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yoyoyo12345 yoyoyo12345
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5 years ago
1. The Alameda study showed the importance of ________ in reduce stress. Provide one example of how this factor could reduce stress in someone's life.

2. The eighteenth amendment banned the sale and manufacture of alcohol in the US, this is referred to as_________

3. Explain the social norms method of controlling behavior. How has this been used to reduce rates of binge drinking on college campuses?

4. How much do you feel you control your own health? List at least two factors that you feel you can control and two that are out of your control?

5. What is the relationship between a person's level of education and their health? what is one piece of evidence presented in class that supports this connection?

6. What are some of the factors that lead those in lower socioeconomic groups to have poorer health Please list at least three.

7. The "war on drugs" has not created the changes in illegal drug as once hoped. Suggest a different strategy that could be used to reduce the use of illicit drugs.
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5 years ago Edited: 5 years ago, bio_man
2. The eighteenth amendment banned the sale and manufacture of alcohol in the US, this is referred to as_________


I need to study the rest, will work on them in 2 hours time!
Post Merge: 5 years ago

7. The "war on drugs" has not created the changes in illegal drug as once hoped. Suggest a different strategy that could be used to reduce the use of illicit drugs.

Is this question seeking a response to a global scale strategy or within a school, for example?

On a global scale, I believe the best strategy is by building strong borders and introducing effective techniques that border patrol officers can use to seek out intruders. Methamphetamine, cocaine, heroin are the most popular illicit drugs that get smuggled through ports of entry. Of course, educating the popular also has benefits, but by preventing their circulation within our country, those who lack education are less likely to experiment since it's not readily available.
Post Merge: 5 years ago

6. What are some of the factors that lead those in lower socioeconomic groups to have poorer health Please list at least three.

- Ignorance: Many substance abusers lack an education because they do not have a support system at home to encourage schooling.
- In the homeless, psychiatric disorders like depression, schizophrenia, and bipolar disorder can be a greater barrier to treatment than socioeconomic obstacles. Many homeless adults resist getting treatment because of irrational suspicions about others, low levels of motivation, or fears of social judgment or legal persecution.
- Socioeconomic status could be a barrier to treatment, especially those who are addicted to alcohol. Given their poverty status, seeking a counselor or a social worker may require longer wait periods, and in some cases, is unaffordable with their healthcare plan.
Post Merge: 5 years ago

5. What is the relationship between a person's level of education and their health? what is one piece of evidence presented in class that supports this connection?

More-educated people are less likely to suffer from common acute and chronic diseases (heart condition, stroke, diabetes, asthma), but cancer seems to be the exception to the level of education. More-educated people are likely to exercise, use seat belts, take vaccinations and thus the effect of education on mortality is reduced by 30%.

The study suggests that even though higher education leads to higher income, which allows better access to better health care, the differences in income account for only 20% of the impact of higher education on health behaviors.

More educated people tend to be better informed and make a better choice when it comes to health related issues

High-income families are also likely to raise their child with higher nutrition and healthcare, which does lead to better education versus lower-income groups who find it harder to complete schooling.

Poor health in childhood may lead to lower education levels, and indicators such as low birth weight (predictor childhood health) suggest lower test scores and lower education levels.

The relationship of which came first remains inconclusive, but the impact of one on the other is statistically significant.

Source http://www.stlouisfed.org/publications/re/articles/?id=2092

Post Merge: 5 years ago

4. How much do you feel you control your own health? List at least two factors that you feel you can control and two that are out of your control?

I control my diet and exercise. I do not control my genetic makeup or environmental factors, such as the gases we breathe.
Post Merge: 5 years ago

3. Explain the social norms method of controlling behavior. How has this been used to reduce rates of binge drinking on college campuses?

First, a word of two on social norms.

Social norms, or mores, are the unwritten rules of behavior that are considered acceptable in a group or society. Norms function to provide order and predictability in society.

The Social Norms Theory posits that our behavior is influenced by misperceptions of how our peers think and act. Overestimations of problem behavior in our peers will cause us to increase our own problem behaviors; underestimations of problem behavior in our peers will discourage us from engaging in the problematic behavior. Accordingly, the theory states that correcting misperceptions of perceived norms will most likely result in a decrease in the problem behavior or an increase in the desired behavior. 

Social Norms Theory is commonly used to understand alcohol use and other risky behaviors among teens and young adults. For example, research studies show that teens think that more of their peers are drinking than actually are. This misperception may lead to more teens feeling pressured to drink (Source 2).

Source 1) http://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otlt/MPH-Modules/SB/BehavioralChangeTheories/BehavioralChangeTheories7.html
2) https://hs.studenthealth101.com/preventing-alcohol-use-among-teens/
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