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seterria seterria
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6 years ago
Social problems occur when groups with different values meet and compete. This statement describes __________ theory.
  a. value-conflict
  b. social disorganization
  c. social pathology
  d. labeling

In their work, scholars who adopt a conflict perspective on deviance usually emphasize how ___________.
  a. existing institutions can be improved through minor reforms
  b. rehabilitation programs can change people by shifting the blame for problems in social populations
  c. inequalities of wealth and power seem to account for the distribution of social problems in populations
  d. police forces can be made more effective

The conflict view of deviance emphasizes __________.
  a. the underlying value consensus of a society and why rules are broken
  b. the characteristics of people who commit crimes
  c. the career patterns adopted by criminals
  d. differences in the power of different groups or classes in society

Which perspective, concerned with power, is based on the belief that social problems arise out of major contradictions in the way societies are organized, contradictions that lead to large-scale conflict between those who have access to the good
  life and those who do not? a. symbolic interactionist
  b. functionalist
  c. institution building
  d. conflict

Which classic figure from early sociology made major contributions to the conflict perspective on social problems?
  a. Herbert Spencer
  b. Edward Risso
  c. Karl Marx
  d. Emile Durkheim

The __________ perspective on social problems is based on the belief that social problems arise out of major contradictions, leading to contention between those who have access to the good life, and those who do not.
  a. functionalist
  b. conflict
  c. symbolic interactionist
  d. social disorganization

A more modern version of the functionalist perspective attempts to show how people reorganize their lives to cope with new conditions, resulting in new kinds of organizations and/or whole new institutions.
  Research focusing on these attempts is __________. a. institution-building
  b. social pathology
  c. value conflict
  d. disequilibrium

Social disorganization can be manifested in three major ways, which are: __________.
  a. positive, negative, and neutral conditions
  b. normlessness, culture conflict, and breakdown
  c. rootlessness, anomalies, coping, and disorder
  d. hyper-order, disorder, and order

According to the __________ perspective, societies fear most the crimes that threaten their members' most cherished values, and individuals who dare to challenge those values will receive the most severe punishments.
  a. functionalist
  b. conflict
  c. interactionist
  d. developmental

How do functionalists answer the question of why particular crimes are committed and punished in some societies, but not in others?
  a. Each society has its own unique definition of what is criminal, and punishes accordingly.
  b. Individuals whose crimes challenge or threaten society's most cherished values will be punished more severely.
  c. Each society will punish the members of minority groups more severely than the members of dominant groups.
  d. Since there is an element of chance in being caught, different crimes will be severely punished in different societies.
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