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lyoung20 lyoung20
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6 years ago
write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples from resources to reinforce your ideas.

Complete the following for this assignment:

In your own words, briefly describe the following ethical theories:
Ethical relativism
Kant’s categorical imperative
Select 1 of these theories, and discuss how it can apply to a situation from your work or personal life.
A minimum of 1 reference should be used to reinforce your thoughts. Be sure to include it both as an in-text citation and on your reference list at the end of your discussion post.
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6 years ago
Moral relativism

 Ethical relativism is the situation in which moral right or wrong based on societal norms. People tend to make moral choices according to their beliefs of what is right. This doctrine shows that what is valid or incorrect varies from society to society from an individual to another person. Herodotus, a Greek historian, argues that every person feels like his or her community customs are better than other cultures. A good example is a polygamy where if a community believes that it is a good practice, then individuals would also consider it right and if the society forbids it, then people would refrain from the practice.


Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that states that the best practice is the one that brings more benefits to a person. The outcome of an action will determine if the action was morally correct or wrong. The doctrine states that if an action’s consequence leads to maximum utility and happiness, then it is a morally right act. It places the decision of whether right or wrong solely on the outcome of the deed. The doctrine considers the overall happiness of the general public. It describes happiness and pressure to be intrinsically valuable while pain and suffering to be inherently invaluable.

Categorical imperative

The categorical imperative is a concept argued by Immanuel Kant, a German philosopher who evaluated what motivates an individual to do something.  He believed that some actions are prohibited even if they would bring happiness and pleasure to an individual. Action like theft and murder would be very pleasing to a person more than it brings suffering, but due to the ability of reasoning that humanly has, the act is considered wrong. The theory argues that the action intended should one be irrespective to person act and that everyone would rationally do the act regardless of the little happiness you derive from the deed.

Application of categorical imperative

Kant theory can is applicable in both our personal work and life. He argues that we should always say what is right no matter the circumstance. People often lie to save their lives from a situation. At work people get late, and they would be lying to their employee of getting late taking care of their sick child or parent. Lying, for example, has been accepted in the human life as much as down in their heart they know it’s a bad action. It hurts people we care about and ruins good characters. It is our individual responsibility to be truthful.

6 years ago
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