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VonkVisual VonkVisual
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10 years ago
Dear Community,

Feel free to move this topic to another forum if this doesn't relate to the subjects you are discussing here. I thought it would be the best place, because this product is mainly aimed at educational use.

First, a small introduction;

I recently joined this forum because of a new product I'm designing. My name is Jeroen, and I'm located in the Netherlands. I sincerely hope I could get some input on my newest project. Currently I'm studying to become a Industrial Product Designer, nearing my graduation at the end of this year.

A professor who works at the High school of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, asked me if I could help him out with creating a DNA model for educational purposes. Several models already exists, but it isn't quite what he wants.

If you google for DNA Store Models, you can find quite a few models representing this general Idea already. The models can be quite simple, and 'relatively' cheap, but there are more complicated models for sale too. All these product share one similarity; They are short. As in, Nothing is longer than 20 base-pairs, and according to the professor, that's way too short for using them in a classroom. I've attended a introduction class for observation, and it seems the professor itself is in need of the model, because his hands constantly try to visualize the things he is telling the students.

Having a small conversation, it seems that he wants a simple DNA model, on somewhat large scale, with the option of building a minimum of one hundred (100) base-pairs. Of Course, buying 5 sets of the DNA models shown in the link isn't a option.

The length of the model is needed for him to explain the process of splitting the two strands, and matching a certain piece of DNA on the strand, that is shorter in length. So he can have students actively search for the right location for it to bind. I hope this is clear enough, and it being the basics and all, my guess is you know what I'm trying to explain.

Think about small plastic parts, that can bind only in one way. The strands are connected with a stronger bind than the actual Base-pairs, to match reality.

So I got excited for the product, but of course, I'm not even close to being a biologist.

It's obvious the professor wants the product to happen, but I wonder if anyone else might be interested in a model. This model is going to be made in such a way that the absolute basics of Genetics and DNA can be explained in a more visual manner instead of drawings on a chalkboard, for example. Think of it as 4 different building bricks, representing the four Nucleobases; A, T, G & C. One brick will be around 10 to 15 mm, or .3 / .4'', for the imperial users. Being sold as a gigantic build kit, with around 2000 pieces total.

Would you be interested in a model? If yes, what kind of features would you want on such a product?

Do you think it's something that would sell?

If anything is unclear, please ask! I love some feedback on this.

Of Course, don't be scared to tell me the whole idea is crap and unnecessary, I've had some people telling me that. Which is part of the reason I'm asking it here. Bigger Community, more opinions and experiences.

Thank you!
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Staff Member
10 years ago
If you google for DNA Store Models, you can find quite a few models representing this general Idea already. The models can be quite simple, and 'relatively' cheap, but there are more complicated models for sale too. All these product share one similarity; They are short. As in, Nothing is longer than 20 base-pairs, and according to the professor, that's way too short for using them in a classroom. I've attended a introduction class for observation, and it seems the professor itself is in need of the model, because his hands constantly try to visualize the things he is telling the students.

Not sure why he'd want anything longer than 20 bps. At the end of the day, it's a model, merely a visual representation.

Having a small conversation, it seems that he wants a simple DNA model, on somewhat large scale, with the option of building a minimum of one hundred (100) base-pairs. Of Course, buying 5 sets of the DNA models shown in the link isn't a option.

The length of the model is needed for him to explain the process of splitting the two strands, and matching a certain piece of DNA on the strand, that is shorter in length. So he can have students actively search for the right location for it to bind. I hope this is clear enough, and it being the basics and all, my guess is you know what I'm trying to explain.

I would invest your time create an actual 3D animation that is interaction and can be used on a tablet. I would be more so interested in this for several reasons. 1) It doesn't need to be stored away. 2) It is relatively inexpensive once the software/animation is made. 3) More people will benefit from it around the globe. 4) There will never be any lost pieces.
Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
VonkVisual Author
10 years ago
Hello Padre,

Thank you for your response.

About the comment on the model itself and why it should be longer, is because of the application the professor wants to use it for. He want to put his students to work with it, making them actively look for possible binding locations on a longer strand. He wants to visualise where a 15 bps (Base-pairs, correct?) strand connects on a, for example, 150 bps long strand.

I do agree on the subject of creating software for it. Is there currently somehthing similar available for PC's or Tablets? You raise valid points which are worth looking into.

Kind regards,
Staff Member
10 years ago
Yes, on several platforms. I did a quick search on the Apple App Store and I found this (https://itunes.apple.com/ca/app/onscreen-dna-model/id364149660?mt=8) - it doesn't seem to be very good though Confounded Face This means this niche has yet to be developed in an educational way. I'm not saying that a model would be a bad idea, because it might be very beneficial, but it will cost a lot of money to make - think of model costs. Why not build it out of Lego? The beauty of Lego is that you can make it as large as you want.

Mastering in Nutritional Biology
Tralalalala Slight Smile
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