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pretty_yas pretty_yas
Posts: 342
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6 years ago
The proper way to wash hands when handling foods is to:
 a. rinse hands in cool water for 30 seconds or more.
 b. lather hands with soap and warm water and scrub for at least 20 seconds.
 c. rub antibacterial sanitizing rub on dry hands.
 d. quickly run hands under very hot water for 5 seconds then scrub with soap for 15 seconds.
  e. never use a towel to dry hands; always use an air dryer.

Q. 2

Which statement about the Core Four practices for sanitation is accurate?
 a. In addition to soap, an alcohol-based sanitizer is always needed to effectively clean your hands.
  b. Sponges should not be used to wipe surfaces because they cannot be sanitized.
 c. Raw ground beef can be safely kept in the refrigerator at 40F for a week.
 d. Foods should be kept out of the food danger zone of 40-140F.
 e. Raw and ready-to-eat foods should share the same storage areas.

Q. 3

One difference between Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium botulinum in foods is that:
 a. Clostridium must have an acidic environment to produce toxins.
  b. Staph toxins are heat stable and survive cooking.
 c. Clostridium must have exposure to air to survive.
 d. Staph is a very rare type of food intoxication.
 e. Only Clostridium produces toxins.

Q. 4

Several hours after eating, a chilled three-bean salad containing home-canned green beans, family members have difficulty breathing and swallowing, double vision, and muscle weakness. What should they do?
 a. Go to the hospital immediately because they may have botulism.
  b. Drink plenty of fluids to dilute the foodborne toxins.
 c. Lie down to get rid of the symptoms.
 d. Smell the leftover salad to see if it is spoiled.
 e. Take an emetic to induce vomiting.

Q. 5

Your family has the tradition of leaving the Thanksgiving turkey on the dinner table for everyone to snack on as they please in the evening after the big mid-day meal has been finished. This year, several family members wake up the next day with vomiting, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. Which foodborne contaminant was the most likely culprit?
 a. Clostridium botulinum
 b. Salmonella bacteria
 c. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli
  d. Giardia lamblia parasite
 e. Listeria bacterium

Q. 6

Billy loves to eat raw seafood and does so frequently. As a result, Billy runs the risk of suffering from:
 a. viral infections and worms.
 b. HIV and AIDS.
 c. warts and rashes.
 d. a foodborne intoxication that he can then pass on to others.
  e. prions and BSE.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2


Answer to #3


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Answer to #6

pretty_yas Author
6 years ago
Were some really tough homework problems! Thanks for answering all of them correctly
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