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crchicota crchicota
Posts: 370
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6 years ago
Felicia has been diagnosed with bulimia nervosa, purging type. We should expect that she
  A) is less than 85 percent of normal body weight but still considers herself fat.
  B) strongly denies that she has a serious disorder.
  C) is unconcerned about becoming fat.
  D) experiences electrolyte imbalances and mineral deficiencies.

Question 2

Discuss and describe the five axes of the DSM. Why are five axes necessary?
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 3

Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for eating disorders in men?
  A) homosexuality B) painting
  C) childhood obesity D) wrestling

Question 4

In her mid-thirties, Cheryl became preoccupied with her weight and began dieting and exercising. After
  losing a substantial amount of weight, she was still not happy with how she looked and continued to
  restrict her food intake.
  After several fainting spells resulting from her low calorie intake, her employer
  referred her to a clinician who recognized the signs of anorexia nervosa. Which of the following is unique
  about Cheryl's case?
  A) A diagnosis of anorexia is rarely made before the condition becomes life-threatening.
  B) Eating disorders rarely start during the mid-thirties.
  C) Few women with anorexia exercise.
  D) The likelihood of anorexia being so readily recognized and diagnosed is slim.

Question 5

Compare and contrast the following: MRIs, PET scans and fMRI.
  What will be an ideal response?

Question 6

Describe the process and purpose of Freudian dream analysis. ______
  Fill in the blanks with correct word

Question 7

Raquel has occasions when she eats enormous amounts of food in a short time. Afterwards she will refuse
  to eat anything solid for a couple of days. Her most likely diagnosis is
  A) anorexia nervosa, binge-purging type. B) bulimia nervosa, nonpurging type.
  C) anorexia nervosa, restricting type. D) bulimia nervosa, purging type.
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6 years ago
Answer to #1


Answer to #2

Axis I includes the disorders for which treatment is usually sought, conditions such as depression and panic
disorder. But describing a client with this diagnostic label alone is not sufficient, other disorders may be present
and an Axis I designation does not provide any information about how the client is currently functioning. Thus,
while an Axis I condition may be the presenting condition, it is important to also determine whether a personality
disorder or other lasting condition is present (Axis II), as well as any medical conditions (Axis III). While Axes I,
II, and III describe psychological and physical status, they do not address the nature of the environment in which
the client must function (Axis IV), nor do they address how the client is currently functioning (Axis V). Thus, in
order to develop an effective treatment plan, all 5 axes are needed.

Answer to #3


Answer to #4


Answer to #5

The MRI measures variations in magnetic fields. It then computes and depicts cross sections of organs such as
the brain with great clarity. It is noninvasive and allows for visualization of all but the tiniest brain structures. Its
major problem is the claustrophobic reaction some people have to the procedure. PET scans track substances as
they are metabolized by the brain. They can show how the brain is functioning. They can help identify areas that
aren't functioning normally that might not be obvious anatomically. Their major problem is low-fidelity pictures
which have so far limited their value. The fMRI measures changes in blood flow in the brain. It is possible to
map ongoing psychological activity and show which areas of the brain are involved in different activities.
However, like MRIs these are very sensitive to movement, which can cause false results. Also fMRIs are often
very hard to interpret.

Answer to #6

During sleep, defenses are lowered and repressed material begins to come out. However,
some material is so threatening it comes out in disguised form. Dreams have a manifest
content, the obvious theme of the dream, and a latent content, the actual disguised motives
and impulses. Analyzing the dream helps uncover the latent content.

Answer to #7

crchicota Author
6 years ago
Ready for finals now Monkey
6 years ago
Good luck my friend!
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