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micmac63 micmac63
11 years ago
How did anti government mood of the 1990s affect both Bill Clinton and his Republican opponents? What were its larger consequences for US society?
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11 years ago
Republicans were swept into power 2 short years after his election.
11 years ago
Much of the so-called anti-government rhetoric was initially created as a strategy by Newt Gingrich, the Heritage House, Pat Robertson and his "Christian" Coalition, and the cult about which very little is known, The Family, based in Washington D.C.  Faux News owner and media mogul, Australian Rupert Murdoch backed (funded) Gingrich's "war" on Democrats---a war for which Gingrich made use of the Nieztsche model upon which Nazism was based (Flynt, 2004) and allowed him to run the "Contract For America" ad campaign in the TV Guide, which he (Murdoch) owned.  When the 1994 "takeover" of Congress and the Senate during mid-terms took place, not ONE SINGLE EXIT POLL matched ANY of the so-called results---the voting fraud to secure a Republican "win" was readily apparent.  From the moment the GOP took over, under Gingrich's nutjob leadership, the brutal attacks on "big government" (code for GOP meaning get rid of consumer protections and oversight) and on the Clintons at every opportunity and over absolutely NOTHING became rampant.  He was featured on the cover one one of the major magazines bruised and bloodied, but still in the fight.  When interviewed by a TV reporter who asked how he could withstand all the pressure, President Clinton modestly said, "I can take a punch" and did not elaborate.  Despite the petty and hypocritical viciousness that was unrelenting day after day, President Clinton kept trying to work with these mean-spirited right-wingers for the good of the country (the whole West Wing TV series was based on the Clinton presidency, and Dee Dee Myers was an advisor for the series, if you want to get a good behind-the-scenes peek).  I remember one day right before Newt Gingrich was caught in ethnics violation and the verbal assaults and Ken Starr right-wing nonsense was ongoing, a press reporter trying to egg disagreements on asked how President Clinton felt about the latest Gingrich verbal attack, and Bill Clinton replied, with tremendous courage and class I thought, "There is nothing that he could say or do to me that would cause me to lose sight of my dream for the American people" (or words to that effect).  I was blown away, but this personal strength on Bill Clinton's part was overlooked by the media spoiling for a fight.  

Republicans were emboldened by the success of their bullying, caught up in an unprecedented ugliness and meanness that seems to have now swept over the Republican party.  By then the GOP was controlled by the cult-evangelical extremism that plagues it today, and I've been trying to figure out exactly why all the hatred was leveled at the Clintons with such committed force...maybe his immense popularity scared them...I don't know.  The "big government" mantra adopted by the GOP to both demonize  the Democrats and sneak in deregulations for corporations (disguising this with a "big government" name that the people would buy) was the seeds for anti-government sentiments that has now escalated into craziness---such EXTREME craziness that even right-winger Frank Schaefer, co-founder of the Religious Right, left the Republican party over them and calls them "crazies for God" religious fanatics ("The Rachel Maddow Show" on MSNBC).
firebird39 Author
11 years ago
It got the GOP elected which allowed the US to have a balanced budget as Clinto took a swing to the right and was working with congress. Something that should be learned.
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