies!, to be more ridiculous as completely lobotomized they dont even recognize that reached graceless state eg. croats or greeks coz their seas even tho countries with pronounced Christian heritage and live faith but once conformism hit the bell and coz their tourism industry ready to embrace the cult of body as normal thing go tell me who will reach Metanoia what about Theosis!?, actually being quiet and indifferent for that trend its certain path to be loosen the faithful on compromises eventually yeah in the morning on Liturgy while in noon on beach and hm what could go wrong!?, and altho with such hedonistic crescendo its loosened whatever violent splash still in context of Salvation its far more dangerous vibe, simply coz whats happening in Serbia can push many on awakening while in Croatia and Greece example will even more pull new body cultists!
Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 42.3% Relevant
In the bolded 3rd footnote above its pointed by JayD about democide in the Bertrand Russell "sci.governance", and altho factual label still think more logical for his globalist logicism is to be pointed to his neomalthusianism which actually is common niche to all euroatlantic determinists of utopian globalists [1][1] and by the fingering in this last footnote we can conclude "they" are not after democide but genocide [2] coz as globalist agenda it could be executed by shadow groups in favor for the euroatlantic agendas eg. the conspy assumption about the recent catastrophic earthquakes in Hatay [3][3] simply it dont need to be plain but cover globalist agenda of some and not all factions in "their" neopagan band!, still how is rolled out bionic and genetic revolution but also a.i. hype we are witnessing wide loosen approach about the bioethical risks that goes with it (buried debate about what about risk management on table) so as if "they" dont care whether Kids are exposed to this or that risks but simply left all to go with the neoliberal flow till they can, or eventually such hype to be later used as excuse for social credit system by problem'solution'scenario!, eventually in "their" utopia anyway will survive the day to see it just golden billion chosen neopagans thus dont care how now something has negative impact on Children in whatever form, I mean only by allowing free yt tough gong pranks many are learning that need to have explosive response if checked [4] so dont wonder that is good blueprint for Young and Adults to be always on alert even walking downtown!, actually the same goes for the debate on soc.nets or more and more creepy mood in blockbusters games or music, that indeed looks as intentional social engineering skim with particular aims looking alike BertrandR logicism [5] tho far from his pacifism [5][5] yep hook all on coke and water is not favorite slip anymore!, and normally all done by "behaviorist books" [6][6][6]

... and Exactly coz we are not seeing wide debate we can recognize the pattern of scientific dictatorship where particular "scientific" elite imposes own wrong agendas, at least to ask for some official criticism by the academia if not the same to be debated, and knowing that the very same elite is globalist in its core and resting on darwinian premises since enlightenment era, then its clear that the same however looks reductionist its indeed neopagan!, how else to be interpreted stubborn rush even by trickery towards n'w'o through future shocks [7] what would be one more plain acknowledgement that for granted is word for malthusians i.e. if its released a.i. and automation to overrun the market then what with all the jobless [8] normal direction to the waste plant for syngas number "they'll" shout!, probably enough stupid how is sold as future without substitute and till extremes pushed by force ~ tho while still acting uniquely brainwashing how as technocratic transhumanist promoters and pushers are champions of democracy!, sadly an fallacy of enlightened freedom that hijacked the scientific mood of many coz "their" own pervert ideals!, what would be the same case with a.i. opportunists too [9]

