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mucele mucele
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6 years ago
An older patient asks the nurse practitioner what measures can be taken to maintain a healthy heart. Which regimen should the nurse recommend to the patient?
  A) A low-salt diet and an aspirin tablet with each meal can promote a healthy heart..
  B) Abstaining from alcohol and limiting your use of painkillers have a protective effect on your heart..
  C) One Tylenol tablet and a glass of red wine each day have been shown to help prevent heart attacks..
  D) A low-dose aspirin each day and moderate use of alcohol can help prevent cardiovascular disease..

Question 2

The nurse has initiated measures to promote suppuration of a carbuncle. Which assessment would indicate that these measures have been successful?
  a. The area is erythematous and scaly.
  b. The area has begun to drain exudate.
  c. The area is not erythematous or edematous.
  d. The area has stopped draining exudate.

Question 3

An older patient who enjoys good health is experiencing a decline in stamina despite being physically active over the years. The nurse recognizes which age-related change as likely affecting the patient's stamina?
  A) Increased resting heart rate and blood pressure
  B) Reduced heart contractility and a prolonged cardiac cycle
  C) Stenosis of the aorta and decreased muscle tissue perfusion
  D) Hypotension with consequent inadequate peripheral blood supply

Question 4

Which of the following actions by a nurse who works with older adult clients in an assisted living facility is most likely to inhibit healthy aging?
  A) Discussing current events with clients who read and watch television.
  B) Placing a bib on each client during meal times to ensure clients maintain a clean appearance.
  C) Challenging clients to learn new skills and develop preexisting talents.
  D) Facilitating introductions between new and existing clients.

Question 5

A nurse is providing the open method of treatment for a patient who is 52 years old with burns to her lower extremities. It would be important for the nurse to
  a. change the dressing using good medical asepsis.
  b. provide an analgesic immediately after the dressing change.
  c. perform circulation checks every 2 to 4 hours.
  d. keep the room temperature at 85 F (24.4 C) to prevent chilling.

Question 6

An older patient with chronic bronchitis is having difficulty managing periods of dyspnea and anxiety. What can the nurse do to help the patient at this time? (Select all that apply.)
  A) Instruct on the disease process.
  B) Discuss reducing environmental irritants.
  C) Explain how to use transportable oxygen.
  D) Encourage to avoid temperature extremes.
  E) Recommend spending most time out of the home.

Question 7

Which of the following tasks are components of Erikson's description of the old age tasks of reconciling ego integrity with despair? Select all that apply.
  A) An 80-year-old man is struggling to determine his identity apart from his lifelong career as a business leader.
  B) A 79-year-old woman has established habits that promote her financial independence in spite of a lack of savings.
  C) An 80-year-old man revels in his large, happy family rather than focusing on his mobility limitations resulting from Parkinson disease.
  D) A 77-year-old man is trying to determine whether his life has had deep significance and meaning.

Question 8

A duodenal ulcer may occur 8 to 14 days after severe burns. Usually, the first symptom is bright red emesis. Which condition matches this description?
  a. Curling's ulcer
  b. Paralytic ileus
  c. Hypoglycemia
  d. ICU psychosis syndrome
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

Daily low-dose ASA and moderate alcohol use have been shown to have a protective effect on the heart. Tylenol does not have this effect, while aspirin taken with each meal would be excessive and abstinence from alcohol is not necessary. A low-salt diet would be beneficial but it does not need to be eaten with an aspirin tablet with each meal.

Answer to #2

Warm soaks two to three times a day can be used to speed the process of suppuration (production of purulent material). Patients should be taught not to touch the exudate.

Answer to #3

An increased time for the systolediastole cycle and a reduction in contractility are normal, age-related changes that affect activity tolerance. An increased heart rate and blood pressure would not be considered age-related changes while aortic stenosis would be characterized as pathological rather than normal. While many older adults experience hypotension, this is not considered a normal age-related change.

Answer to #4

While the nurse's action may have a laudable rationale, using a bib and feeding clients who may not require either action is incongruent with promoting function and preventing helplessness. Discussing current events and facilitating new skills and relationships promote well-being.

Answer to #5

Chilling may be controlled by keeping the room temperature at 85 F (24.4 C).

Answer to #6

A, B, C, D
Respiratory problems can be frightening and cause anxiety. Patients need a complete understanding of the disease to help reduce anxiety. Reducing environmental irritants could reduce the patient's symptoms. Explaining how to use transportable oxygen will increase the patient's independence. Encouraging the patient to avoid temperature extremes could help reduce the patient's symptoms. Recommending that the patient spend most time out of the home could exacerbate the patient's symptoms.

Answer to #7

A, C, D
Deriving satisfaction from oneself rather than occupational roles, finding pleasure in spite of physical limitations, and determining meaning in the life one has lived are all aspects of Erikson's outcome of ego integrity or despair. Financial independence is not a central component of this outcome.

Answer to #8

Curling's ulcer is a duodenal ulcer that develops 8 to 14 days after severe burns on the surface of the body. The first sign is usually vomiting of bright red blood.
mucele Author
6 years ago
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