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AnitaSmith AnitaSmith
Posts: 606
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6 years ago
When cancer metastasizes, it
  A) becomes non-threatening.
  B) attacks one area of the body.
  C) reaches its full growth potential.
  D) spreads to another area of the body.

The genetic link that is associated with risk for cancer can be attributed to
  A) a cancerous gene being passed through the family blood line.
  B) a defective version of a protective gene passed through the family blood line.
  C) similar hormonal levels evident in family members of the same sex.
  D) behaviors such as smoking that may affect genetic predisposition through the family blood line.

What are the signs of a person having a heart attack and what action should you take for the person in trouble?
  What will be an ideal response?

What are the signs of a person having a stroke and what action should you take for the person in trouble?
  What will be an ideal response?

Which of the following ethnicities is at greatest risk of dying from cancer?
  A) Asian Americans
  B) Caucasians
  C) Hispanics
  D) African Americans
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6 years ago
Answer: D

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Answer: B

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Answer: Signs and symptoms include lightheadedness, pain, pressure, or squeezing across the middle or center of chest, pain or discomfort in the arms, back, neck, jaw, or stomach, shortness of breath, cold sweats, nausea, weakness, and extreme fatigue. Treatment from a by-stander includes first, calling 9-1-1, next, try to give the person an aspirin or nitroglycerin pill. If the person is unconscious, begin hands-only CPR until professional help arrives.

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Answer: A person having a stroke may suddenly feel weak, numb, or paralyzed in the arm, leg, or face, especially on one side of the body. He or she may stumble and have other difficulty walking. Vision may become blurry, or the person may start seeing double. Slurred speech is a common sign, as is an inability to find the right words or to repeat a simple sentence. A sudden and severe headache is also common, and may be accompanied by dizziness or vomiting. Consciousness may be altered, and the person may suddenly seem confused or experience delusions. Treatment from a by-stander includes first, call 9-1-1, next make note of the time you first noticed the symptoms, and do not give CPR unless the person is unconscious and has no pulse.

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Answer: D
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