Hm, I remember the vibe back in '80s and '90s, it was somehow super fluid and easy childhood for me, despite lived in an ghetto (social hood) and constantly having street hangouts for good or bad, yet it was some feeling of fullness when was street walking cycling driving, it was like pizza with all its local flavors juicy and homemade [10][10][10] but now the feeling its not the same!, as if the pizza is here but cant taste it as social life, but not so coz the soc.net lobotomization or whatever wrong trends, but its something in the air!, yeah chemtrails and haarping are most probable candidate for disrupting the true vibe in our life, coz net was present back then too, mobile phones in the second half of '90s also, so definitely in question is some other thing, or combo of wifi and vlf/elf pollution thus Kids getting more and more angry as if are living in jungle concrete jungle [11] just waiting the hour to become zoo!, back and forth looks like for zoo there will be need for many cages in the commieblocks, so more logical is that "someone" lusts for slaughterhouse solutions thus thats why all the stimulated subsidized and released anger that is freely shared so the bloodbath would be secured!, Hope I Am Wrong in this less than broader (as would like) altho extensive anamnesis of reasons and trends for making even from the Children angry birds!, be creative and stop this madness of euroatlantic globalists and "their" stooges among plutocrats!, doable if start to focus Your effort through eforums than like now tilting empty in vein on soc.nets where whatever good idea instantly is buried by extra subsidized triviality!, so focus on bringing eTOS vibe if not for else at least on this topic [12] as coz neglectance for those innocent Young Souls we will provoke on ourselves very grim if not dread causality!

11 months ago in Sociology  (Other Fields Homework Help)
Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 47.5% Relevant
so definitely in question is some other thing, or combo of wifi and vlf/elf pollution thus Kids getting more and more angry as if are living in jungle concrete jungle [11] just waiting the hour to become zoo!

Hm, somewhere that is already case!, yet there is currently one unique example as El Salvador where for a while is declared state of emergency on the gangsta vibe [1][1] was (still is) executed operation that either will reset all that murda hype mentality that was pumped up since '90s or it will throw in havoc the country as reform if (or better said once) an economic depression hits the bell when whatever kind of hood tribalism logically could fire back yet again  [1][1] actually their earlier bouncing poverty&corruption brought such violence trend but which I am kinda convinced that got leverage by the freely loosen social media that guess motivated and mobilized many Kids to hook on the "me and my gang" belongingness, especially in the ghetto where whatever other identity check means disrespect of its own hood and that leading to punishment, where seems its no other path to selfrealization and/or defense of the close one but by joining the gang especially mids economic hardship when interesting also popped up the phenomenon like multiculti usA 18str. gang that mirrored to El Salvador too [1][1] what by default is pushing becoming natural part of the local clan tribe or sect which by most effective way through the uncontrolled global soc.nets got own free from charge propaganda tool for indoctrinating Kids all around the World and not just El Salvadore!, tho there got status as in rest of Americas as kind of murda by default sect when violence is liturgy for evil spirits that actually build up vortex of bliss by negativity and idolizing of materialism lusts and lawlessness what surely has own priests and devotees but now also cultural instead subcultural praise that in the end becomes greater monster than the criminal hype alone i.e. what matters is street moppers to make name above all and not just money coz eventually even make extra money if the same are not shared sooner or later will be extorted in one or another way by the loosen beasts down the street hierarchy surely challenged regularly through social media [1][1]

Be honest to Yourself most of the experts dont have complete clue whats really at stake with gangs and violence and how the same is idolized through the neoliberal media and soc.nets!. simply atheist sectarian or demonized Kids coz early in the life became emotionless murda machines now found selfies praise of their pride what supprass whatever any other need for respect, thus targeting the soc.nets in context of gangs and violence should be among the prime agendas!

Anyway for now El Salvador is having some positive momentum due to mafia crackdown, tho we will need to see what will come out from that in near future [2]

Post Merge: 11 months ago

Hm, what else will come than rage against the system by their left behind Kids thus by greater factor will burst unrests if/when salvadorian economy will drop mids any eventual next global depression!, and what is even more troubling is that this example will become blueprint for all Latin America!, on what I'll say respect for having will to removing mass murderers and angry beasts from the streets, but incarcerating all the rest with them in such logors is wrong by all means!, to what viable alternative is prison sentencing for everything else than murder to be optional for serving in rural jail where convicts would eg. raise rural settlements for homeless [1][1][1] or having choice to swap the rural jail with work in social program factories or state farms intended for welfare programs ... but if there is no system for mandatory personal surveillance such rural penitentiary camps will become molesting jars too whether inmates were bullied by roommates or guards!, tho this is issue thats happening in streets too thus proactive thinking through eTOS vibe will bring maybe some creative solution [2]

