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noyabusiness noyabusiness
Posts: 291
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6 years ago
Three of the following alternatives illustrate dispositions that theorists have described. Which one would not be considered a disposition as psychologists typically use the term?
  A) Anne has been afraid of snakes since she was a toddler.
  B) Barry enjoys logic puzzles, mathematical brainteasers, and other logically challenging tasks.
  C) Calvin refuses to take another person's word for something; he always insists that the person back up an idea or opinion with convincing evidence.
  D) Drew likes to hear several perspectives on an issue before reaching a conclusion about it.

Ques. 2

Researchers have found cultural differences in three of the following aspects of cognitive development. In which area are there least likely to be cultural differences?
  A) The extent to which adolescents show abilities associated with Piaget's formal operations stage
  B) The importance adolescents attach to components of the scientific method
  C) The age at which children achieve conservation of substance
  D) The importance of challenge in promoting cognitive growth

Ques. 3

Several parents who are making costumes for an elementary school play ask the young cast members to assist them with such tasks as cutting fabric, pinning pieces together, and sewing simple hems. We can definitely say that the parents are:
  A) Engaging the students in guided participation.
  B) Presenting tasks that exceed the students' zone of proximal development.
  C) Encouraging disequilibrium.
  D) Creating a cognitive apprenticeship.

Ques. 4

As a teacher, you may find that some of your students have exceptional gifts or talents in the subject matter you are teaching. a. Describe three behaviors that may lead you to believe that one or more of your students is potentially eligible for special services for the gifted. b. Identify three different strategies you might use to provide educational experiences suitable for students who are gifted. For each strategy, describe what you might do in specific, concrete terms.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 5

Identify a grade level at which you might teach. Pick a topic you might teach at that grade level, and explain how you might teach it through discovery learning or inquiry learning. In your explanation, incorporate at least three strategies that the textbook recommends for these approaches to instruction.
  What will be an ideal response?

Ques. 6

Imagine that, as an educator, one of your long-term goals for students is that they acquire critical thinking skills: You want them to evaluate the soundness of logical arguments in persuasive essays, determine whether scientific research studies truly support certain conclusions, and so on. At a school board meeting, a father of one of your students complains about your emphasis on critical thinking. He insists that the purpose of education should be simply to teach students facts that experts have determined to be true in various academic disciplines. Of the following ways in which you might respond to the father, which one is most accurate and defensible?
  A) Students are more motivated by long-term, abstract goals than by shorter, concrete objectives.
  B) Critical thinking is the most basic cognitive process identified in the recent revision of Bloom's taxonomy presented in the textbook; all other cognitive processes build on it.
  C) Standards developed by professional groups in various academic disciplines often include critical thinking.
  D) Virtually any approach to instructionwhether it be expository instruction, mastery learning, cooperative learning, or some other approachinvariably involves mastering aspects of critical thinking.

Ques. 7

An instructional objective that requires students to identify the different parts of speech in a sentence is at which level in the revision of Bloom's taxonomy presented in the textbook?
  A) Analyze
  B) Create
  C) Remember
  D) Evaluate

Ques. 8

Which one of the following is the best illustration of the analyze cognitive process in the revision of Bloom's taxonomy presented in the textbook?
  A) Angela discovers fallacies in her teacher's argument regarding the value of an agricultural economy in Africa.
  B) Jason lists the steps in the scientific method that he memorized (e.g., identify the problem, gather data).
  C) Using a principle he learned in physics, Edgar develops a new tool to lift a heavy object.
  D) Georgette puts her textbook's definition of the word evasive in her own words.
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What an excellent community, thanks for answering
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