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buttsuni buttsuni
Posts: 515
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6 years ago
Which of the following scenarios is an example of separation anxiety?

a. Tommy hits his 10-month-old brother, John. Now, whenever John sees Tommy in the room, John begins to
  b. Kerry has been in day care since she was three months old. She has always seemed happy there. But now she
  is 10 months old and has started to cry every morning as soon as she sees the door to the day care center.
  c. Andrea is laying in her crib, about to fall asleep. A car backfires outside her window and Andrea begins to cry.
  d. Adrian's mother walks into a crowded store, holding Adrian in her arms. Adrian looks at the strangers in the
  room and pushes away from his mother's arms.

Kerry has always been a happy, friendly baby. At six months of age though she all of a sudden turns her head away
  and hides her face in her mother's shoulder when someone approaches her in public. Kerry is exhibiting


a. separation anxiety.
  b. stranger anxiety.
  c. transitional anxiety.
  d. agoraphobia

Skyler is chasing his cat Tater. He catches Tater and pulls its tail. Tater turns around and scratches Skyler. Skyler runs
  to his mother and cries, Mommy, kitty, ouch, no Skyler is demonstrating


a. telegraphic speech.
  b. holophrastic speech.
  c. comprehensive language.
  d. infant-directed speech.

Mikey has a pet cat that he refers to as kitty. He visits a friend's house where they have a rabbit. Mikey points to the
  rabbit and says, Kitty. Mikey is demonstrating


a. holophrastic speech.
  b. telegraphic speech


c. poor expressive language.
  d. overextension.

Craig and his friend Jose are playing. Craig grabs Jose's truck and runs away yelling, Truck. Jose turns to his
  mother, cries, and says, Truck Craig's mother retrieves the truck and gives it back to Jose. Jose smiles and says,
  Truck. These babies are demonstrating


a. a lack of social skills.
  b. holophrastic speech.
  c. overextension.
  d. telegraphic speech

Which of the following statements is FALSE about infant communication?

a. Babies need to hear speech from birth or they will not begin to babble at the appropriate age.
  b. Although all babies eventually develop all forms of speech, babies from different racial and cultural
  backgrounds develop these forms of speech in different sequences.
  c. By the end of the first year, a baby's expressive language is better than its receptive language.
  d. Babies prefer adult speech to baby talk.

Which of the following statements is FALSE about research in information processing?

a. Research suggests that parents should schedule structured teaching sessions with their infants to facilitate
  learning and enhance infant/parent interactions.
  b. Research suggests that babies may achieve object permanence earlier than Piaget suggested.
  c. Research suggests that babies have an innate core of knowledge of the world.
  d. Research suggests that information processing may be used to identify children at risk of developing learning

The ability to transfer information gained from one sense to another sense is referred to as

a. cross-modal transfer.
  b. sensory transfer.
  c. categorization.
  d. All of the above.

Researchers can determine how babies process information by measuring how long it takes a baby to stop paying
  attention to the same stimulus. This is called


a. habituation.
  b. dishabituation.
  c. categorization.
  d. boredom.

Seth's mom hides the bear under a shoe box and then puts the box under a cloth while Seth watches. She then takes the
  box off the bear and sets the box beside the cloth. Seth can see the bear through the cloth and picks up the cloth to get the
  bear. Seth now understands


a. problem solving.
  b. secondary circular reactions.
  c. invisible displacements.
  d. goal directed behavior

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