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vinh vinh
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6 years ago
According to the textbook, what does it mean to be self-regulated?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 2

Discuss Banduras concept of self-efficacy and its relationship to self-determination theory.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Discuss Csikszentmihalyis concept of flow.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 4

You find your current work very boring and meaningless, but you work hard at it because of the paycheck. You are currently involved in ________________ regulation.
  a. external
  b. internal
  c. introjected
  d. corporate

Question 5

Research summarized in the textbook suggests that participants in a block puzzle contest who were pressured into winning felt less ______ motivation than participants who were not pressured to win.
  Fill in the blank(s) with the appropriate word(s).
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6 years ago
(Answer to Q. 1)  Answer: For the authors of the textbook, being self-regulated means having the ability and maturity to be able to adjust our own behaviors and attitudes to the situation. They suggest a continuum from complete lack of motivation, or amotivation, that requires no regulation, to intrinsic motivation in which ones regulation is wholly internal. An individual chooses activities and interests for the inherent satisfaction that they feel in doing them. Between amotivation and intrinsic motivation are four levels of extrinsic motivation. The highest, or closest to intrinsic motivation, is a level of extrinsic motivation that involves integrated regulation. In this state, the individual has internalized the goals and values of the externally imposed situation. Down from that level is identified regulation in which an activity is made into something personally meaningful through a process of rationalization: I will enjoy this boring exercise because at some later date I will feel good about it. In introjected regulation an individual has taken into themselves the means of control that used be to external and uses the guilt, anxiety, etc., that external agents used to use to motivate them. The lowest level is external regulation in which the individual is not motivated to do a task unless someone else forces them.

(Answer to Q. 2)  Answer: Feelings of competence are very similar to Banduras concept of self-efficacy, or the belief that one can accomplish things and be effective in daily life. Bandura proposed that self-efficacy had two parts: outcome expectation and efficacy expectation. The former is a belief that behaving in a given way will produce a known outcome and the latter a belief that one is capable of acting in a certain way or an expectation that one will succeed at performing an action. Bandura also developed a theory of how self-efficacy was acquired, either through personal experience, in which success increases a sense of self-efficacy, or through vicarious experience, in which one watches someone else succeeding and builds an expectation of personal success through that vicarious experience. Two other ways that Bandura felt an individual could develop self-efficacy is through social persuasion, such as being encouraged by another, and through physical and emotional states.

(Answer to Q. 3)  Answer: Csikszentmihalyi feels that if an individual is engaged in a task that is optimally challenging, interesting, and exciting, they may enter an altered state that he terms flow. In this state one is completely absorbed in the task, finds meaningful enjoyment and blocks out all irrelevant stimuli. This state was described to Csikszentmihalyi by athletes and religious mystics, but, in theory, anyone fully engaged in any challenging task could enter the flow. He feels this experience is most likely in music, sports, games, and religious rituals. The opposite of flow in this model is apathy.

(Answer to Q. 4)  Answer: a: external

(Answer to Q. 5)  Answer: intrinsic
vinh Author
6 years ago
Easily the best answer Grinning Face with Smiling Eyes
6 years ago
If so, mark it solved Smiling Face with Glasses
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