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miguelb80 miguelb80
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6 years ago
In a session with a social worker, the client stated that her goal was to improve her role as a mother. Which of the following questions should the social worker ask the client to determine the client's desired level of change?
  A) In what way would you like to improve your functioning as a parent?
  B) Are you willing to have an assessment to determine your current skill level?
  C) How did you determine that your parenting needed improvement?
  D) Would you be able to reach your goal by joining a parent's support group?

Goals with minors tend to work best when they:
  A) clarify the consequences of negative behavior.
  B) are not linked to incentives.
  C) provide opportunities for them to measure their progress.
  D) do not involve family or significant others.

Specific tasks assist clients and social workers in:
  A) indicating the particular action steps that need to be taken to achieve goals.
  B) determining the feasibility of goals.
  C) identifying the need for change, thereby helping in formulating goals.
  D) specifying the desired level of change.

In the context of goals, which of the following statements is true of partializing?
  A) It makes the implementation of goals difficult.
  B) It is a new technique in social work practice.
  C) It gives clients a sense of efficacy in support of goal attainment.
  D) It increases the complexity of the decision-making process.

Erika, Jacob's manager, has expressed her annoyance over Jacob's failure to reach office on time every day. As a result, Jacob decides to be punctual. The goal developed by Jacob is an example of a(n) _____.
  A) shared goal
  B) covert goal
  C) reciprocal goal
  D) overt goal

In the goal development decision-making process, as a social worker, you should:
  A) identify the concern, need, or want that drives the formulation of goals.
  B) assist clients in specifying goals in measurable language.
  C) make the final decision about which goals to achieve.
  D) discourage the participation of involuntary clients.

In the goal development decision-making process, setting goals:
  A) helps the client to be independent of the social worker.
  B) identifies the social worker as the sole decision maker.
  C) ensures goal attainment at the end of the helping process.
  D) provides direction, focus, and continuity to the helping process.

Discuss the concepts of functional and dysfunctional behaviors. How can a group leader help group members in a treatment group become aware of their patterned behavior?
  What will be an ideal response?

What are manualized curricula? Discuss their advantages and disadvantages.
  What will be an ideal response?

Discuss the importance of preliminary interviews with potential group members in treatment groups. What should social workers accomplish in those interviews?
  What will be an ideal response?
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6 years ago
1) A

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2) C

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3) A

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4) C

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5) D

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6) B

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7) D

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8) Some of the patterned behaviors that group members display are functional-that is, they enhance the well-being of individual members and the quality of group relationships. Other patterned behaviors are dysfunctional-that is, they erode the capacities of members and are destructive to relationships and group cohesion. A major role of leaders in groups, then, is to help members become aware of their patterned behavioral responses, determine the effects of these responses on themselves and others, and choose whether to change such responses. To carry out this role, leaders must formulate a profile of the recurring responses of each member, utilizing the concepts of content and process. Content refers to verbal statements and related topics that members discuss, whereas process involves the ways members relate or behave as they interact in the group and discuss content.

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9) With increased attention to evidence-based practices, manualized curricula have been developed that detail the sequence, content, and activities for various types of groups. These programmed approaches offer several advantages. They help to focus treatment, advance systematized practices, and support research on interventions. However, those who oppose manual-based practice are concerned that they promote paternalistic, one-size-fits-all approaches instead of the organic, empowerment-based changes that arise from members' and workers' dynamic interactions (Wood, 2007). A further concern is that they may be misused by workers who adopt curricula without supervision or sufficient appreciation for group dynamics and in the absence of group facilitation skills. Clearly, there is a balance between intuitive practice at one pole and standardized practice at the other (Galinsky, Terzian, & Fraser, 2006, p. 13). Knowledgeable workers can integrate tested programming ideas with practice wisdom and emerging group needs to achieve group and individual purposes.

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10) Before convening a treatment group, social workers often meet individually with potential group members for the purpose of screening participants, establishing rapport, exploring relevant concerns, formulating initial contracts with those motivated to join the group, and clarifying limits and options for involuntary members. Individual interviews are essential to providing effective group composition; they ensure that the members are selected according to predetermined criteria and possess the behavioral or personality attributes needed for them to make effective use of the group experience.
6 years ago
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