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biolove biolove
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Posts: 1723
13 years ago
1)  Which of the following would be most likely to exhibit uniform dispersion?
A) red squirrels, which hide food and actively defend territories
B) cattails, which grow primarily at edges of lakes and streams
C) dwarf mistletoes, which parasitize particular species of forest trees
D) tassel-eared squirrels, which are nonterritorial
E) lake trout, which seek out deep water
2)  A biologist reported that a sample of ocean water had 5 million diatoms of the species Coscinodiscus centralis per cubic meter. What was the biologist measuring?
A) density      B) dispersion      C) carrying capacity      D) quadrats      E) range
3)  To measure the population density of monarch butterflies occupying a particular park, 100 butterflies are captured, marked with a small dot on a wing, and then released. The next day, another 100 butterflies are captured, including the recapture of 20 marked butterflies. One would correctly estimate the population to be
A) 200. B)  500. C)  1,000. D)  10,000. E)  900,000.
4)  Uniform spacing patterns in plants such as the creosote bush are most often associated with which of the following?
A) chance
B) patterns of high humidity
C) the random distribution of seeds
D) antagonistic interactions among individuals in the population
E) the concentration of resources within the population's range
5)  A table listing such items as age, observed number of organisms alive each year, and life expectancy is known as a(an)
A) life table.      B) mortality table.      C) survivorship table.      D) rate table.      E) insurance table.
6)  As N approaches K for a certain population, which of the following is predicted by the logistic equation?
A) The growth rate will not change.
B) The growth rate will approach zero.
C) The population will show an Allee effect.
D) The population will increase exponentially.
E) The carrying capacity of the environment will increase
7)  Which of the following are correct statements about light in aquatic environments?
I.          Water selectively reflects and absorbs certain wavelengths of light.
II.         Photosynthetic organisms that live in deep water probably utilize red
III.        Light intensity is an important abiotic factor in limiting the
             distribution of photosynthetic organisms.
A) I only      B) II only      C) I and III only      D) II and III only      E) I, II, and III
8)  In an altitudinal gradient all of the following would change in the same way as in a latitudinal gradient except
A) temperature.       B) humidity.      C) vegetation.      D) day length.      E) communities.
9)  Which of the following statements best describes the effect of climate on biome distribution?
A) Knowledge of annual temperature and precipitation is sufficient to predict which biome will be found in an area.
B) Fluctuation of environmental variables is not important if areas have the same annual temperature and precipitation means.
C) The distribution of biomes depends, in part, on the mean annual temperature and precipitation of an area.
D) Temperate forests, coniferous forests, and grasslands all have the same mean annual temperatures and precipitation.
E) Correlation of climate with biome distribution is sufficient to determine the cause of biome patterns.
10)  Which of the following causes Earth's seasons?
A) global air circulation      B) global wind patterns      C) ocean currents
D) changes in Earth's distance from the sun      E) the tilt of Earth's axis
11)  Which of the following is not true about estuaries?
A) Estuaries are often bordered by mudflats and salt marshes.
B) Estuaries contain waters of varying salinity.
C) Estuaries support a variety of animal life that humans consume.
D) Estuaries usually contain no or few producers.
E) Estuaries support many semiaquatic species.
12)  If a meteor impact or volcanic eruption injected a lot of dust into the atmosphere and reduced sunlight reaching Earth's surface by 70% for one year, all of the following marine communities would be greatly affected except a
A) deep-sea vent community.
B) coral reef community.
C) benthic community.
D) pelagic community.
E) estuary community.
13)  Which marine zone would have the lowest rates of primary productivity (photosynthesis)?   THIS IS A GOOD EXAMPLE of a question that was mostly in the notes but also it would greatly help if you read.
A) pelagic B)  abyssal C)  neritic D)  estuary E)  intertidal
14)  All of the following statements about biomes are correct except:
A) Biomes are major terrestrial communities.
B) Within biomes there may be extensive patchiness.
C) Climographs are often used to demonstrate climatic differences between biomes.
D) Temperature and precipitation account for most of the variation between biomes.
E) Biomes can be recognized as separate entities because they have sharp, well-defined boundaries.
15)  In the territorial behavior of the stickleback fish, the red belly of one male elicits attack from another male by functioning as
A) a pheromone.
B) a sign stimulus.
C) a fixed action pattern.
D) a search image.
E) an imprint stimulus.
16)  After eating a monarch butterfly and regurgitating, a bird will subsequently avoid orange and black butterflies.  This is not an example of
A) associative learning.
B) operant conditioning.
C) innate  behavior.
D) trial-and-error learning.
E) adaptive behavior.
