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leoncios leoncios
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6 years ago
An older adult client who is mourning the death of her spouse comes to the health clinic for follow-up care for an irregular heartbeat.
  During the examination the client tells the nurse, I don't care about my irregular heartbeat; I will be with my husband soon. The best response by the nurse is,
  a. It sounds as if you would like to see your husband again.
  b. Your husband is dead and you have so much to live for.
  c. Your heartbeat was good today. The medication seems to be working.
  d. Have you talked to your children recently about how you're doing?

Question 2

A client is admitted to a psychiatric unit with severe depression and thoughts of suicide. The client is placed on suicide precautions. When caring for this client, the nurse recognizes that
  a. people who talk about harming themselves are at less risk.
  b. clients who verbalize or behaviorally demonstrate a weight being lifted off the shoulders are no longer at risk.
  c. once the acute crisis has subsided, the client is no longer at risk.
  d. a major goal in evaluating suicidal risk is to assess for imminent danger of doing harm to self.

Question 3

When a disaster strikes within a community, the shock of the disaster pulls people together and outside resources are brought in. This is known as which phase of the community response to disaster?
  a. Reconstruction
  b. Honeymoon
  c. Heroic
  d. Disillusionment

Question 4

A client states, I feel like I have no control over my life. The nurse determines the client is experiencing a sense of powerlessness. Which strategy most likely assisted the nurse in the identification of powerlessness?
  a. Looking for central emotional themes in the client's story
  b. Keeping the focus on the future
  c. Providing lengthy responses when interacting with the client
  d. Ignoring vocal inflections as the client speaks

Question 5

A client who is experiencing a crisis is admitted to a nursing unit. When entering the client's room, the nurse should attempt to establish rapport and engage the client by
  a. offering a brief introductory statement to quickly orient the client to the purpose of crisis questions.
  b. demonstrating an inflexible approach when caring for the client.
  c. placing the client in a dimly lit room close to the nursing unit.
  d. delegating to several nurses the role as primary contact for information.

Question 6

When educating a student nurse about the definition of a crisis state, the nurse recognizes that additional instruction is needed when the student nurse states,
  a. A crisis state is an acute normal human response.
  b. A crisis state is a mental illness.
  c. A crisis state represents a personal response.
  d. A crisis state creates a temporary disconnect from attachment to others.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1

When a nurse responds with It sounds as if you would like to see your husband again, it is an example of a reflective listening response used to identify applicable feelings. Responses that focus on what the client has to live for, the medication, or her children are not examples of therapeutic communication.

Answer to #2

A major goal in evaluating suicidal risk is to assess whether the client is imminent danger of doing harm to self. It is a myth that people who talk about harming themselves are at less risk. Clients who verbalize or behaviorally demonstrate a weight being lifted off the shoulders should be watched carefully. Suicidal ideation waxes and wanes, so careful observation is critical even after the acute crisis has subsided.

Answer to #3

The honeymoon phase occurs when the community pulls together and outside resources are brought in after an initial search and recovery phase. The final reconstruction phase occurs when the survivors begin to take the primary responsibility for rebuilding their life. The heroic phase consists of initial search and recovery. The disillusionment phase usually appears as the initial emergency response starts to subside. The shared community feeling starts to leave as people begin to realize the extent of their losses and the limitations of external support. Survivors can experience anger, resentment, and bitterness at the loss of support, particularly if it is sudden and complete.

Answer to #4

A guideline for identifying major problems is to identify central emotional themes in the client's story (e.g., powerlessness, shame, hopelessness) to provide a focus for intervention. Another guideline for identifying major problems is to keep the focus on the here and now. Questions should be short and relevant to the crisis. Responses to the client should be brief, empathetic, and clearly related to the client's story. Note changes in expression, body posture, and vocal inflections as clients tell their story and at what points they occur.

Answer to #5

Clients in crisis look to health professionals to structure interactions. Introduce yourself briefly, and quickly orient the client to the purpose of the crisis questions and how the information will be used. Clients and families experiencing a crisis state require a compassionate, flexible, but clearly directive calm approach from nurses. The client should be placed in a quiet, lighted room with no shadows, away from the mainstream of activity. Ideally, one nurse should be the primary contact for information.

Answer to #6

Everly defines a crisis state as an acute normal human response to severely abnormal circumstances; it is not a mental illness. Because a crisis state represents a personal response, two people experiencing the same crisis event will respond differently to it. A crisis state creates a temporary disconnect from attachment to others, loss of meaning, and a disruption of previous mastery skills.
leoncios Author
6 years ago
I wanna give this person a hug.
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