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jcabayy jcabayy
Posts: 481
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6 years ago
Nurses who are expected to work overtime as dictated by their employer are being subjected to a ___________ hazard in the workplace.
  Fill in the blank with the correct words.

Managers at an acute care facility value the contributions of their aging nursing workforce and make recommendations to accommodate for an aging nursing workforce. They institute for which changes? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Supplies such as dressing change and Foley catheter kits are placed on the nursing unit.
  b. Teamwork and development of new roles such as admission nurse are encouraged.
  c. Day care centers for sick children are put into place to prevent the stress of having to find alternative day care.
  d. Assistive devices for lifting as recommended by ANA's Handle with Care are made available.
  e. A work-design consultant is hired to redesign the nursing unit to reduce wasted motion.

A nurse is interviewing for a job and recently read the American Nurses Association's (ANA) recommendation for questions to ask regarding before accepting employment. Which questions should the nurse ask? (Select all that apply.)
  a. Do you have flexible scheduling?
  b. What are the expectations for advancement?
  c. How long do staff nurses stay before resigning?
  d. What is the mission of the parent organization?
  e. Does the organization have a means for staff nurses to have an active role in decision making by participation and accountability for the outcomes of practice decisions.

When reading about nursing as a career, a student is interested in learning about violence in the profession. Which statement accurately reflects violence in health care and the profession of nursing?
  a. Nursing is the most trusted profession and therefore violence is rare.
  b. Health care workers have the highest rates of nonfatal assault injuries in the workplace.
  c. Physical violence between peers constitutes lateral violence; however, verbal assault is not recognized as violence.
  d. Professional organizations have recognized a need to evaluate all nurses for the risk of committing acts of violence.
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6 years ago
Hazards in the workplace are categorized as follows: biologic, ergonomic, chemical, physical, and psychological. Included in psychological hazards are issues such as stress, shift work, mandatory overtime, and verbal abuse by patients and other health care providers.

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ANS: A, B, D, E
a. Placing supplies in a decentralized area prevents the fatigue that would be caused by the need to retrieve items from a distant location.
b. Nurses are integral to quality and their contributions should be noticed.
d. Ill-designed units contribute to fatigue and inability of aging nurses to perform efficiently.
e. Mentoring is one way to acknowledge skills of the aging workforce.
c. Older nurses would not typically be concerned with day care centers for sick children as this would be an accommodation for younger nurses. Accommodations that address means to reduce fatigue and, value the expertise and contributions to the profession of older nurses through mentoring and development of roles that reduce fatigue and utilize these skills are key.

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ANS: B, C, E
b. According to the ANA recommendations, applicants for nursing positions should ask about the opportunities for advancement exist in the organization.
c. According to the ANA recommendations, applicants for nursing positions should ask about the organization's turnover rate and average longevity of staff nurses.
e. According to the ANA recommendations, applicants for nursing positions should ask about the whether the organization has a shared governance model.
a. The ANA did not recommend asking about flexible scheduling.
d. The mission of the parent organization should be researched by the applicant prior to applying, not asked of the recruiter.

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Correct: Health care workers have the highest rates of nonfatal assault injuries with violence against emergency room nurses being prevalent.
a. Nursing is the most trusted profession, but violence is increasing and recognized.
c. Both physical and verbal assaults are considered lateral or horizontal violence.
d. Professional organizations have set forth criteria to address lateral violence and steps to educate staff; however, there is no recommendation that all nurses be evaluated for a risk to commit violent acts. If inappropriate behavior is observed, the organization must determine steps to be taken.
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