17)  The proximate causes of behavior are interactions with the environment, but behavior is ultimately shaped by
A) hormones.      B) evolution.      C) sexuality.      D) pheromones.      E) the nervous system.
18)  Animals tend to maximize their energy intake-to-expenditure ratio. What is this behavior called?
A) agonistic behavior    B) optimal foraging    C) dominance hierarchies
D) animal cognition    E) territoriality
19)  Every morning at the same time John went into the den to feed his new tropical fish.  After a few weeks John noticed that the fish would rise to the top of the tank as soon as he would enter the room.  This is a good example of
A) habituation.      B) imprinting.      C) classical conditioning.     
D) operant conditioning.      E) maturation.
20)  Animals that help other animals of the same species are expected to
A) have excess energy reserves.
B) be bigger and stronger than the other animals.
C) be genetically related to the other animals.
D) be male.
E) have defective genes controlling behavior.
Use the following terms to answer the questions below.  Match the term that best fits each of the following descriptions of behavior. Each term may be used once, more than once, or not at all.
                A.                sign stimulus
                B.                habituation
                C.                imprinting
                D.                classical conditioning
                E.                operant conditioning
21)  Tits (chickadee-like birds) learned to peck through the paper tops of milk bottles left on doorsteps and drink the cream from the top.
22)  A returning salmon goes back to its own home stream to spawn.
24)  Male insects attempt to mate with orchids but eventually stop responding to them.
25)  What is true of speciation? It…
A) occurs only by the accumulation of genetic change over vast expanses of time.
B) occurs via anagenesis or cladogenesis, but only the latter increases biodiversity.
C) occurs at such a slow pace that no one has ever observed the emergence of new species.
D) must begin with the geographic isolation of a small, peripheral population.
E) proceeds at a uniform tempo across all taxa.
26)  Some species of Anopheles mosquito live in brackish water, some in running fresh water, and others in stagnant water. What type of reproductive barrier is most obviously separating these different species?
A) temporal isolation      B) behavioral isolation      C) postzygotic isolation
D) gametic isolation      E) habitat isolation
27)  Two species of frogs belonging to the same genus occasionally mate, but the offspring do not complete development. This is an example of
A) the postzygotic barrier called hybrid breakdown.
B) gametic isolation.
C) the prezygotic barrier called hybrid sterility.
D) the postzygotic barrier called hybrid inviability.
E) exaptation.
28)  The species concept used by Linnaeus was the __________ species concept.
A) morphological      B) genealogical      C) ecological      D) pluralistic      E) biological
29)  A defining characteristic of allopatric speciation is
A) the appearance of new species in the midst of old ones.
B) geographic isolation.
C) large populations.
D) asexually reproducing populations.
E) artificial selection.
30)  The origin of a new plant species by hybridization coupled with nondisjunction is an example of
A) heterochrony.      B) allopatric speciation.      C) a ring species.     
D) sympatric speciation.      E) autopolyploidy.
31)  Which of the following is NOT an idea or fact consistent with the model of punctuated equilibrium?
A) When new species are rapidly evolving, they are often doing so in small, isolated populations.
B) Macroevolution is simply microevolution spread across vast expanses of time.
C) Species undergo most of their morphological modifications as they first bud from parent species, then change little.
D) "Although each species must have passed through numerous transitional stages, it is probable that the periods during which each underwent development, though many and long as measured in years, have been short in comparison with the periods during which each remained in an unchanged condition." ¹ Charles Darwin
E) Transitional forms between taxa are relatively rare in the fossil record.
32)  A biologist discovers two new species of organisms, one in Africa and one in South America. The organisms resemble one another closely. Which type of evidence would probably be LEAST useful in determining whether these organisms are closely related or are the products of convergent evolution?
A) the fossil record of the two species
B) comparative embryology
C) the history and timing of continental drift
D) analysis of the behavior of the two species
E) a comparison of DNA from the two species
33)  A randomly selected group of organisms from a taxonomic family should show more genetic variation than a randomly selected group from a
A) class. B)  phylum. C)  kingdom. D)  genus. E)  order.
34)  Upon their discovery by Europeans, koalas were classified as bears (Ursidae).  Later, it became apparent that koalas are not bears, but marsupial mammals of the family Phasolarctidae.  For as long as the koalas were classified as bears, what was true of the family Ursidae? 
A) Its classification had a better basis in fact than the current one.
B) Its classification was more in line with molecular evidence than the current one.
C) It was actually polyphyletic.
D) all three of these
E) only B and C
35)  When using a cladistic approach to systematics, which of the following is considered most important for classification?
A) overall phenotypic similarity
B) shared primitive characters
C) analogous primitive characters
D) the degree of evolutionary divergence
E) shared derived characters
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