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mack mack
Posts: 342
Rep: 1 0
6 years ago
Article IV, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution contains the full faith and credit clause. What does this clause guarantee?
  a. The states must have full faith that the federal governments decisions are correct.
  b. The federal government is a guaranteed lender to the state governments for operational funds.
  c. Each state will abide by the decisions of other state and local governments, including their judicial decisions, and will respect the civil laws of each state.
  d. The federal government has the power to mediate disputes among states regarding religion.
  e. The federal government is committed to matters of faith and must ensure that the right to religious faith is upheld.

Question -2-

In a federal system of government, what is role of the national government when disputes arise between states?
  a. The federal government is powerless in disagreements between states.
  b. The federal government must arbitrate disagreements between member states.
  c. Disagreements between states are arbitrated by a council of state executives; the federal government has no role.
  d. The federal government has an equal vote and stake, as do the two or more states that are disagreeing.
  e. The high courts of the states in disagreement arbitrate the dispute without interference of the federal government.

Question -3-

When the Congress exercises power given to it under Article I, the federal law it creates may supersede a state law. This process is known as
  a. federal abuse of power.
  b. unconstitutional action.
  c. the doctrine of preemption.
  d. the doctrine of fair business practice.
  e. judicial review.

Question -4-

Article VI of the U.S. Constitution contains the supremacy clause. What is the importance of this clause?
  a. It requires that the individual state constitutions will be the supreme law of the land and that the national constitution may not override them.
  b. It creates the standard that no other law, state constitution, or government action may override the U.S. Constitution, which is considered the supreme law of the land.
  c. It states that Congress is supreme over the other two branches of government.
  d. It provides that no single government has supremacy over another.
  e. It establishes the supremacy of the American citizen as the ultimate power.

Question -5-

Article I of the U.S. Constitution grants that Congress has the power to make laws that are necessary and proper to carry out its duties. What is the meaning of this statement?
  a. Congress has the power to make laws that serve as a means to achieving its own expressly delegated powers.
  b. Congress is required to enact most laws.
  c. The Constitution contains all of the rights and powers necessary for Congress to perform its duties.
  d. Congress ultimately has the power to override any state laws that it deems unnecessary or improper.
  e. Congress is expected to keep its lawmaking function to a minimum.
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