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nr01404 nr01404
Posts: 465
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6 years ago
You are a graduate nurse in search of a mentor. To find a good match, what should you look for?
  a. Choose an experienced nurse who is suc-cessful.
  b. Look for things you and the potential mentor have in common.
  c. Be very specific with the questions you ask of the possible mentor.
  d. Be careful not to disclose too much per-sonal information.

While discussing a mentoring program with the nursing director, the nurse manager correctly states that mentoring is a
  a. partnership. c. static relationship.
  b. one-way street. d. method of gaining more experience.

The staff nurse, in the tenth hour of a 12-hour shift, is told by the house supervisor that the nurse replacement will be 2 hours late and the staff nurse must work these extra 2 hours. The nurse is unable to stay over.
  What is the best action for the nurse to talk? a. Talk to the person over the house super-visor.
  b. Refuse and go home on time because from being too tired to work.
  c. Fix some strong coffee and call home to explain the situation.
  d. Ask if the supervisor could work a double because the supervisor needs the money.

The nurse professor is lecturing to students in their final semester of nursing school. Which statement by the nurse professor about mentoring is accurate?
  a. Mentoring involves solving an individu-al's problems..
  b. Mentoring focuses on the needs of someone else..
  c. Mentoring means helping someone reach his or her long-term goals..
  d. Mentoring requires pairing an expe-rienced person with a novice..
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6 years ago
When considering establishing a mentoring relationship, look for commonalities in nursing edu-cation, areas of expertise or practice, or interests. Feeling comfortable and building trust are cru-cial for a successful mentoring relationship. Broad, open-ended questions stimulate discussion and offer an opportunity to assess and establish the mentor relationship. It is important to discuss yourself and be open in a light and friendly manner when talking with a potential mentor. Being an experienced nurse would be an important criterion for a preceptor.

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Mentoring is a partnership and a two-way street with both parties freely contributing to the rela-tionship as equals working together, based on mutual respect. Mentoring is not used as a method to gain more experience. Mentoring is a dynamic, not a static, relationship. Gaining experience is often associated with precepting.

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When nurses are concerned that their patients require more care than they can provide, they must report this. If the nurse does not get adequate direction or an answer from the immediate super-visor, then the nurse should follow the chain of command and report it to the person above the supervisor. It would not be advisable or prudent to go home and abandon the patient assignment without adequate staffing or to work a double shift when the nurse has admitted being too tired. Loading up on caffeine may give the nurse immediate energy, but the fatigue may impair judg-ment and reasoning in patient care.

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Mentoring requires a primary focus on the needs of the mentee and an effort to fulfill the most critical of these needs. Meeting these needs first makes achievement of goals more realistic. Mentoring does not involve solving an individual's problems, helping someone reach long-term goals, or pairing an experienced person with a novice.
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