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jdizzle15 jdizzle15
Posts: 1
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9 years ago
Membrane Potential to answer the following question.

Hyperkalemia (elevated extracellular potassium) can occur as the body attempts to counteract a decrease in blood pH (acidosis).  If this occurs, extracellular potassium may increase from 5 mM to 10 mM while intracellular levels remain at 150 mM. 
~(a)  Would this cause a neuron to become depolarized or hyperpolarized?  EXPLAIN your reasoning. 
~(b)  Given your answer to part “a”, is the cell’s activity depressed or hyperexcitable?  EXPLAIN your reasoning. 
~(c)  Predict the effects of hyperkalemia on other excitable tissues such as the muscle and heart.  EXPLAIN your predictions.

i know this is alot to answer, but any little bit helps. thanks in advance.
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9 years ago
My guess is that it would cause the neuron to be depolarized. It would then cause the cell to be depressed.
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