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boeing boeing
Posts: 107
13 years ago
Why cant I edit my own post? I see the button that says "edit" but it doesnt work; do I have to be full memeber to edit my own post or is the feature just disabled?
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13 years ago
Why cant I edit my own post? I see the button that says "edit" but it doesnt work; do I have to be full memeber to edit my own post or is the feature just disabled?

Hey Rit727,

Currently it is configured so that all users (whether you're a new or a full member) only have a 5 minute grace period to edit their work. The only other membergroup that is allowed to edit their work are the "valued members" membergroup - they can edit unlimited times.

If you have any suggestions, reply back. Tell me what you think is most user-friendly and I will try to figure it out.
boeing Author
13 years ago
Bio_Man, I plan on becoming a valued member very soon. This forum has helped me make a few dollars by offering the three testbanks and like Rohzer i think I should give back to the forum. I do tend to not think through my post and editing would be nice. For example my goof when i posted the wrong PhysioEx exercise answers; that would have been nice to be able to edit or delete.

Give me a few more days as it is a weekend and I will hit that "DONATE" button up there on the top of the page. I try to be a smart bussiness person and leave $ in my paypal account just in case some slick person decides to charge-back.

P.S. Last night there was a post about Helper T cells and i was formulating a response(explanation) for each of those when you beat me to it. Seems like everytime I try to help either Duddy or yourself beat me to it. I dont want to be only on the forum with test-banks for sale, i really do want to help I just need to get faster at it.
Have a great day today.
13 years ago
P.S. Last night there was a post about Helper T cells and i was formulating a response(explanation) for each of those when you beat me to it. Seems like everytime I try to help either Duddy or yourself beat me to it. I dont want to be only on the forum with test-banks for sale, i really do want to help I just need to get faster at it.
Have a great day today.

My apologies for that, but if you ever have anything to add, go for it. Just click "post" again and it will post right after mine (basically it's just a warning saying someone posted something while you were posting your own response). I appreciate your efforts Rit727. I will continue working on the code until I get it right. If you do donate, just make sure to message me or send a note with the Paypal transaction so that I know who you are, because it doesn't register the user name.
boeing Author
13 years ago
I am still unable to edit my posts even as a "Valued Member". I would really have liked to edit my test bank posts to also read that 25% of sales are donated back to support the forum.
I also had another idea if this is ok with the forum admin; I would like to post my monthly donations from sales so that everyone can see.
 It is one thing to say a portion of sales is being donated and another to actually posts the amount donated for everyone to see.
13 years ago
I am still unable to edit my posts even as a "Valued Member". I would really have liked to edit my test bank posts to also read that 25% of sales are donated back to support the forum.
I also had another idea if this is ok with the forum admin; I would like to post my monthly donations from sales so that everyone can see.
 It is one thing to say a portion of sales is being donated and another to actually posts the amount donated for everyone to see.

My apologies Rit727, but try it now. Tell me if you are now able to edit your own posts. I will definitely look into a meter that states how much one person has donated over another. Thank you for that valuable idea!

Keep the suggestions coming!
boeing Author
13 years ago
Bio_man, I do not mean how much one person has donated over another, in fact I dont think that it is a  good idea at all to post individual member donations. I dont think it is a competition and every donation counts no matter how big or small.
I only want to post what I have donated from my sales so that everyone can see that I do indeed donate as I say I do. I was basically asking permission to post the amount I have donated from sales only; not personal donations.
13 years ago
Oh, my apologies for misunderstanding. Yes, if you'd like to post the quantitative figure, it's up to you.

Thank you, once again.
13 years ago
Why is the edit limit set at 5 minutes?
Staff Member
13 years ago
Why is the edit limit set at 5 minutes?

Since it is a support forum and many students come here simply to get their homework questions answered, after questions get answered, we used to have members who would go and edit their initial questions so that they wouldn't get caught if say their teacher came looking up the question. It happened so many times until Bio_man got feedback because literally it demeans the whole purpose of having a support forum.

It's the simple case of one user ruins it for the rest, sort of thing.

Oh, I think only "valued members" have unlimited edits.

- Master of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science
13 years ago
Ah, I get you. Thanks for the explanation man.
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