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aussiej120 aussiej120
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6 years ago
A pediatric nurse is triaging a 6-year-old in an urgent care facility and suspects the child is experiencing complications from allergic rhinitis. Which symptoms did the nurse assess?
  Standard Text: Select all that apply.
  1. Loss of smell and taste
  2. Hoarseness
  3. Plugged ears
  4. Red, swollen, itchy eyes
  5. Scratchy throat
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6 years ago
Correct Answer: 1,2,3
Rationale 1: Complications of allergic rhinitis can include loss of smell or taste.
Rationale 2: Complications of allergic rhinitis can include hoarseness.
Rationale 3: Complications of allergic rhinitis can include plugged ears.
Rationale 4: Red, swollen, and itchy eyes are symptoms, not complications, of allergic rhinitis.
Rationale 5: Scratchy throat is a symptom, not a complication, of allergic rhinitis.
Global Rationale: Sometimes called hay fever, the symptoms of allergic rhinitis resemble those of the common cold and include tearing, burning, red, swollen, or itching eyes; sneezing; nasal itching or congestion; postnasal drip; cough; and scratchy throat. In addition to the acute symptoms, complications of allergic rhinitis may include loss of taste or smell, sinusitis, hoarseness, and plugged ears. Red, swollen, and itchy eyes and a scratchy throat are symptoms of allergic rhinitis, not complications.
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