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poopyhead poopyhead
Posts: 329
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6 years ago
Which of the following is the most likely reason that learners' misconceptions are hard to change?
  a. Schools often teach misconceptions as part of the curriculum in the early grades.
  b. Teachers often hold their own misconceptions about content and share that knowledge with learners.
  c. Misconceptions make sense to the individual, and changing the misconception is disequilibrating.
  d. Parents often undermine information schools teach with their own misconceptions.

Ques. 2

Which of the following is the least accurate description of the teacher's role in instruction based on social influences on learning and knowledge construction compared to teacher-centered learning activities, such as lecture?
  a. Teachers' roles will change from presenting and explaining information to guiding student understanding.
  b. Teachers' roles will become less important in instruction based on social influences on learning and knowledge construction, since instruction based on these principles requires that students take more responsibility for their own learning.
  c. Teachers' roles in planning will be more complex for instruction based on social influences on learning and knowledge construction, because teachers will need to plan for social interaction and the learning environment in addition to goals and learning activities.
  d. Teachers will need more expertise when grounding instruction in social influences on learning and knowledge construction, because instruction based on these principles is more complex and sophisticated than are teacher-centered learning activities, such as lecture.

Ques. 3

Explain why misconceptions are so resistant to change.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 4

By first having the students slide a book across their desks, followed by lifting up a chair, and then blowing on a piece of paper so it flutters in front of you, of the following, which guideline for applying theories of concept learning with your students are you best illustrating with your efforts?
  a. Promote meaningful learning by defining the concept and linking it to related concepts.
  b. Provide a variety of examples and nonexamples of the concept.
  c. Sequence the examples beginning with the most typical and ending with those least familiar.
  d. Present the examples in a real-world context.

Ques. 5

The use of high-quality examples has been strongly emphasized when basing instruction on the idea that learners construct their own knowledge. Which of the following most effectively explains why examples are so important?
  a. Examples ensure that students will be working on real-world tasks.
  b. Examples help clarify teachers' explanations, and explanations are essential when basing instruction on principles of cognitive learning theory.
  c. Examples help prevent teachers from overloading students' working memories.
  d. Examples are what students use to construct their understanding of the topics they study.

Ques. 6

Of the following, which is the best description of a problem?
  a. A state that exists when an individual is faced with an idea that he or she doesn't understand.
  b. A state that exists when an individual has a goal but lacks an obvious way of achieving the goal.
  c. A state that exists when individuals disagree about basic concepts, ideas, or goals.
  d. A state that exists when an individual's understanding of an idea includes the construction of misconceptions.

Ques. 7

Consider the following concepts: square (plane figures with four equal sides and four equal angles), acid (solutions that taste sour), direct object (parts of speech that receive the action of the verb), and democracy (government by people, usually by elected representatives, or a state so governed). Based on our understanding of concepts and the way students learn them, which one would be most difficult for middle school students to learn?
  a. Square
  b. Acid
  c. Direct object
  d. Democracy

Ques. 8

Describe rule-driven and exemplar theories of concept learning, and provide an example of each.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 9

Describe four guidelines that teachers can follow to help their students learn concepts. Provide an example of each.
  What will be an ideal response?
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