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3sp 3sp
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6 years ago
Refer back to the logistical activities listed in Chapter 1; pick two that you are interested in and research how they have been influenced by the Internet. Are you surprised by your findings? Why or why not?
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6 years ago Edited: 6 years ago, Aliya1
Customer service has been heavily influenced by the internet. With most companies putting as much information on their websites in order to assist most customers with question they may have. Order Management has been handling on the internet for the better part of a decade. Companies like Amazon an Overstock entire order managing system is internet based.

found the answer off of course hero. Will link this below for you Wink Face
Post Merge: 6 years ago

hi there, sorry about the pictures. I am not sure how they got attached. feel free to delete the pictures but that is the answer if found on course-hero. again i apologize of the pictures
Source  https://www.coursehero.com/file/p96vfr/Enterprise-system-creates-and-maintains-consistent-date-processing-methods-and/
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