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Calculting in Chemistry
Calculting in Chemistry
(A.) Calculate the cost per gram (g) of synthetic baccatin III, the Taxol precursor, using the following assumptions. Basically, what you are doing here is calculating how much it would cost to just synthesize the chemical needed to make Taxol in the laboratory, without relying on nature. Be sure to look at the attached picture (Figure 1) before trying to answer this question. You d
Chemistry   tink571937   1155   Asked 12 years ago
Hexane boils at 156.2oF. What is this temperature in Celcius? What is this temperature in Kelvin?
Hexane boils at 156.2oF. What is this temperature in Celcius? What is this temperature in Kelvin?

Question 1 of 12
Which of the following is an example of an observation? 
 A. Reactions occur due to the transfer of electrons. 
 B. All matter is composed of small, indestructible particles called atoms. 
 C. Flammable objects contain phlogiston. 
 D. When a can of soda pop is opened, a f
Chemistry   TOLBERTJD   10049   Asked 11 years ago
Write the chemical formula for each of the following ionic compounds: Copper (II) Bromide, Silver (I
Write the chemical formula for each of the following ionic compounds: Copper (II) Bromide, Silver (I
Question 1 of 12
Identify the element that is a nonmetal, a gas, and has an elemental symbol that starts with the letter "A." 
 A. Al 
 B. Ac 
 C. Au 
 D. Ar 
 E. none of the above 

Answer Key: D

Question 2 of 12
Which st
Chemistry   TOLBERTJD   7072   Asked 11 years ago
percent yield and atom economy
percent yield and atom economy
How would i go about doing q 4-7
Can someone tell me how to set up these equations and put a ? where i should plug in my lab results...attached pic with questions
Chemistry   toodaloo   438   Asked 10 years ago
IR SPECTRIUM questions
IR SPECTRIUM questions
can someone help me out - ive done these questions but not so sure of my answer
attached the two questions as a picture
would really appreciate some help thanks
Chemistry   toodaloo   655   Asked 10 years ago
Chemistry for Today: General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 6th Edition Seager, Sla
Chemistry for Today: General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 6th Edition Seager, Sla
Hi does anyone have Chemistry for Today: General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 6th Edition
Seager, Slabaugh test bank questions? Please let me know ASAP
Chemistry   trisha101   2187   Asked 11 years ago
What is a Polar Covalent Bond?
What is a Polar Covalent Bond?
A polar covalent bond is a bond between two non-metals with different electronegativities. Only bonds between the same elements are truly nonpolar. The higher the difference in electronegativity, the more polar the bond is. Take a look at this table of electronegavities and let's try some examples.

Chemistry   tutorpace   326   Asked 8 years ago
Discuss the distinction between a graduated pipette and a volumetric pipette. Volumetric pipettes ...
Discuss the distinction between a graduated pipette and a volumetric pipette. Volumetric pipettes ...
Discuss the distinction between a graduated pipette and a volumetric pipette. Volumetric pipettes are used to transfer one specified volume of liquid while graduated pipettes are used to transfer volumes other than specific volumes for which volumetric pipettes are calibrated.

Clarify the specific function of each and when each should be used.  Volumetric pipettes ar
Chemistry   vern   3661   Asked 12 years ago
Chemistry question on enantiomers
Chemistry question on enantiomers
So this is actually a question in my biology class but it is a question about enantiomers so I figured I'd put it in Chemistry. Anyway! So the answer is A being that A is NOT an enantiomer. I'm not understanding why it's not if D is the same thing just with CH3 instead of a H. Any help is appreciated.
Chemistry   Xabien   418   Asked 8 years ago
Calculate the energy difference for a transition in the Paschen series for a transition from the higher energy?
Calculate the energy difference for a transition in the Paschen series for a transition from the higher energy?
Calculate the energy difference for a transition in the Paschen series for a transition from the higher energy shell n=7

En=-2.179 x 10^18 / (n)2 J

Four sig figs!

Thanks in advance!
Chemistry   zme_9325   6016   Asked 10 years ago
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