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emilyhoffman emilyhoffman
Posts: 575
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6 years ago
Lets say that you are holding a mass from a string and that you are in an elevator. If you plucked the string, in which case would the ensuing waves have the greatest speed?
  1.if the elevator were accelerating upward
  2.if the elevator were accelerating downward
  3.if the elevator were moving upward with constant speed
  4.if the elevator were moving downward with constant speed

[Ques. 2] A 1 kg mass is suspended on the end of a string and it is swinging back and forth. If the string is plucked, the speed of the pulse
  1.is fastest when the mass is at its highest point in the swing.
  2.is fastest when the mass is at its lowest point in the swing.
  3.is fastest when the mass is in the middle of its way down from the highest to the lowest point in its swing.
  4.has the same speed at all points of the swing; the pulse's speed is not a function of the position of the mass as it swings.

[Ques. 3]

Assume that a heavy rope is tied to a light rope. Imagine a transverse wave that propagates from the light rope onto the heavy rope. For this wave, which of the following will occur?
   (i) The frequency will decrease.
   (ii) The frequency will increase.
   (iii) The wave speed will increase.
   (iv) The wave speed will decrease.

  1.(iii) only.
  2.(ii) and (iii) only.
  3.(i) and (iv).
  4.(iv) only.

[Ques. 4] Consider a rope hung from the top of a tall ceiling to the ground. Someone sets up waves from the bottom of the rope and watches as they propagate up the rope. The wave's speed along the vertical rope will
  1.remain constant up the rope.
  2.increase with vertical position up the rope.
  3.decrease with vertical position up the rope.
  4.increase until midway up the rope, then decrease.

[Ques. 5] Which of the following will affect the vertical speed of a segment of rope that has a wave propagating along it?
  1.The speed of a transverse wave along a rope.
  2.The amplitude of a transverse wave along a rope.
  3.The frequency of a transverse wave along a rope.
  4.All of these.

[Ques. 6]

Which of the following statements are true?
   (i) When a pulse on a rope reflects from a rigid boundary, it is always inverted.
   (ii) When a pulse on rope encounters a second rope (with different characteristics from the first) that is tied to the first one, there is only sometimes a reflected pulse.

  1.(i) is true, but (ii) is false
  2.(ii) is true, but (i) is false
  3.They are both true.
  4.They are both false.

[Ques. 7] Someone shakes a string to create a wave. The string is tied to the other side of a room. The wave takes 2.0 seconds to propagate from one end of a room to the other. If this experiment is repeated, how could the wave be made to travel across the room in 4.0 seconds?
  1.Shake the string half as quickly.
  2.Shake the string with vibrations that are half the amplitude.
  3.Double the string tension.
  4.Quarter the string tension.

[Ques. 8] A sinusoidal wave of wavelength  travels along a stretched string. Then the string is brought to rest and a second simultaneous wave of wavelength 2 is established on the string. The frequency of the second wave is
  1.the same as that of the first wave.
  2.twice that of the first wave.
  3.half that of the first wave.
  4.2 times that of the first wave.

[Ques. 9] A sinusoidal wave of wavelength  travels along a stretched string. Then the string is brought to rest and a second simultaneous wave of wavelength 2 is established on the string. The wave speed of the second wave is
  1. twice that of the first.
  2. half that of the first.
  3. 2 times that of the first.
  4. same as that of the first.

[Ques. 10] Imagine a group of people standing in a circle. There are two ways that they can create a wave. One way is by placing the palms of their hands together. One person begins by pushing on the adjacent person's palm who, in turn, pushes on the next person's palm, etc. Another way is by adjacent people holding hands. One person lifts the other person's hand and then that person lifts the next person's hand, etc. Which types of waves are represented by each case?
  1.Both cases represent longitudinal waves.
  2.The first case represents a transverse wave and the second case represents a longitudinal wave.
  3.Both cases represent transverse waves.
  4.The first case represents a longitudinal wave and the second case represents a transverse wave.
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6 years ago
1)  1

2)  2

3)  4

4)  2

5)  4

6)  1

7)  4

8)  3

9)  4

10)  4
emilyhoffman Author
6 years ago
found this very helpful thank you
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