Now this thread projects circumstances for half of the World Youth, the other one simply dont have time for modern behavioral addictions and risks that go with it, simply they are burdened by other pressure eg. child labor exploitation [3][ ] and if its somehow comforting they dont have time to get violent or reckless but from smallest legs experience adulthood habits for honest and engaged life what makes them tough but not violent coz enough diligent to enjoy the Fruits Of Their Hands instead waiting on mom and dad, altho not all hardworking kids will keep calmness coz frustration once understood that inequality is widespread thing due to corruptive and criminal mindset of the elites in their space of existence!, thus like that again is stimulated criminal vibe in many childrens hearths!, not sure just if there is any statistics from which stratum originates the bulk of criminals eg. in South America so this logic would get more factual basis!

11 months ago in Sociology  (Other Fields Homework Help)
Message written by Odiseizam  (Topic started by Odiseizam) – 47.8% Relevant
Sadly but many of those Exploited Children are also abused and risk 24/7 bullying except if grow in traditional communities where if not else are under constant guard by the close one!, plus like that are deprived from promiscuity, altho not everywhere tradition is praised above western decadent liberalism or tradition is suppressed by corruption!, anyway their counterparts from the "western world" on other hand have issue with wrong voyeuristic vibe now pumped up on steroids interactively when "sexual frustration pumps violent hearths" [1][1] simply coz consumerism sexploitation is widespread hype and that choking many that want to grow by wrong means prematurely, surely brainwashed by the movie and music industry too that Sexual Joy is reachable on every corner, and even that was case still coz overindulgence if not else from pornography eg. adolescent kids very early are become emotionally crippled thus again pumping frustrations!. and seen from the poverty side in the ghetto that push them in ultra gang violence mode even as teens!, sex&drugs&gansta hype became blueprint for many Souls lost inbetween the wrongly loosen media (along all neopagan propaganda poured through them) and the wrong social engineering for kgbt cultural marxism!

So the current western decadent liberalism as democracy export but not rarely submission by shame and later control by blackmail [2][2][2]>[2][2] hijacked Young and Adults to tilt around constant chase for happiness through lusts greed and pride what as it grown now coz soc.net lobotomization pulled many in hedonism mammonism and egoism even dont thrive in tempting environment locally!, and to what normally now "someone" wants to reset all that global inertia towards dystopia by push'of'button!, hm go avoid the notion that that wasnt predetermined globalist neopagan agenda flushed experimentally on west somewhere after ww2 while now exported by bribing corrupt governments around the world to follow with ease and throw many on path of noreturn from certain euroatlantic neopagan n'w'o agenda!, but still that is some elitist lust of "them" and actually as euroatlantic determinists till this day since the enlightenment era havent reached "their" goals for superhumanity and heaven'on'earth no matter how hard "they've" tried!, so it will be this time too, altho now the pain and the suffering due to "their" lust for ultimate power will cripple many that are still blind followers of "their" wrong ideals and social engineering!, hope many also will wake up in time, but for what its utmost needed independent eTOS vibe!

Eventually if we remove elitist conspy logic as culprit for the wrong current trends that stir many towards violence, what cant be narrowed as consumeristic risk is how Kids are exposed to brainwashing addiction and exploitation through nlp marketing [3][3]3] yet again also knowing the existing geopolitics behind all capitalist colonialism   then we dont have other way but turn in circles trying to grasp who why how all are prepped for the globalist deception of n'w'o heaven'on'earth among other as chase for manufactured consent spinned by various psyop means [4][5][6] in this last footnote seen from modern metaphysical angle but I'll skip elaborating the probabilities for such organized hijack by fallen spirits so would not derail the main point in this post that exploitation of Kids in various ways exist as in the wealthy so as "they" label it third world countries, finally as forgotten also on spiritual risks too, hm who how to control the long term effects of playing games fueled with demonology etc. etc. brainwashing!, so anger and violence come coz various reasons and escape in various forms, and just one thing is certain that ea-determinists seek to exploit such boiling hype so would slip covertly and on small door transhumanism at least in form of hived population that will be "managed" normally by push'of'button [7]

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