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Same.sha Same.sha
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6 years ago
A patient has been diagnosed with osteoporosis and asks the nurse, What is osteoporosis? The nurse explains that osteoporosis is defined as:
  a. Increased bone matrix.
  b. Loss of bone density.
  c. New, weaker bone growth.
  d. Increased phagocytic activity.

Question 2

An 85-year-old patient comments during his annual physical examination that he seems to be getting shorter as he ages. The nurse should explain that decreased height occurs with aging because:
  a. Long bones tend to shorten with age.
  b. The vertebral column shortens.
  c. A significant loss of subcutaneous fat occurs.
  d. A thickening of the intervertebral disks develops.

Question 3

A woman who is 8 months pregnant comments that she has noticed a change in her posture and is having lower back pain. The nurse tells her that during pregnancy, women have a posture shift to compensate for the enlarging fetus.
  This shift in posture is known as:

Question 4

The nurse is explaining the mechanism of the growth of long bones to a mother of a toddler. Where does lengthening of the bones occur?
  a. Bursa
  b. Calcaneus
  c. Epiphyses
  d. Tuberosities

Question 5

The ankle joint is the articulation of the tibia, fibula, and:
  a. Talus.
  b. Cuboid.
  c. Calcaneus.
  d. Cuneiform bones.

Question 6

The nurse is examining the hip area of a patient and palpates a flat depression on the upper, lateral side of the thigh when the patient is standing. The nurse interprets this finding as the:
  a. Ischial tuberosity.
  b. Greater trochanter.
  c. Iliac crest.
  d. Gluteus maximus muscle.

Question 7

The nurse is assessing a patient's ischial tuberosity. To palpate the ischial tuberosity, the nurse knows that it is best to have the patient:
  a. Standing.
  b. Flexing the hip.
  c. Flexing the knee.
  d. Lying in the supine position.
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6 years ago
The answer to question 1

After age 40 years, a loss of bone matrix (resorption) occurs more rapidly than new bone formation. The net effect is a gradual loss of bone density, or osteoporosis. The other options are not correct.

The answer to question 2

Postural changes are evident with aging; decreased height is most noticeable and is due to shortening of the vertebral column. Long bones do not shorten with age. Intervertebral disks actually get thinner with age. Subcutaneous fat is not lost but is redistributed to the abdomen and hips.

The answer to question 3

Lordosis compensates for the enlarging fetus, which would shift the center of balance forward. This shift in balance, in turn, creates a strain on the low back muscles, felt as low back pain during late pregnancy by some women. Scoliosis is lateral curvature of portions of the spine; ankylosis is extreme flexion of the wrist, as observed with severe rheumatoid arthritis; and kyphosis is an enhanced thoracic curvature of the spine.

The answer to question 4

Lengthening occurs at the epiphyses, or growth plates. The other options are not correct.

The answer to question 5

The ankle or tibiotalar joint is the articulation of the tibia, fibula, and talus. The other bones listed are foot bones and not part of the ankle joint.

The answer to question 6

The greater trochanter of the femur is palpated when the person is standing, and it appears as a flat depression on the upper lateral side of the thigh. The iliac crest is the upper part of the hip bone; the ischial tuberosity lies under the gluteus maximus muscle and is palpable when the hip is flexed; and the gluteus muscle is part of the buttocks.

The answer to question 7

The ischial tuberosity lies under the gluteus maximus muscle and is palpable when the hip is flexed. The other options are not correct.
6 years ago
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